Uses of Interface
Packages that use ISupportMask
Provide classes for initialization and entry point to iDempiere web client.
Provide entry point for access to UI extensions.
Provide entry point for access to UI extensions.
Provide viewer for accounting posting (Fact_Acct)
Provide interface and classes for AD window implementation (AD_Window,AD_Tab and AD_Field)
Provide process, drill assistant, feedback request and callout dialog implementation.
Provide global search and label search component.
Provide global search and label search component.
Provide implementation of iDempiere form.
Provide class and interface for chart (AD_Chart), performance indicator (PA_Goal) and document status indicator (PA_DocumentStatus) implementation.
Provide implementation classes for workflow editor and workflow activities form
Custom Zk components for iDempiere
Implementation of desktop dashboard and dashboard gadgets.
Provide interface and classes for implementation of iDempiere desktop
Implement quick entry form for field
Implement info panel and info window
Provide implementation of AD_Form window, info panel, help controller, tab editor form, some custom panel, dialog and window.
Provide interface and classes for UI block and desktop windows (tabs) controller.
Provide implementation for HTML report extension
Provide implementation of various system dialog and windows
Interface for media viewer
Uses of ISupportMask in org.adempiere.webui
Classes in org.adempiere.webui that implement ISupportMaskModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Window to show and print shipping label image from attachmentclass
Helper class forISupportMask
Window to show and print shipping label in html and image formatclass
Maintain Value Preferences.class
Manage login window for login and role selectionMethods in org.adempiere.webui that return ISupportMaskModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic ISupportMask
(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component child, Class<?> parentClass) find nearest parent of child component that implementISupportMask
if parentClass !static ISupportMask
(org.zkoss.zul.Window window, org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component childOfOwn, int ownModel) show window with a mask below.Methods in org.adempiere.webui with parameters of type ISupportMaskModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected static void
(org.zkoss.zul.Window window, ISupportMask mask) Show window in center of mask -
Uses of ISupportMask in org.adempiere.webui.acct
Classes in org.adempiere.webui.acct that implement ISupportMask -
Uses of ISupportMask in org.adempiere.webui.adwindow
Classes in org.adempiere.webui.adwindow that implement ISupportMaskModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Abstract base class for header+details AD_Tabs UI for AD_Window.class
Abstract controller class for the content of AD Window (toolbar+breadcrumb+tabs+statusbar).class
Controller for AD_Window UIclass
Controller forADWindow
Header and detail controller for AD_Tabs.
This class manage a list of tabs with the current selected tab as the visibleADTabpanel
Child tabs of selected tab is shown inDetailPane
.static class
implementation for DetailPane. -
Uses of ISupportMask in org.adempiere.webui.apps
Classes in org.adempiere.webui.apps that implement ISupportMaskModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Abstract dialog base class for execution of process/report.class
Blocking in progress dialog.class
Window to capture feedback request from user.class
Help for AD Window with contents generated from AD definition.class
Embedded window to start process or report.class
Modal Dialog to Start process.class
Drill assistant dialog -
Uses of ISupportMask in org.adempiere.webui.apps.form
Classes in org.adempiere.webui.apps.form that implement ISupportMaskModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Form to compare suggested text from AD_CtxHelpSuggestion with the original text from AD_CtxHelpMsg.class
Form to compare suggested text from AD_FieldSuggestion with the original text from AD_Field.class
Product Attribute Table.class
Form to create order, invoice or project lines from BOM.class
Create from form windowclass
Window for create from formclass
Fixed length file import.
Import data from text file into DB with definition from AD_ImpFormat.class
Window for use together withGenForm
to support the select source document and generate new target document UI pattern.class
Custom form forWMerge
Window forIPaymentForm
A Custom Form to manage plugins in iDempiereclass
Quick entry form.class
A Custom Form to specify and process SQL statements.class
A Custom Form to process SQL queries. -
Uses of ISupportMask in org.adempiere.webui.apps.graph
Classes in org.adempiere.webui.apps.graph that implement ISupportMask -
Uses of ISupportMask in
Classes in that implement ISupportMaskModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Workflow editor formclass
Workflow activity form -
Uses of ISupportMask in org.adempiere.webui.component
Classes in org.adempiere.webui.component that implement ISupportMaskModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Tabpanel use byDefaultDesktop
to display each open window (AD Window, form, process dialog, etc) as tab.class
Directory and File Browserclass
Messagebox : Replaces ZK's Messageboxclass
Dialog to displayProcessInfo
Uses of ISupportMask in org.adempiere.webui.dashboard
Classes in org.adempiere.webui.dashboard that implement ISupportMaskModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Calendar windowclass
Base class for dashboard gadget/widgetclass
Dashboard gadget: Zk Calendar.class
Dashboard gadget forWDocumentStatusPanel
Dashboard gadget: User favourites - Tree based view organizeclass
Dashboard gadget: Google calendarclass
Dashboard gadget: Menu Treeclass
Dashboard gadget: Performance Indicatorsclass
Dashboard gadget: Recent Itemsclass
Dashboard gadget: running background jobs (Run As Job in Process Dialog).class
Dashboard gadget: List of Info viewsclass
Window for Request Eventclass
Favourite add or edit folder dialogclass
Dialog to manage auto launch favourite items.class
Window for request -
Uses of ISupportMask in org.adempiere.webui.desktop
Classes in org.adempiere.webui.desktop that implement ISupportMask -
Uses of ISupportMask in org.adempiere.webui.grid
Classes in org.adempiere.webui.grid that implement ISupportMaskModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Quick Entry Window.
