Uses of Package
Packages that use org.compiere.model
Provide interface and default implementation of iDempiere core services (model factory, callout factory, etc)
Provide interface and classes for working with and handling different types of OSGi events
Provide classes and annotation for OSGi event handling.
Provide method annotations for handling of document action and posting events
Provide interface and classes for single sign on support.
Provide interface and classes for external upload support.
Provide exception classes
Provide classes for import and export of data using csv or excel format
One of the package that provide extended model class for iDempiere core tables.
Provide generic PO implementation that doesn't use generated model class.
Provide interface for tax provider, shipment processor, zoom provider and address validation.
Provide iDempiere model interface (I_*) wrapper for PO and GridTab.
Provide implementation of order promotion rule and zoom across targets.
Provide generic PO implementation that doesn't use generated model class.
Provide interface for tax provider, shipment processor, zoom provider and address validation.
Provide iDempiere model interface (I_*) wrapper for PO and GridTab.
Provide implementation of order promotion rule and zoom across targets.
Provide implementation of print data export to excel format.
One of the package that provide implementation of iDempiere core processes.
Provide utility and helper classes.
Provide server context implementation.
Provide classes for generation of model and interfaces for table.
Provide server context implementation.
Provide classes for generation of model and interfaces for table.
Provide classes for initialization and entry point to iDempiere web client.
Provide entry point for access to UI extensions.
Provide entry point for access to UI extensions.
Provide viewer for accounting posting (Fact_Acct)
Provide interface and classes for AD window implementation (AD_Window,AD_Tab and AD_Field)
Provide process, drill assistant, feedback request and callout dialog implementation.
Provide global search and label search component.
Provide global search and label search component.
Provide implementation of iDempiere form.
Provide class and interface for chart (AD_Chart), performance indicator (PA_Goal) and document status indicator (PA_DocumentStatus) implementation.
Value object class for chart and performance indicator
Custom Zk components for iDempiere
Implementation of desktop dashboard and dashboard gadgets.
Provide interface and classes for implementation of iDempiere desktop
Implement field editors
Implement field editor for
and DisplayType.SingleSelectionGrid
.Provide interface and classes for handling of UI and model event
Provide factory implementation for various UI objects
Implement quick entry form for field
Implement info panel and info window
Provide implementation of AD_Form window, info panel, help controller, tab editor form, some custom panel, dialog and window.
Provide some iDempiere process and process parameter listener implementation
Provide editor implementation for scheduler state (
)Session and context management
Provide utility (static methods) classes, process factory and server push template
Provide implementation of various system dialog and windows
Provide class for startup, system info and global thread pool.
Provide classes for posting of accounting document to the fact table (
.Base class and interface for process controller, process parameter controller and status bar
Base classes for UI form.
Provide interface and classes for DB integration.
Provide interface and classes for table partitioning support
Base class for Create From and Payment Capture form
Provide import implementation for AD_ImpFormat and AD_ImpFormat_Row.
Provide bank statement loading and matching integration support.
Provide bank statement loading and matching integration support.
Interface and model for list view
This is the package that contains the majority of iDempiere's generated model class and interface.
Provide majority of iDempiere's extended model class (M*).
Provide majority of iDempiere's extended model class (M*).
Provide interface and classes for iDempiere reporting engine.
Provide layout and element implementation for iDempiere reporting engine
Provide classes and interface for iDempiere process.
Provide implementation for iDempiere financial report writer
Provide utility classes for text file processing
Provide implementation for conversion of amount to word.
Provide cache, server log, JDBC interface, field display/data type, transaction, email, INI properties, security key store, encryption and environment context implementation.
Provide cache, server log, JDBC interface, field display/data type, transaction, email, INI properties, security key store, encryption and environment context implementation.
Provide iDempiere workflow engine implementation
Provide extended and generated model class and interface for tables.
Provide interface and classes for thread safe PO cache implementation
Provide callout, mapped model factory and process parameter interface
Provide interface and classes for custom report header and footer
Provide interface and classes for report engine content rendering service
Provide mapped process factory implementation.
Provide classes for some iDempiere process.
Provide classes for some iDempiere process.
Interface for media viewer
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.adempiere.apps.graphClassDescriptionPerformance AchievementExtended model class for AD_ChartPerformance GoalPerformance Measure CalculationProject Type ModelQuery Descriptor.Request Type Model
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.adempiere.baseClassDescriptionCallout Interface for column/field.Grid Field Model.Field Model Value ObjectTab ModelGenerated Interface for AD_PrintHeaderFooterGenerated Interface for C_InvoiceLineGenerated Interface for C_OrderLineGenerated Interface for C_ProjectLineGenerated Interface for M_RequisitionLineGenerated Interface for M_RMALineInfo Column Value ObjectBase Class for MLookup, MLocator, MLocation and MAccount (only single value).
Maintains selectable data as NamePairs in ArrayList.
The objects itself may be shared by the lookup implementation (usually HashMap).Accounting Schema ModelAddress validation modelAuthorization AccountBank Account Payment ProcessorModel ValidatorTax provider modelInterface for payment recordAbstract Payment Processor base classAbstract base class for Persistent Object.Generated Model for AD_Package_Imp_Proc -
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.adempiere.base.eventClassDescriptionAccounting Schema ModelClient ModelRequest ModelRequest History ModelUser ModelAbstract base class for Persistent Object.Print Info
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.adempiere.base.event.annotations
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.adempiere.base.event.annotations.doc
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.adempiere.base.sso
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.adempiere.base.upload
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.adempiere.exceptionsClassDescriptionGenerated Interface for C_BPartnerGenerated Interface for M_LocatorGenerated Interface for M_WarehouseAbstract base class for Persistent Object.
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.adempiere.impexp
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.adempiere.modelClassDescriptionCallout Interface for column/field.Callout Engine.Grid Field Model.Tab ModelGenerated Interface for AD_BroadcastMessageGenerated Interface for AD_InfoProcessGenerated Interface for AD_InfoRelatedGenerated Interface for AD_RelationTypeGenerated Interface for AD_Tab_CustomizationGenerated Interface for AD_WizardProcessGenerated Interface for AD_Wlistbox_CustomizationModel to record address validation transaction (usually online)Client ModelInfo Window Column ModelInvoice Model.Invoice Line ModelModel Validation EngineModel ValidatorOrder Model.Order Line Model.Query Descriptor.Configuration for
RMA ModelRMA Line ModelShipper ModelOnline shipping transaction modelTax provider modelAbstract base class for Persistent Object.Persistent Object Info.Generated Model for AD_BroadcastMessageGenerated Model for AD_InfoProcessGenerated Model for AD_InfoRelatedGenerated Model for AD_RelationTypeGenerated Model for AD_Tab_CustomizationGenerated Model for AD_WizardProcessGenerated Model for AD_Wlistbox_Customization -
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.adempiere.pipo.srv
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.adempiere.pipo2ClassDescriptionTab ModelAbstract base class for Persistent Object.Generated Model for AD_Package_Imp_DetailGenerated Model for AD_Package_Imp_Proc
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.adempiere.print.export
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.adempiere.processClassDescriptionAttachment Model.Column ModelOrder Model.Shipper label modelOnline shipping transaction model
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.adempiere.process.rpl
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.adempiere.process.rpl.expClassDescriptionClient ModelAbstract base class for Persistent Object.
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.adempiere.process.rpl.imp
Classes in org.compiere.model used by
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.adempiere.server
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.adempiere.utilClassDescriptionTab ModelBusiness Partner ModelBP Bank Account ModelAn intelligent MutableComboBoxModel, which determines what can be cached.Query Descriptor.
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.adempiere.webuiClassDescriptionGrid Field Model.Tab ModelIndividual Attachment Entry of MAttachmentQuery Descriptor.User ModelAbstract base class for Persistent Object.Event for the start up and shutdown of iDempiere server instance.Listener interface for
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.adempiere.webui.acct
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.adempiere.webui.adwindowClassDescriptionData Status EventListener Interface for
Grid Field Model.Tab ModelGrid Table Model for JDBC table access, including buffering.Window ModelImage Model (DisplayType = 32)Query Descriptor.Extended model class for AD_ToolBarButtonUser Query ModelState change event forGridTab
Listener interface forStateChangeEvent
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.adempiere.webui.appsClassDescriptionWindow ModelWindow Model Value ObjectBase Class for MLookup, MLocator, MLocation and MAccount (only single value).
Maintains selectable data as NamePairs in ArrayList.
The objects itself may be shared by the lookup implementation (usually HashMap).Client ModelAn intelligent MutableComboBoxModel, which determines what can be cached.Process Instance ModelProcess Instance Parameter ModelQuery Descriptor.Request ModelAbstract base class for Persistent Object. -
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.adempiere.webui.apps.formClassDescriptionData Status EventListener Interface for
Grid Field Model.Tab ModelProcess Instance Parameter Model -
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.adempiere.webui.apps.graphClassDescriptionNamed status of records in a table via SQL criteriaPerformance Goal
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.adempiere.webui.apps.graph.model
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.adempiere.webui.componentClassDescriptionInfo Column Value ObjectForm ModelImage Model (DisplayType = 32)Info Window ModelBuilds Tree.Mutable Tree Node (not a PO).Abstract base class for Persistent Object.
