Package org.adempiere.webui.apps
package org.adempiere.webui.apps
Provide process, drill assistant, feedback request and callout dialog implementation.
Provide global search and label search component. Provide static application environment and utilities methods. Provide handler of report action toolbar button.
Provide global search and label search component. Provide static application environment and utilities methods. Provide handler of report action toolbar button.
ClassDescriptionAbstract dialog base class for execution of process/report.Static application environment and utilities methods.Background job for process (AD_Process)Callable to run process as background job.
Send email or notice notification to user upon completion of job.Blocking in progress dialog.ShowBusyDialog
and invokeRunnable
task.Callout Dialog used to ask for input from user.If your background task need access to desktop, wrap your runnable with this, i.e new DesktopRunnable(yourRunnable, desktop).
You can then use AEnv.getDesktop() in your runnable to get access to desktop.Value class to hold search resultWindow to capture feedback request from user.Global search component at desktop header.Help for AD Window with contents generated from AD definition.Listener interface for process parameter panel.
Implementation must be thread safe.Component to search AD_Label* records.Controller for search on AD_Label* records.Value object for AD_Menu.Controller for search on AD_Menu records.Embedded window to start process or report.Modal Dialog to Start process.Process Parameter Panel.
Embedded inProcessDialog
Capture parameters input, validate and save to DB.Drill assistant dialogZk client controller for execution of process.Launch report for table (immediate or through popup menu, depends on the number of print format discover for AD_Table_ID and AD_Window_ID).