Based on class WQuickEntry by Carlos Ruizclass
Quick Entry Window -
Uses of ISupportMask in
Classes in that implement ISupportMaskModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Info window for A_Assetclass
Info window for S_ResourceAssignmentclass
Info window for C_BPartnerclass
Info window for M_InOutclass
Info window for C_Invoiceclass
Info window for C_Orderclass
Deprecated.not useclass
Deprecated.not useclass
Info window for C_Paymentclass
Info window for M_Productclass
AD_InfoWindow implementation -
Uses of ISupportMask in org.adempiere.webui.panel
Classes in org.adempiere.webui.panel that implement ISupportMaskModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Abstract base class for iDempiere Web UI custom form (AD_Form).class
Window to view and acknowledge messages from AD_BroadcastMessageclass
Change Password dialogclass
Empty ADForm for form controller to render to.class
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.class
Zk Portclass
Abstract base class for info panel and info window.
Info window that works in two mode.class
Display Product Attribute Set Instance Infoclass
Search by Product Attribute.class
Invoice Price History for BPartner/Productclass
Login panel ofLoginWindow
Reset Password Panelclass
Select role panel ofLoginWindow
Multi factor authentication panelclass
Attachment windowclass
Document action dialogclass
Dialog to select how many days back history is included as part of queryclass
Form to capture process parameters for scheduler, etcclass
Wizard panel to select printed print format itemsclass
Wizard panel to edit order of printed print format itemsclass
Wizard panel to edit sorting of print formatclass
Wizard panel to edit grouping of print formatclass
Wizard panel to edit summary related properties of print format items (IsSummary, IsCounted, IsAveraged, etc)class
Abstract base class to create wizard panel to edit properties of print format items.class
Window to view and manage scheduling of resources (S_Resource and S_ResourceAssignment)class
Form to visually layout AD_Tab -
Uses of ISupportMask in org.adempiere.webui.part
Classes in org.adempiere.webui.part that implement ISupportMaskModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Abstract base class for UI block controllerclass
Controller for multiple tab UI block.class
Controller for multiple desktop windows (tabs). -
Uses of ISupportMask in
Classes in that implement ISupportMask -
Uses of ISupportMask in org.adempiere.webui.window
Classes in org.adempiere.webui.window that implement ISupportMaskModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
About dialog for iDempiereclass
Dialog to customize grid view layoutclass
Error window in error.zul
Remove SSO Principal from session when error.class
Find/Search Records dialog.class
Schedule - Resource availability and assignment.class
Login windowclass
Dialog to download multiple filesclass
Simple dialog to show PDF documentfinal class
Dialog to enter Account Infoclass
Resource Assignment Dialogclass
Chat dialog (CM_Chat)class
Dialog to capture suggestion for context help (AD_CtxHelp)class
Form to customize grid view for AD_UserDef_Tabclass
Send EMail Dialogclass
Dialog to view field change log historyclass
Dialog to submit field suggestion (AD_FieldSuggestion)class
Dialog to select dashboard content for userclass
Dialog to view, remove or upload new image (AD_Image)class
Dialog to view and edit location addressclass
Dialog for warehouse locatorclass
Dialog to view, upload new, remove or download media.class
Product Instance/Non-Instance attribute Dialog.class
Product Attribute Set Instance (for instance attributes) view and selection dialog.class
Dialog for post it note (AD_PostIt)class
User preference dialogclass
Record Access Dialog (AD_Record_Access)class
Dialog to edit Record_ID or Record_UU fieldclass
Record Info (Who) With Change Historyclass
Dialog to export and download reportclass
Dialog to upload report to external storage service (for e.g Google Drive)class
Dialog to execute OS Taskclass
Text editor dialog with plain text and HTML editor tabclass
Viewer for jasper reportclass
Report Viewer. -
Uses of ISupportMask in
Classes in that implement ISupportMaskModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Dialog to provide option to upload or view media