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.adempiere.webui.dashboardClassDescriptionProcess Instance ModelFavorite Tree Node ModelMutable Tree Node (not a PO).Generated Model for R_RequestType
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.adempiere.webui.desktopClassDescriptionGrid Field Model.Tab ModelQuery Descriptor.Mutable Tree Node (not a PO).
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.adempiere.webui.editorClassDescriptionGrid Field Model.Tab ModelBase Class for MLookup, MLocator, MLocation and MAccount (only single value).
Maintains selectable data as NamePairs in ArrayList.
The objects itself may be shared by the lookup implementation (usually HashMap).Address Location Lookup Model.Warehouse Locator Lookup Model. -
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.adempiere.webui.editor.grid.selection
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.adempiere.webui.event
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.adempiere.webui.factoryClassDescriptionGrid Field Model.Tab ModelBase Class for MLookup, MLocator, MLocation and MAccount (only single value).
Maintains selectable data as NamePairs in ArrayList.
The objects itself may be shared by the lookup implementation (usually HashMap). -
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.adempiere.webui.grid
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.adempiere.webui.infoClassDescriptionTable Info VOGrid Field Model.Info Column Value ObjectInfo Window Model
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.adempiere.webui.panelClassDescriptionData Status EventGrid Field Model.Tab ModelRelated Info Value ObjectInfo Window Column ModelInfo Window ModelNote ModelUser ModelUser, role, organization or tenant overrides of tab model
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.adempiere.webui.process
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.adempiere.webui.scheduler
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.adempiere.webui.session
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.adempiere.webui.utilClassDescriptionTab ModelGenerated Interface for AD_PreferenceImage Model (DisplayType = 32)Preference ModelQuery Descriptor.Session Model.User ModelAbstract base class for Persistent Object.Generated Model for AD_Preference
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.adempiere.webui.windowClassDescriptionData Status EventListener Interface for
Grid Field Model.Tab ModelCombination of account element and segment valuesAccount Model Lookup - Maintains ValidCombination Info for Display and Edit - not cachedAttachment Model.Product AttributeProduct Attribute Set InstanceAuthorization AccountChat Entry ModelContext Help Message ModelDashboard preferenceImage Model (DisplayType = 32)Location (Address)Warehouse Locator Lookup Model.An intelligent MutableComboBoxModel, which determines what can be cached.Mail Template Model.Query Descriptor.Resource Assignment ModelWindow Tab ModelOperating System Task ModelUser ModelUser Query ModelAbstract base class for Persistent Object.Print Info -
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.compiere
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.compiere.acctClassDescriptionGenerated Interface for Fact_AcctCombination of account element and segment valuesAccounting Schema ModelAllocation Line ModelBank Statement ModelBank Statement Line ModelCash Line ModelCost Detail ModelGL Journal ModelPayment Model.Product ModelAbstract base class for Persistent Object.Product Cost Model.Generated Model for Fact_Acct
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.compiere.apps
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.compiere.apps.formClassDescriptionGrid Field Model.Tab ModelWindow ModelAllocation Model.Archive ModelField ModelPayment Batch ModelAP Payment SelectionPayment Print/Export model.Product ModelQuery Descriptor.Window Tab ModelBuilds Tree.
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.compiere.db
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.compiere.db.partitionClassDescriptionColumn ModelPersistent Table ModelGenerated Model for AD_TablePartition
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.compiere.gridClassDescriptionTab ModelBank Account Payment ProcessorCash Line ModelInvoice Model.Order Model.Payment Model.Online payment transactionRMA ModelAbstract base class for Persistent Object.
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.compiere.impexpClassDescriptionGenerated Interface for AD_ImpFormatGenerated Interface for AD_ImpFormat_RowBank Statement Line ModelBank Statement Loader Model.Abstract base class for Persistent Object.Generated Model for AD_ImpFormatGenerated Model for AD_ImpFormat_RowGenerated Model for I_BankStatement
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.compiere.minigridClassDescriptionGrid Field Model.Info Window Column ModelInfo Window ModelAbstract base class for Persistent Object.
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.compiere.modelClassDescriptionTable Info VOBackground Processor InterfaceAdditional Background Processor InterfaceBackground Processor Log InterfaceCallout Interface for column/field.Callout Engine.Database foreign or primary keyData Status EventListener Interface for
Document Value Workflow ManagerInterface for posting validatorGrid Field Model.Field Model Value ObjectTab ModelGrid Table Model for JDBC table access, including buffering.Tab Model Value ObjectWindow ModelWindow Model Value ObjectGenerated Interface for A_AssetGenerated Interface for A_Asset_AcctGenerated Interface for A_Asset_AdditionGenerated Interface for A_Asset_ChangeGenerated Interface for A_Asset_ClassGenerated Interface for A_Asset_DeliveryGenerated Interface for A_Asset_DisposedGenerated Interface for A_Asset_GroupGenerated Interface for A_Asset_Group_AcctGenerated Interface for A_Asset_Info_FinGenerated Interface for A_Asset_Info_InsGenerated Interface for A_Asset_Info_LicGenerated Interface for A_Asset_Info_OthGenerated Interface for A_Asset_Info_TaxGenerated Interface for A_Asset_ProductGenerated Interface for A_Asset_RetirementGenerated Interface for A_Asset_RevalGenerated Interface for A_Asset_Reval_EntryGenerated Interface for A_Asset_Reval_IndexGenerated Interface for A_Asset_SplitGenerated Interface for A_Asset_TransferGenerated Interface for A_Asset_TypeGenerated Interface for A_Asset_UseGenerated Interface for A_DepreciationGenerated Interface for A_Depreciation_BuildGenerated Interface for A_Depreciation_ConventionGenerated Interface for A_Depreciation_EntryGenerated Interface for A_Depreciation_ExpGenerated Interface for A_Depreciation_ForecastGenerated Interface for A_Depreciation_MethodGenerated Interface for A_Depreciation_Table_DetailGenerated Interface for A_Depreciation_Table_HeaderGenerated Interface for A_Depreciation_WorkfileGenerated Interface for A_FundingModeGenerated Interface for A_FundingMode_AcctGenerated Interface for A_RegistrationGenerated Interface for A_RegistrationAttributeGenerated Interface for A_RegistrationProductGenerated Interface for A_RegistrationValueGenerated Interface for AD_AccessLogGenerated Interface for AD_AlertGenerated Interface for AD_AlertProcessorGenerated Interface for AD_AlertProcessorLogGenerated Interface for AD_AlertRecipientGenerated Interface for AD_AlertRuleGenerated Interface for AD_AllClients_VGenerated Interface for AD_AllUsers_VGenerated Interface for AD_ArchiveGenerated Interface for AD_AttachmentGenerated Interface for AD_AttachmentNoteGenerated Interface for AD_AttributeGenerated Interface for AD_Attribute_ValueGenerated Interface for AD_AuthorizationAccountGenerated Interface for AD_AuthorizationCredentialGenerated Interface for AD_AuthorizationProviderGenerated Interface for AD_AuthorizationScopeProvGenerated Interface for AD_BroadcastMessageGenerated Interface for AD_ChangeLogGenerated Interface for AD_ChartGenerated Interface for AD_ChartDatasourceGenerated Interface for AD_ClientGenerated Interface for AD_ClientInfoGenerated Interface for AD_ClientShareGenerated Interface for AD_ColorGenerated Interface for AD_ColumnGenerated Interface for AD_Column_AccessGenerated Interface for AD_CtxHelpGenerated Interface for AD_CtxHelpMsgGenerated Interface for AD_CtxHelpSuggestionGenerated Interface for AD_Document_Action_AccessGenerated Interface for AD_ElementGenerated Interface for AD_EntityTypeGenerated Interface for AD_ErrorGenerated Interface for AD_FieldGenerated Interface for AD_FieldGroupGenerated Interface for AD_FieldSuggestionGenerated Interface for AD_FindGenerated Interface for AD_FormGenerated Interface for AD_Form_AccessGenerated Interface for AD_HouseKeepingGenerated Interface for AD_ImageGenerated Interface for AD_ImpFormatGenerated Interface for AD_ImpFormat_RowGenerated Interface for AD_ImportTemplateGenerated Interface for AD_ImportTemplateAccessGenerated Interface for AD_IndexColumnGenerated Interface for AD_InfoColumnGenerated Interface for AD_InfoProcessGenerated Interface for AD_InfoRelatedGenerated Interface for AD_InfoWindowGenerated Interface for AD_InfoWindow_AccessGenerated Interface for AD_IssueGenerated Interface for AD_LabelGenerated Interface for AD_LabelAssignmentGenerated Interface for AD_LabelCategoryGenerated Interface for AD_LabelCategoryTableGenerated Interface for AD_LabelPrinterGenerated Interface for AD_LabelPrinterFunctionGenerated Interface for AD_LanguageGenerated Interface for AD_LdapAccessGenerated Interface for AD_LdapProcessorGenerated Interface for AD_LdapProcessorLogGenerated Interface for AD_MenuGenerated Interface for AD_MessageGenerated Interface for AD_MigrationScriptGenerated Interface for AD_ModelGeneratorTemplateGenerated Interface for AD_ModelValidatorGenerated Interface for AD_ModificationGenerated Interface for AD_NoteGenerated Interface for AD_OrgGenerated Interface for AD_OrgInfoGenerated Interface for AD_OrgTypeGenerated Interface for AD_Package_ExpGenerated Interface for AD_Package_Exp_DetailGenerated Interface for AD_Package_ImpGenerated Interface for AD_Package_Imp_BackupGenerated Interface for AD_Package_Imp_DetailGenerated Interface for AD_Package_Imp_InstGenerated Interface for AD_Package_Imp_ProcGenerated Interface for AD_Package_UUID_MapGenerated Interface for AD_Password_HistoryGenerated Interface for AD_PasswordRuleGenerated Interface for AD_PInstanceGenerated Interface for AD_PInstance_LogGenerated Interface for AD_PInstance_ParaGenerated Interface for AD_PostItGenerated Interface for AD_PreferenceGenerated Interface for AD_PrintColorGenerated Interface for AD_PrintFontGenerated Interface for AD_PrintFormGenerated Interface for AD_PrintFormatGenerated Interface for AD_PrintFormatItemGenerated Interface for AD_PrintGraphGenerated Interface for AD_PrintHeaderFooterGenerated Interface for AD_PrintLabelGenerated Interface for AD_PrintLabelLineGenerated Interface for AD_PrintPaperGenerated Interface for AD_PrintTableFormatGenerated Interface for AD_Private_AccessGenerated Interface for AD_ProcessGenerated Interface for AD_Process_AccessGenerated Interface for AD_Process_DrillRuleGenerated Interface for AD_Process_DrillRule_ParaGenerated Interface for AD_Process_ParaGenerated Interface for AD_RecentItemGenerated Interface for AD_Record_AccessGenerated Interface for AD_Ref_ListGenerated Interface for AD_Ref_TableGenerated Interface for AD_ReferenceGenerated Interface for AD_RegistrationGenerated Interface for AD_RelationTypeGenerated Interface for AD_ReplicationGenerated Interface for AD_Replication_LogGenerated Interface for AD_Replication_RunGenerated Interface for AD_ReplicationDocumentGenerated Interface for AD_ReplicationStrategyGenerated Interface for AD_ReplicationTableGenerated Interface for AD_ReportViewGenerated Interface for AD_ReportView_ColGenerated Interface for AD_ReportView_ColumnGenerated Interface for AD_RoleGenerated Interface for AD_Role_IncludedGenerated Interface for AD_Role_OrgAccessGenerated Interface for AD_RuleGenerated Interface for AD_ScheduleGenerated Interface for AD_SchedulerGenerated Interface for AD_Scheduler_ParaGenerated Interface for AD_SchedulerLogGenerated Interface for AD_SchedulerRecipientGenerated Interface for AD_SearchDefinitionGenerated Interface for AD_SequenceGenerated Interface for AD_Sequence_AuditGenerated Interface for AD_Sequence_NoGenerated Interface for AD_SessionGenerated Interface for AD_SMTPGenerated Interface for AD_StatusLineGenerated Interface for AD_StatusLineUsedInGenerated Interface for AD_StorageProviderGenerated Interface for AD_StyleGenerated Interface for AD_StyleLineGenerated Interface for AD_SysConfigGenerated Interface for AD_SystemGenerated Interface for AD_TabGenerated Interface for AD_Tab_CustomizationGenerated Interface for AD_TableGenerated Interface for AD_Table_AccessGenerated Interface for AD_Table_ScriptValidatorGenerated Interface for AD_TableIndexGenerated Interface for AD_TablePartitionGenerated Interface for AD_TableValRuleGenerated Interface for AD_TaskGenerated Interface for AD_Task_AccessGenerated Interface for AD_TaskInstanceGenerated Interface for AD_ToolBarButtonGenerated Interface for AD_ToolBarButtonRestrictGenerated Interface for AD_TreeGenerated Interface for AD_Tree_FavoriteGenerated Interface for AD_Tree_Favorite_NodeGenerated Interface for AD_TreeBarGenerated Interface for AD_TreeNodeGenerated Interface for AD_TreeNodeBPGenerated Interface for AD_TreeNodeCMCGenerated Interface for AD_TreeNodeCMMGenerated Interface for AD_TreeNodeCMSGenerated Interface for AD_TreeNodeCMTGenerated Interface for AD_TreeNodeMMGenerated Interface for AD_TreeNodePRGenerated Interface for AD_TreeNodeU1Generated Interface for AD_TreeNodeU2Generated Interface for AD_TreeNodeU3Generated Interface for AD_TreeNodeU4Generated Interface for AD_UserGenerated Interface for AD_User_OrgAccessGenerated Interface for AD_User_RolesGenerated Interface for AD_User_SubstituteGenerated Interface for AD_UserBPAccessGenerated Interface for AD_UserDef_FieldGenerated Interface for AD_UserDef_InfoGenerated Interface for AD_UserDef_Info_ColumnGenerated Interface for AD_UserDef_Info_RelatedGenerated Interface for AD_UserDef_ProcGenerated Interface for AD_UserDef_Proc_ParameterGenerated Interface for AD_UserDef_TabGenerated Interface for AD_UserDef_ThemeGenerated Interface for AD_UserDef_Theme_DetailGenerated Interface for AD_UserDef_WinGenerated Interface for AD_UserMailGenerated Interface for AD_UserPreferenceGenerated Interface for AD_UserQueryGenerated Interface for AD_Val_RuleGenerated Interface for AD_VerifyMigrationGenerated Interface for AD_ViewColumnGenerated Interface for AD_ViewComponentGenerated Interface for AD_WF_ActivityGenerated Interface for AD_WF_ActivityApproverGenerated Interface for AD_WF_ActivityResultGenerated Interface for AD_WF_BlockGenerated Interface for AD_WF_EventAuditGenerated Interface for AD_WF_NextConditionGenerated Interface for AD_WF_NodeGenerated Interface for AD_WF_Node_ParaGenerated Interface for AD_WF_NodeNextGenerated Interface for AD_WF_ProcessGenerated Interface for AD_WF_ProcessDataGenerated Interface for AD_WF_ResponsibleGenerated Interface for AD_WindowGenerated Interface for AD_Window_AccessGenerated Interface for AD_WizardProcessGenerated Interface for AD_Wlistbox_CustomizationGenerated Interface for AD_WorkflowGenerated Interface for AD_Workflow_AccessGenerated Interface for AD_WorkflowProcessorGenerated Interface for AD_WorkflowProcessorLogGenerated Interface for AD_ZoomConditionGenerated Interface for ASP_ClientExceptionGenerated Interface for ASP_ClientLevelGenerated Interface for ASP_FieldGenerated Interface for ASP_FormGenerated Interface for ASP_LevelGenerated Interface for ASP_ModuleGenerated Interface for ASP_ProcessGenerated Interface for ASP_Process_ParaGenerated Interface for ASP_Ref_ListGenerated Interface for ASP_TabGenerated Interface for ASP_TaskGenerated Interface for ASP_WindowGenerated Interface for ASP_WorkflowGenerated Interface for B_BidGenerated Interface for B_BidCommentGenerated Interface for B_BuyerGenerated Interface for B_BuyerFundsGenerated Interface for B_OfferGenerated Interface for B_SellerGenerated Interface for B_SellerFundsGenerated Interface for B_TopicGenerated Interface for B_TopicCategoryGenerated Interface for B_TopicTypeGenerated Interface for C_1099BoxGenerated Interface for C_AcctProcessorGenerated Interface for C_AcctProcessorLogGenerated Interface for C_AcctSchemaGenerated Interface for C_AcctSchema_DefaultGenerated Interface for C_AcctSchema_ElementGenerated Interface for C_AcctSchema_GLGenerated Interface for C_ActivityGenerated Interface for C_AddressTransactionGenerated Interface for C_AddressValidationGenerated Interface for C_AddressValidationCfgGenerated Interface for C_AllocationHdrGenerated Interface for C_AllocationLineGenerated Interface for C_BankGenerated Interface for C_BankAccountGenerated Interface for C_BankAccount_AcctGenerated Interface for C_BankAccount_ProcessorGenerated Interface for C_BankAccountDocGenerated Interface for C_BankStatementGenerated Interface for C_BankStatementLineGenerated Interface for C_BankStatementLoaderGenerated Interface for C_BankStatementMatcherGenerated Interface for C_BankTransferGenerated Interface for C_BP_BankAccountGenerated Interface for C_BP_Customer_AcctGenerated Interface for C_BP_EDIGenerated Interface for C_BP_Employee_AcctGenerated Interface for C_BP_GroupGenerated Interface for C_BP_Group_AcctGenerated Interface for C_BP_RelationGenerated Interface for C_BP_ShippingAcctGenerated Interface for C_BP_Vendor_AcctGenerated Interface for C_BP_WithholdingGenerated Interface for C_BPartnerGenerated Interface for C_BPartner_LocationGenerated Interface for C_BPartner_ProductGenerated Interface for C_CalendarGenerated Interface for C_CampaignGenerated Interface for C_CashGenerated Interface for C_CashBookGenerated Interface for C_CashBook_AcctGenerated Interface for C_CashLineGenerated Interface for C_CashPlanGenerated Interface for C_CashPlanLineGenerated Interface for C_ChannelGenerated Interface for C_ChargeGenerated Interface for C_Charge_AcctGenerated Interface for C_ChargeTypeGenerated Interface for C_ChargeType_DocTypeGenerated Interface for C_CityGenerated Interface for C_CommissionGenerated Interface for C_CommissionAmtGenerated Interface for C_CommissionDetailGenerated Interface for C_CommissionLineGenerated Interface for C_CommissionRunGenerated Interface for C_ContactActivityGenerated Interface for C_Conversion_RateGenerated Interface for C_ConversionTypeGenerated Interface for C_CountryGenerated Interface for C_CountryGroupGenerated Interface for C_CountryGroupCountryGenerated Interface for C_CurrencyGenerated Interface for C_Currency_AcctGenerated Interface for C_CycleGenerated Interface for C_CyclePhaseGenerated Interface for C_CycleStepGenerated Interface for C_DepositBatchGenerated Interface for C_DepositBatchLineGenerated Interface for C_DocBaseGroupGenerated Interface for C_DocBaseGroupLineGenerated Interface for C_DocTypeGenerated Interface for C_DocTypeCounterGenerated Interface for C_DunningGenerated Interface for C_DunningLevelGenerated Interface for C_DunningRunGenerated Interface for C_DunningRunEntryGenerated Interface for C_DunningRunLineGenerated Interface for C_ElementGenerated Interface for C_ElementValueGenerated Interface for C_GreetingGenerated Interface for C_InterOrg_AcctGenerated Interface for C_InvoiceGenerated Interface for C_InvoiceBatchGenerated Interface for C_InvoiceBatchLineGenerated Interface for C_InvoiceLineGenerated Interface for C_InvoicePayScheduleGenerated Interface for C_InvoiceScheduleGenerated Interface for C_InvoiceTaxGenerated Interface for C_JobGenerated Interface for C_JobAssignmentGenerated Interface for C_JobCategoryGenerated Interface for C_JobRemunerationGenerated Interface for C_LandedCostGenerated Interface for C_LandedCostAllocationGenerated Interface for C_LocationGenerated Interface for C_NonBusinessDayGenerated Interface for C_OnlineTrxHistoryGenerated Interface for C_OpportunityGenerated Interface for C_OrderGenerated Interface for C_OrderLandedCostGenerated Interface for C_OrderLandedCostAllocationGenerated Interface for C_OrderLineGenerated Interface for C_OrderPayScheduleGenerated Interface for C_OrderSourceGenerated Interface for C_OrderTaxGenerated Interface for C_OrgAssignmentGenerated Interface for C_PaymentGenerated Interface for C_PaymentAllocateGenerated Interface for C_PaymentBatchGenerated Interface for C_PaymentProcessorGenerated Interface for C_PaymentTermGenerated Interface for C_PaymentTransactionGenerated Interface for C_PayScheduleGenerated Interface for C_PaySelectionGenerated Interface for C_PaySelectionCheckGenerated Interface for C_PaySelectionLineGenerated Interface for C_PeriodGenerated Interface for C_PeriodControlGenerated Interface for C_PhaseGenerated Interface for C_POSGenerated Interface for C_POSKeyGenerated Interface for C_POSKeyLayoutGenerated Interface for C_POSPaymentGenerated Interface for C_POSTenderTypeGenerated Interface for C_ProjectGenerated Interface for C_Project_AcctGenerated Interface for C_ProjectIssueGenerated Interface for C_ProjectIssueMAGenerated Interface for C_ProjectLineGenerated Interface for C_ProjectPhaseGenerated Interface for C_ProjectTaskGenerated Interface for C_ProjectTypeGenerated Interface for C_RecurringGenerated Interface for C_Recurring_RunGenerated Interface for C_RecurringGroupGenerated Interface for C_RegionGenerated Interface for C_RemunerationGenerated Interface for C_RevenueRecog_ServiceGenerated Interface for C_RevenueRecognitionGenerated Interface for C_RevenueRecognition_PlanGenerated Interface for C_RevenueRecognition_RunGenerated Interface for C_RfQGenerated Interface for C_RfQ_TopicGenerated Interface for C_RfQ_TopicSubscriberGenerated Interface for C_RfQ_TopicSubscriberOnlyGenerated Interface for C_RfQLineGenerated Interface for C_RfQLineQtyGenerated Interface for C_RfQResponseGenerated Interface for C_RfQResponseLineGenerated Interface for C_RfQResponseLineQtyGenerated Interface for C_SalesRegionGenerated Interface for C_SalesStageGenerated Interface for C_ServiceLevelGenerated Interface for C_ServiceLevelLineGenerated Interface for C_SubAcctGenerated Interface for C_SubscriptionGenerated Interface for C_Subscription_DeliveryGenerated Interface for C_SubscriptionTypeGenerated Interface for C_TaskGenerated Interface for C_TaxGenerated Interface for C_Tax_AcctGenerated Interface for C_TaxCategoryGenerated Interface for C_TaxDeclarationGenerated Interface for C_TaxDeclarationAcctGenerated Interface for C_TaxDeclarationLineGenerated Interface for C_TaxPostalGenerated Interface for C_TaxProviderGenerated Interface for C_TaxProviderCfgGenerated Interface for C_UOMGenerated Interface for C_UOM_ConversionGenerated Interface for C_UserRemunerationGenerated Interface for C_ValidCombinationGenerated Interface for C_WithholdingGenerated Interface for C_Withholding_AcctGenerated Interface for C_YearGenerated Interface for CM_ChatGenerated Interface for CM_ChatEntryGenerated Interface for CM_ChatTypeGenerated Interface for CM_ChatTypeUpdateGenerated Interface for CM_ChatUpdateGenerated Interface for EXP_FormatGenerated Interface for EXP_FormatLineGenerated Interface for EXP_ProcessorGenerated Interface for EXP_Processor_TypeGenerated Interface for EXP_ProcessorParameterGenerated Interface for Fact_AcctGenerated Interface for Fact_Acct_SummaryGenerated Interface for Fact_ReconciliationGenerated Interface for GL_BudgetGenerated Interface for GL_BudgetControlGenerated Interface for GL_CategoryGenerated Interface for GL_DistributionGenerated Interface for GL_DistributionLineGenerated Interface for GL_FundGenerated Interface for GL_FundRestrictionGenerated Interface for GL_JournalGenerated Interface for GL_JournalBatchGenerated Interface for GL_JournalGeneratorGenerated Interface for GL_JournalGeneratorLineGenerated Interface for GL_JournalGeneratorSourceGenerated Interface for GL_JournalLineGenerated Interface for I_AssetGenerated Interface for I_BankStatementGenerated Interface for I_BPartnerGenerated Interface for I_Conversion_RateGenerated Interface for I_ElementValueGenerated Interface for I_FAJournalGenerated Interface for I_FixedAssetGenerated Interface for I_GLJournalGenerated Interface for I_InOutLineConfirmGenerated Interface for I_InventoryGenerated Interface for I_InvoiceGenerated Interface for I_OrderGenerated Interface for I_PaymentGenerated Interface for I_PriceListGenerated Interface for I_ProductGenerated Interface for I_ReportLineGenerated Interface for IMP_ProcessorGenerated Interface for IMP_Processor_TypeGenerated Interface for IMP_ProcessorLogGenerated Interface for IMP_ProcessorParameterGenerated Interface for M_AttributeGenerated Interface for M_AttributeInstanceGenerated Interface for M_AttributeInstanceLineGenerated Interface for M_AttributeSearchGenerated Interface for M_AttributeSetGenerated Interface for M_AttributeSetExcludeGenerated Interface for M_AttributeSetInstanceGenerated Interface for M_AttributeUseGenerated Interface for M_AttributeValueGenerated Interface for M_BOMGenerated Interface for M_BOMAlternativeGenerated Interface for M_BOMProductGenerated Interface for M_BP_PriceGenerated Interface for M_ChangeNoticeGenerated Interface for M_ChangeRequestGenerated Interface for M_CommodityShipmentGenerated Interface for M_CostGenerated Interface for M_CostDetailGenerated Interface for M_CostElementGenerated Interface for M_CostHistoryGenerated Interface for M_CostQueueGenerated Interface for M_CostTypeGenerated Interface for M_DemandGenerated Interface for M_DemandDetailGenerated Interface for M_DemandLineGenerated Interface for M_DiscountSchemaGenerated Interface for M_DiscountSchemaBreakGenerated Interface for M_DiscountSchemaLineGenerated Interface for M_DistributionListGenerated Interface for M_DistributionListLineGenerated Interface for M_DistributionRunGenerated Interface for M_DistributionRunLineGenerated Interface for M_ForecastGenerated Interface for M_ForecastLineGenerated Interface for M_FreightGenerated Interface for M_FreightCategoryGenerated Interface for M_InOutGenerated Interface for M_InOutConfirmGenerated Interface for M_InOutLineGenerated Interface for M_InOutLineConfirmGenerated Interface for M_InOutLineMAGenerated Interface for M_InventoryGenerated Interface for M_InventoryLineGenerated Interface for M_InventoryLineMAGenerated Interface for M_LocatorGenerated Interface for M_LocatorTypeGenerated Interface for M_LotGenerated Interface for M_LotCtlGenerated Interface for M_LotCtlExcludeGenerated Interface for M_MatchInvGenerated Interface for M_MatchPOGenerated Interface for M_MovementGenerated Interface for M_MovementConfirmGenerated Interface for M_MovementLineGenerated Interface for M_MovementLineConfirmGenerated Interface for M_MovementLineMAGenerated Interface for M_OperationResourceGenerated Interface for M_PackageGenerated Interface for M_PackageLineGenerated Interface for M_PackageMPSGenerated Interface for M_PartTypeGenerated Interface for M_PerpetualInvGenerated Interface for M_PriceListGenerated Interface for M_PriceList_VersionGenerated Interface for M_ProductGenerated Interface for M_Product_AcctGenerated Interface for M_Product_BOMGenerated Interface for M_Product_CategoryGenerated Interface for M_Product_Category_AcctGenerated Interface for M_Product_POGenerated Interface for M_Product_QualityTestGenerated Interface for M_ProductDownloadGenerated Interface for M_ProductionGenerated Interface for M_ProductionLineGenerated Interface for M_ProductionLineMAGenerated Interface for M_ProductionPlanGenerated Interface for M_ProductOperationGenerated Interface for M_ProductPriceGenerated Interface for M_ProductPriceVendorBreakGenerated Interface for M_QualityTestGenerated Interface for M_QualityTestResultGenerated Interface for M_RelatedProductGenerated Interface for M_ReplenishGenerated Interface for M_RequisitionGenerated Interface for M_RequisitionLineGenerated Interface for M_RMAGenerated Interface for M_RMALineGenerated Interface for M_RMATaxGenerated Interface for M_RMATypeGenerated Interface for M_SerNoCtlGenerated Interface for M_SerNoCtlExcludeGenerated Interface for M_ShipperGenerated Interface for M_ShipperCfgGenerated Interface for M_ShipperLabelsGenerated Interface for M_ShipperLabelsCfgGenerated Interface for M_ShipperPackagingGenerated Interface for M_ShipperPackagingCfgGenerated Interface for M_ShipperPickupTypesGenerated Interface for M_ShipperPickupTypesCfgGenerated Interface for M_ShippingProcessorGenerated Interface for M_ShippingProcessorCfgGenerated Interface for M_ShippingTransactionGenerated Interface for M_ShippingTransactionLineGenerated Interface for M_StorageOnHandGenerated Interface for M_StorageReservationGenerated Interface for M_StorageReservationLogGenerated Interface for M_SubstituteGenerated Interface for M_TransactionGenerated Interface for M_TransactionAllocationGenerated Interface for M_WarehouseGenerated Interface for M_Warehouse_AcctGenerated Interface for MFA_MethodGenerated Interface for MFA_RegisteredDeviceGenerated Interface for MFA_RegistrationGenerated Interface for MFA_RuleGenerated Interface for PA_AchievementGenerated Interface for PA_BenchmarkGenerated Interface for PA_BenchmarkDataGenerated Interface for PA_ColorSchemaGenerated Interface for PA_DashboardContentGenerated Interface for PA_DashboardContent_AccessGenerated Interface for PA_DashboardPreferenceGenerated Interface for PA_DocumentStatusGenerated Interface for PA_DocumentStatusAccessGenerated Interface for PA_GoalGenerated Interface for PA_GoalRestrictionGenerated Interface for PA_HierarchyGenerated Interface for PA_MeasureGenerated Interface for PA_MeasureCalcGenerated Interface for PA_RatioGenerated Interface for PA_RatioElementGenerated Interface for PA_ReportGenerated Interface for PA_ReportColumnGenerated Interface for PA_ReportColumnSetGenerated Interface for PA_ReportCubeGenerated Interface for PA_ReportLineGenerated Interface for PA_ReportLineSetGenerated Interface for PA_ReportSourceGenerated Interface for PA_SLA_CriteriaGenerated Interface for PA_SLA_GoalGenerated Interface for PA_SLA_MeasureGenerated Interface for R_CategoryGenerated Interface for R_CategoryUpdatesGenerated Interface for R_ContactInterestGenerated Interface for R_GroupGenerated Interface for R_GroupUpdatesGenerated Interface for R_InterestAreaGenerated Interface for R_IssueKnownGenerated Interface for R_IssueProjectGenerated Interface for R_IssueRecommendationGenerated Interface for R_IssueStatusGenerated Interface for R_IssueSystemGenerated Interface for R_IssueUserGenerated Interface for R_MailTextGenerated Interface for R_RequestGenerated Interface for R_RequestActionGenerated Interface for R_RequestProcessorGenerated Interface for R_RequestProcessor_RouteGenerated Interface for R_RequestProcessorLogGenerated Interface for R_RequestTypeGenerated Interface for R_RequestTypeUpdatesGenerated Interface for R_RequestUpdateGenerated Interface for R_RequestUpdatesGenerated Interface for R_ResolutionGenerated Interface for R_StandardResponseGenerated Interface for R_StatusGenerated Interface for R_StatusCategoryGenerated Interface for RV_BPartnerGenerated Interface for RV_WarehousePriceGenerated Interface for S_ExpenseTypeGenerated Interface for S_ResourceGenerated Interface for S_ResourceAssignmentGenerated Interface for S_ResourceTypeGenerated Interface for S_ResourceUnAvailableGenerated Interface for S_TimeExpenseGenerated Interface for S_TimeExpenseLineGenerated Interface for S_TimeTypeGenerated Interface for S_TrainingGenerated Interface for S_Training_ClassGenerated Interface for SSO_PrincipalConfigGenerated Interface for T_1099ExtractGenerated Interface for T_AgingGenerated Interface for T_BankRegisterGenerated Interface for T_BOM_IndentedGenerated Interface for T_CashFlowGenerated Interface for T_DistributionRunDetailGenerated Interface for T_InventoryValueGenerated Interface for T_InvoiceGLGenerated Interface for T_ReconciliationGenerated Interface for T_ReplenishGenerated Interface for T_ReportGenerated Interface for T_ReportStatementGenerated Interface for T_TransactionGenerated Interface for T_TrialBalanceGenerated Interface for TestGenerated Interface for TestUUGenerated Interface for TestUUDetGenerated Interface for U_BlackListChequeGenerated Interface for U_POSTerminalGenerated Interface for U_RoleMenuGenerated Interface for U_Web_PropertiesGenerated Interface for U_WebMenuStore provider interface for storage of archive contentIDEMPIERE-4889 interface for lazy loading of attachment contentStore provider interface for storage of attachment contentCost Info InterfaceStore provider interface for storage of image contentInterface for multi-factor authenticationInfo Column Value ObjectRelated Info Value ObjectBase Class for MLookup, MLocator, MLocation and MAccount (only single value).
Maintains selectable data as NamePairs in ArrayList.
The objects itself may be shared by the lookup implementation (usually HashMap).System Element ModelCombination of account element and segment valuesAccounting Processor ModelAccounting Schema ModelDefault Accounts for MAcctSchemaAccount Schema Element ObjectAccounting Schema GL infoPerformance AchievementActivity ModelAddress validation modelAlert ModelAlert ProcessorAlert RecipientAlert Rule ModelAllocation Model.Allocation Line ModelArchive ModelAsset ModelAsset Acct ModelAsset Addition ModelAsset Change Model (to record changes to asset)Asset ClassAsset Delivery ModelAsset Disposal ModelAsset Group ModelAsset Group Accounting ModelAsset ProductAsset TypeAssignment Slot.Attachment Model.Individual Attachment Entry of MAttachmentProduct AttributeAttribute Instance Model (Instance of attribute for a particular attribute set instance record)Extended model class of M_AttributeInstanceLineProduct Attribute SetProduct Attribute Set InstanceAttribute Use ModelProduct Attribute ValueAuthorization AccountBank ModelBank Account ModelBank Account Payment ProcessorBank Statement ModelBank Statement Line ModelBank Statement Matcher ConfigurationDeprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.Business Partner ModelBusiness Partner Info Model for report viewPartner Location ModelBP Bank Account ModelBusiness Partner Group ModelCalendar ModelCash Journal ModelCash Book ModelCash Line ModelCash Plan Line modelChange Log ModelCharge ModelExtended model class for AD_ChartExtended model class for AD_ChartDatasourceChat ModelChat Entry ModelChat Type ModelLocation City Model (Value Object)Client ModelClient Info ModelModel for sharing of client dataColor Model (DisplayType=27)Color Schema for Performance MeasurementColumn ModelModel for Commission.Commission Run AmountsCommission Run Amount Detail ModelCommission Line ModelCommission RunBusiness Partner Contact Interest (subscription).Currency Conversion Type ModelProduct Cost ModelCost Detail ModelCost Element ModelCost History ModelCost Queue ModelLocation Country ModelCountry Group ModelContext Help Message ModelCurrency Model.Currency Account ModelDashboard preferenceDeposit Batch ModelLines of deposit batchDepreciation Method (eg.Convention for the first year of depreciation (ex.Depreciation expensesMethod of adjusting the difference between depreciation (Calculated) and registered as (booked).Depreciation Workfile ModelDiscount Schema ModelDiscount Schema Break ModelDiscount Schema Line (Price List) ModelGL Distribution ModelGL Distribution Line ModelMaterial Distribution List Line.
Note: feature not fully implemented and have been marked as inactive in application dictionary.Material Distribution Run Detail.
Note: feature not fully implemented and have been marked as inactive in application dictionary.Material Distribution Run List Line Model.
Note: feature not fully implemented and have been marked as inactive in application dictionary.Document Base Type GroupDocument Base Type Group LineDocument Type ModelCounter Document Type ModelNamed status of records in a table via SQL criteriaDunning ModelDunning Level ModelDunning Run ModelDunning Run Entry ModelDunning Run Line ModelNatural AccountEntity Type ModelExpense Type ModelAccounting Fact ModelField ModelMaterial Forecast Model.
Note: not fully develop and have been marked as inactive in Application Dictionary.Form ModelFreight amount modelFreight category modelGL CategoryPerformance GoalPerformance Goal RestrictionRequest Group ModelReporting Hierarchy ModelImage Model (DisplayType = 32)Import Template ModelImport processor model for replicationColumn of indexInfo Window Column ModelInfo Window ModelShipment/Receipt Modelrecord for matchingsShipment Confirmation ModelInOut LineShipment Confirmation Line ModelShipment/Receipt Material AllocationInterest Area.Inventory Document ModelInventory Document Line ModelMaterial Allocation for Inventory LineInvoice Model.record for matchingsInvoice Batch Header ModelInvoice Batch Line ModelInvoice Line ModelInvoice Payment Schedule ModelInvoicing Schedule ModelInvoice Tax ModelIssue Report ModelDeprecated.Deprecated.Deprecated.GL Journal ModelJournal Batch ModelGL Journal Generator Line ModelGL Journal Generator Source ModelGL Journal Line ModelRecord Label ModelLabel Category ModelLanded Cost ModelLanded Cost Allocation ModelLanguage ModelLDAP Server ModelMLdapUser, data object stores the user information such as userid, password, organization and so on.Location (Address)Warehouse Locator ModelWarehouse Locator Type ObjectAn intelligent MutableComboBoxModel, which determines what can be cached.Info Class for Lookup (ValueObject)Product LotLot Control ModelExclude create of Lot for a table (for e.g C_OrderLine).Mail Template Model.Match Invoice (Receipt<>Invoice) Model.Match PO Model.Performance MeasurePerformance Measure CalculationApplication Menu ModelMessage ModelMulti-factor Authentication MethodMulti-factor Authentication RegistrationInventory Movement ModelInventory Movement ConfirmationInventory Movement Line ModelInventory Movement Confirmation LineMovement Line Material AllocationModel Validation EngineModel ValidatorOrder Model.record for matchingsLanded cost for orderLanded Cost Allocation LineOrder Line Model.Order Payment Schedule ModelOrder Tax ModelOrganization ModelOrganization Info ModelShipment Package ModelPackage Export ModelPayment Model.Payment Allocate Model.Payment Batch ModelPayment Term ModelOnline payment transactionPayment Term Schedule ModelAP Payment SelectionPayment Print/Export model.Payment Selection Line ModelCalendar Period ModelPeriod Control ModelProcess Instance ModelInstance info record class with fields from AD_PInstance+AD_ProcessProcess Instance Log Model.Process Instance Parameter ModelPOS Terminal definitionPOS Function Key ModelPOS Function Key LayoutPrice List ModelPrice List Version ModelPrivate AccessProcess ModelProcess drill rule modelProcess drill rule parameter modelProcess Parameter ModelProduct ModelDeprecated.Product Category ModelProduct Category Account ModelProduct Download ModelProduction line modelProduct Purchasing ModelProduct PriceProject ModelProject Issue ModelProject Line ModelProject Phase ModelProject Phase Task ModelProject Type ModelProject Type Phase ModelProject Type Task ModelQuery Descriptor.Recent Item modelRecurring ModelList Values forX_AD_Reference.VALIDATIONTYPE_ListValidation
Configuration forX_AD_Reference.VALIDATIONTYPE_TableValidation
Location Region ModelDeprecated.not fully implementedDeprecated.not fully implementedDeprecated.not fully implementedInventory Replenishment modelRequest ModelRequest History ModelRequest Category ModelRequest Processor ModelRequest Processor RouteRequest Type ModelRequest Update ModelRequisition ModelRequisition Line ModelRequest Resolution ModelResource ModelResource Assignment ModelResource Type ModelRevenue Recognition ModelRevenue Recognition Service ModelRfQ ModelRfQ LineRfQ Line Qty ModelRfQ Response ModelRfQ Response Line ModelRfQ Response Line QtyRfQ Topic Subscriber ModelSubscriber Topic Only List (positive - i.e. must be a match if exists)RMA ModelRMA Line ModelRole Model.
Includes AD_User runtime info for Personal Access.
The class is final, so that you cannot overwrite the security rules.Role Organization Access ModelApplication Rule ModelSales Region ModelSchedule model for schedulerScheduler ModelScheduler Parameter ModelScheduler Recipient ModelSequence Model.Session Model.Shipper ModelOnline shipping transaction modelSender/Recipient party value objectDeprecated.not fully implement, marked as inactive in application dictionaryDeprecated.not fully implement, marked as inactive in application dictionaryDeprecated.not fully implement, marked as inactive in application dictionarySMTP server for specific email address or domainSSO Principal Service ConfigurationRequest Status ModelRequest Status Category ModelData Status Line ModelInventory On Hand Storage ModelBinary content storage provider modelInventory reservation storage modelCSS Style modelLines for MStyleSystem Record (there should be just one AD_System record in the DB)Window Tab ModelPersistent Table ModelScript validator for TablePersistence model for table val ruleOperating System Task ModelTax ModelTax Declaration ModelTax Postal ModelTax provider modelTime + Expense ModelTime + Expense Line ModelExtended model class for AD_ToolBarButtonBase Tree Model.Tree Node ModelTree Node Model for BPartnerTree Node Model CM ContainerTree Node Model CM StageTree Node Model for MenuTree Node Model for ProductFavorite Tree Node ModelMutable Tree Node (not a PO).Unit Of Measure ModelUnit of Measure Conversion ModelUser ModelUser, role, organization or tenant overrides for field modelUser, role, organization or tenant overrides of Info Window ModelUser, role, organization or tenant overrides of Info Window Column ModelUser, role, organization or tenant overrides of Info Window Related ModelUser, role, organization or tenant overrides of process modelUser, role, organization or tenant overrides of process parameter modelUser, role, organization or tenant overrides of tab modelUser, role, organization or tenant variations of ThemesUser, role, organization or tenant variation detail of ThemesUser, role, organization or tenant overrides of window modelUser Org AccessExtended model class for AD_UserPreferenceUser Query ModelUser Roles ModelValidation Rule ModelExtended model class for AD_ViewColumnExtended model class for AD_ViewComponentWarehouse ModelProduct Warehouse Availability and Price Model.
The Ownership (Client, Org) is determined by the Warehouse.
Active is determined if the product is discontinued (the product/price/warehouse need to be active).
Created.. is determined by the price list version.Extended model class for AD_WF_ActivityApproverWindow ModelYear ModelZoom Condition modelDatabase Null IndicatorInterface for payment recordAbstract Payment Processor base classAbstract base class for Persistent Object.Helper class for saving and loading of LOB.Persistent Object Info.Column Info Value ObjectSimple wrapper over JDBC result setPrint InfoQuery modelEvent for the start up and shutdown of iDempiere server instance.Set Get interface for modelState change event forGridTab
Listener interface forStateChangeEvent
Translation Table ManagementGenerated Model for A_AssetGenerated Model for A_Asset_AcctGenerated Model for A_Asset_AdditionGenerated Model for A_Asset_ChangeGenerated Model for A_Asset_ClassGenerated Model for A_Asset_DeliveryGenerated Model for A_Asset_DisposedGenerated Model for A_Asset_GroupGenerated Model for A_Asset_Group_AcctGenerated Model for A_Asset_ProductGenerated Model for A_Asset_RevalGenerated Model for A_Asset_TransferGenerated Model for A_Asset_TypeGenerated Model for A_Asset_UseGenerated Model for A_DepreciationGenerated Model for A_Depreciation_BuildGenerated Model for A_Depreciation_ConventionGenerated Model for A_Depreciation_EntryGenerated Model for A_Depreciation_ExpGenerated Model for A_Depreciation_MethodGenerated Model for A_Depreciation_WorkfileGenerated Model for A_RegistrationGenerated Model for A_RegistrationAttributeGenerated Model for A_RegistrationValueGenerated Model for AD_AccessLogGenerated Model for AD_AlertGenerated Model for AD_AlertProcessorGenerated Model for AD_AlertProcessorLogGenerated Model for AD_AlertRecipientGenerated Model for AD_AlertRuleGenerated Model for AD_ArchiveGenerated Model for AD_AttachmentGenerated Model for AD_AttachmentNoteGenerated Model for AD_AuthorizationAccountGenerated Model for AD_AuthorizationCredentialGenerated Model for AD_AuthorizationProviderGenerated Model for AD_AuthorizationScopeProvGenerated Model for AD_ChangeLogGenerated Model for AD_ChartGenerated Model for AD_ChartDatasourceGenerated Model for AD_ClientGenerated Model for AD_ClientInfoGenerated Model for AD_ClientShareGenerated Model for AD_ColorGenerated Model for AD_ColumnGenerated Model for AD_Column_AccessGenerated Model for AD_CtxHelpGenerated Model for AD_CtxHelpMsgGenerated Model for AD_CtxHelpSuggestionGenerated Model for AD_Document_Action_AccessGenerated Model for AD_ElementGenerated Model for AD_EntityTypeGenerated Model for AD_FieldGenerated Model for AD_FieldSuggestionGenerated Model for AD_FormGenerated Model for AD_Form_AccessGenerated Model for AD_HouseKeepingGenerated Model for AD_ImageGenerated Model for AD_ImportTemplateGenerated Model for AD_IndexColumnGenerated Model for AD_InfoColumnGenerated Model for AD_InfoWindowGenerated Model for AD_InfoWindow_AccessGenerated Model for AD_IssueGenerated Model for AD_LabelGenerated Model for AD_LabelAssignmentGenerated Model for AD_LabelCategoryGenerated Model for AD_LabelCategoryTableGenerated Model for AD_LanguageGenerated Model for AD_LdapAccessGenerated Model for AD_LdapProcessorGenerated Model for AD_LdapProcessorLogGenerated Model for AD_MenuGenerated Model for AD_MessageGenerated Model for AD_ModelGeneratorTemplateGenerated Model for AD_NoteGenerated Model for AD_OrgGenerated Model for AD_OrgInfoGenerated Model for AD_Package_ExpGenerated Model for AD_Package_Exp_DetailGenerated Model for AD_Password_HistoryGenerated Model for AD_PasswordRuleGenerated Model for AD_PInstanceGenerated Model for AD_PInstance_ParaGenerated Model for AD_PostItGenerated Model for AD_PreferenceGenerated Model for AD_Private_AccessGenerated Model for AD_ProcessGenerated Model for AD_Process_AccessGenerated Model for AD_Process_DrillRuleGenerated Model for AD_Process_DrillRule_ParaGenerated Model for AD_Process_ParaGenerated Model for AD_RecentItemGenerated Model for AD_Record_AccessGenerated Model for AD_Ref_ListGenerated Model for AD_Ref_TableGenerated Model for AD_ReferenceGenerated Model for AD_RegistrationGenerated Model for AD_ReplicationGenerated Model for AD_Replication_LogGenerated Model for AD_Replication_RunGenerated Model for AD_ReplicationDocumentGenerated Model for AD_ReplicationStrategyGenerated Model for AD_ReplicationTableGenerated Model for AD_ReportViewGenerated Model for AD_RoleGenerated Model for AD_Role_IncludedGenerated Model for AD_Role_OrgAccessGenerated Model for AD_RuleGenerated Model for AD_ScheduleGenerated Model for AD_SchedulerGenerated Model for AD_Scheduler_ParaGenerated Model for AD_SchedulerLogGenerated Model for AD_SchedulerRecipientGenerated Model for AD_SearchDefinitionGenerated Model for AD_SequenceGenerated Model for AD_SessionGenerated Model for AD_SMTPGenerated Model for AD_StatusLineGenerated Model for AD_StatusLineUsedInGenerated Model for AD_StorageProviderGenerated Model for AD_StyleGenerated Model for AD_StyleLineGenerated Model for AD_SysConfigGenerated Model for AD_SystemGenerated Model for AD_TabGenerated Model for AD_TableGenerated Model for AD_Table_AccessGenerated Model for AD_Table_ScriptValidatorGenerated Model for AD_TableIndexGenerated Model for AD_TablePartitionGenerated Model for AD_TableValRuleGenerated Model for AD_TaskGenerated Model for AD_Task_AccessGenerated Model for AD_ToolBarButtonGenerated Model for AD_ToolBarButtonRestrictGenerated Model for AD_TreeGenerated Model for AD_Tree_FavoriteGenerated Model for AD_Tree_Favorite_NodeGenerated Model for AD_TreeNodeGenerated Model for AD_TreeNodeBPGenerated Model for AD_TreeNodeCMCGenerated Model for AD_TreeNodeCMSGenerated Model for AD_TreeNodeMMGenerated Model for AD_TreeNodePRGenerated Model for AD_UserGenerated Model for AD_User_OrgAccessGenerated Model for AD_User_RolesGenerated Model for AD_UserBPAccessGenerated Model for AD_UserDef_FieldGenerated Model for AD_UserDef_InfoGenerated Model for AD_UserDef_Info_ColumnGenerated Model for AD_UserDef_Info_RelatedGenerated Model for AD_UserDef_ProcGenerated Model for AD_UserDef_Proc_ParameterGenerated Model for AD_UserDef_TabGenerated Model for AD_UserDef_ThemeGenerated Model for AD_UserDef_Theme_DetailGenerated Model for AD_UserDef_WinGenerated Model for AD_UserMailGenerated Model for AD_UserPreferenceGenerated Model for AD_UserQueryGenerated Model for AD_Val_RuleGenerated Model for AD_VerifyMigrationGenerated Model for AD_ViewColumnGenerated Model for AD_ViewComponentGenerated Model for AD_WF_ActivityApproverGenerated Model for AD_WindowGenerated Model for AD_Window_AccessGenerated Model for AD_ZoomConditionGenerated Model for C_AcctProcessorGenerated Model for C_AcctProcessorLogGenerated Model for C_AcctSchemaGenerated Model for C_AcctSchema_DefaultGenerated Model for C_AcctSchema_ElementGenerated Model for C_AcctSchema_GLGenerated Model for C_ActivityGenerated Model for C_AddressTransactionGenerated Model for C_AddressValidationGenerated Model for C_AllocationHdrGenerated Model for C_AllocationLineGenerated Model for C_BankGenerated Model for C_BankAccountGenerated Model for C_BankAccount_ProcessorGenerated Model for C_BankStatementGenerated Model for C_BankStatementLineGenerated Model for C_BankStatementLoaderGenerated Model for C_BankStatementMatcherGenerated Model for C_BankTransferGenerated Model for C_BP_BankAccountGenerated Model for C_BP_GroupGenerated Model for C_BPartnerGenerated Model for C_BPartner_LocationGenerated Model for C_BPartner_ProductGenerated Model for C_CalendarGenerated Model for C_CampaignGenerated Model for C_CashGenerated Model for C_CashBookGenerated Model for C_CashLineGenerated Model for C_CashPlanGenerated Model for C_CashPlanLineGenerated Model for C_ChargeGenerated Model for C_CityGenerated Model for C_CommissionGenerated Model for C_CommissionAmtGenerated Model for C_CommissionDetailGenerated Model for C_CommissionLineGenerated Model for C_CommissionRunGenerated Model for C_Conversion_RateGenerated Model for C_ConversionTypeGenerated Model for C_CountryGenerated Model for C_CountryGroupGenerated Model for C_CountryGroupCountryGenerated Model for C_CurrencyGenerated Model for C_Currency_AcctGenerated Model for C_DepositBatchGenerated Model for C_DepositBatchLineGenerated Model for C_DocBaseGroupGenerated Model for C_DocBaseGroupLineGenerated Model for C_DocTypeGenerated Model for C_DocTypeCounterGenerated Model for C_DunningGenerated Model for C_DunningLevelGenerated Model for C_DunningRunGenerated Model for C_DunningRunEntryGenerated Model for C_DunningRunLineGenerated Model for C_ElementGenerated Model for C_ElementValueGenerated Model for C_InvoiceGenerated Model for C_InvoiceBatchGenerated Model for C_InvoiceBatchLineGenerated Model for C_InvoiceLineGenerated Model for C_InvoicePayScheduleGenerated Model for C_InvoiceScheduleGenerated Model for C_InvoiceTaxGenerated Model for C_LandedCostGenerated Model for C_LandedCostAllocationGenerated Model for C_LocationGenerated Model for C_OnlineTrxHistoryGenerated Model for C_OpportunityGenerated Model for C_OrderGenerated Model for C_OrderLandedCostGenerated Model for C_OrderLandedCostAllocationGenerated Model for C_OrderLineGenerated Model for C_OrderPayScheduleGenerated Model for C_OrderTaxGenerated Model for C_PaymentGenerated Model for C_PaymentAllocateGenerated Model for C_PaymentBatchGenerated Model for C_PaymentProcessorGenerated Model for C_PaymentTermGenerated Model for C_PaymentTransactionGenerated Model for C_PayScheduleGenerated Model for C_PaySelectionGenerated Model for C_PaySelectionCheckGenerated Model for C_PaySelectionLineGenerated Model for C_PeriodGenerated Model for C_PeriodControlGenerated Model for C_PhaseGenerated Model for C_POSGenerated Model for C_POSKeyGenerated Model for C_POSKeyLayoutGenerated Model for C_POSPaymentGenerated Model for C_ProjectGenerated Model for C_ProjectIssueGenerated Model for C_ProjectLineGenerated Model for C_ProjectPhaseGenerated Model for C_ProjectTaskGenerated Model for C_ProjectTypeGenerated Model for C_RecurringGenerated Model for C_Recurring_RunGenerated Model for C_RegionGenerated Model for C_RevenueRecog_ServiceGenerated Model for C_RevenueRecognitionGenerated Model for C_RevenueRecognition_PlanGenerated Model for C_RevenueRecognition_RunGenerated Model for C_RfQGenerated Model for C_RfQ_TopicGenerated Model for C_RfQ_TopicSubscriberGenerated Model for C_RfQ_TopicSubscriberOnlyGenerated Model for C_RfQLineGenerated Model for C_RfQLineQtyGenerated Model for C_RfQResponseGenerated Model for C_RfQResponseLineGenerated Model for C_RfQResponseLineQtyGenerated Model for C_SalesRegionGenerated Model for C_TaskGenerated Model for C_TaxGenerated Model for C_TaxCategoryGenerated Model for C_TaxDeclarationGenerated Model for C_TaxDeclarationAcctGenerated Model for C_TaxDeclarationLineGenerated Model for C_TaxPostalGenerated Model for C_TaxProviderGenerated Model for C_UOMGenerated Model for C_UOM_ConversionGenerated Model for C_ValidCombinationGenerated Model for C_WithholdingGenerated Model for C_YearGenerated Model for CM_ChatGenerated Model for CM_ChatEntryGenerated Model for CM_ChatTypeGenerated Model for EXP_FormatGenerated Model for EXP_FormatLineGenerated Model for EXP_ProcessorGenerated Model for EXP_Processor_TypeGenerated Model for EXP_ProcessorParameterGenerated Model for Fact_AcctGenerated Model for Fact_ReconciliationGenerated Model for GL_CategoryGenerated Model for GL_DistributionGenerated Model for GL_DistributionLineGenerated Model for GL_JournalGenerated Model for GL_JournalBatchGenerated Model for GL_JournalGeneratorGenerated Model for GL_JournalGeneratorLineGenerated Model for GL_JournalGeneratorSourceGenerated Model for GL_JournalLineGenerated Model for I_BankStatementGenerated Model for I_BPartnerGenerated Model for I_ElementValueGenerated Model for I_FAJournalGenerated Model for I_FixedAssetGenerated Model for I_PriceListGenerated Model for I_ProductGenerated Model for IMP_ProcessorGenerated Model for IMP_ProcessorLogGenerated Model for IMP_ProcessorParameterGenerated Model for M_AttributeGenerated Model for M_AttributeInstanceGenerated Model for M_AttributeInstanceLineGenerated Model for M_AttributeSetGenerated Model for M_AttributeSetExcludeGenerated Model for M_AttributeSetInstanceGenerated Model for M_AttributeUseGenerated Model for M_AttributeValueGenerated Model for M_BOMGenerated Model for M_BOMProductGenerated Model for M_ChangeNoticeGenerated Model for M_ChangeRequestGenerated Model for M_CommodityShipmentGenerated Model for M_CostGenerated Model for M_CostDetailGenerated Model for M_CostElementGenerated Model for M_CostHistoryGenerated Model for M_CostQueueGenerated Model for M_CostTypeGenerated Model for M_DiscountSchemaGenerated Model for M_DiscountSchemaBreakGenerated Model for M_DiscountSchemaLineGenerated Model for M_DistributionListGenerated Model for M_DistributionListLineGenerated Model for M_DistributionRunGenerated Model for M_DistributionRunLineGenerated Model for M_ForecastGenerated Model for M_ForecastLineGenerated Model for M_FreightGenerated Model for M_FreightCategoryGenerated Model for M_InOutGenerated Model for M_InOutConfirmGenerated Model for M_InOutLineGenerated Model for M_InOutLineConfirmGenerated Model for M_InOutLineMAGenerated Model for M_InventoryGenerated Model for M_InventoryLineGenerated Model for M_InventoryLineMAGenerated Model for M_LocatorGenerated Model for M_LocatorTypeGenerated Model for M_LotGenerated Model for M_LotCtlGenerated Model for M_LotCtlExcludeGenerated Model for M_MatchInvGenerated Model for M_MatchPOGenerated Model for M_MovementGenerated Model for M_MovementConfirmGenerated Model for M_MovementLineGenerated Model for M_MovementLineConfirmGenerated Model for M_MovementLineMAGenerated Model for M_PackageGenerated Model for M_PackageLineGenerated Model for M_PackageMPSGenerated Model for M_PriceListGenerated Model for M_PriceList_VersionGenerated Model for M_ProductDeprecated.Generated Model for M_Product_CategoryGenerated Model for M_Product_Category_AcctGenerated Model for M_Product_POGenerated Model for M_ProductDownloadGenerated Model for M_ProductionGenerated Model for M_ProductionLineGenerated Model for M_ProductionLineMAGenerated Model for M_ProductionPlanGenerated Model for M_ProductPriceGenerated Model for M_QualityTestGenerated Model for M_QualityTestResultGenerated Model for M_ReplenishGenerated Model for M_RequisitionGenerated Model for M_RequisitionLineGenerated Model for M_RMAGenerated Model for M_RMALineGenerated Model for M_RMATaxGenerated Model for M_SerNoCtlGenerated Model for M_SerNoCtlExcludeGenerated Model for M_ShipperGenerated Model for M_ShipperLabelsGenerated Model for M_ShipperPackagingGenerated Model for M_ShipperPickupTypesGenerated Model for M_ShippingProcessorGenerated Model for M_ShippingTransactionGenerated Model for M_ShippingTransactionLineGenerated Model for M_StorageOnHandGenerated Model for M_StorageReservationGenerated Model for M_StorageReservationLogGenerated Model for M_TransactionGenerated Model for M_WarehouseGenerated Model for MFA_MethodGenerated Model for MFA_RegisteredDeviceGenerated Model for MFA_RegistrationGenerated Model for PA_AchievementGenerated Model for PA_ColorSchemaGenerated Model for PA_DashboardContentGenerated Model for PA_DashboardContent_AccessGenerated Model for PA_DashboardPreferenceGenerated Model for PA_DocumentStatusGenerated Model for PA_DocumentStatusAccessGenerated Model for PA_GoalGenerated Model for PA_GoalRestrictionGenerated Model for PA_HierarchyGenerated Model for PA_MeasureGenerated Model for PA_MeasureCalcGenerated Model for PA_ReportCubeGenerated Model for PA_SLA_CriteriaGenerated Model for PA_SLA_GoalGenerated Model for PA_SLA_MeasureGenerated Model for R_CategoryGenerated Model for R_ContactInterestGenerated Model for R_GroupGenerated Model for R_InterestAreaGenerated Model for R_IssueProjectGenerated Model for R_IssueSystemGenerated Model for R_IssueUserGenerated Model for R_MailTextGenerated Model for R_RequestGenerated Model for R_RequestActionGenerated Model for R_RequestProcessorGenerated Model for R_RequestProcessor_RouteGenerated Model for R_RequestProcessorLogGenerated Model for R_RequestTypeGenerated Model for R_RequestUpdateGenerated Model for R_ResolutionGenerated Model for R_StatusGenerated Model for R_StatusCategoryGenerated Model for RV_BPartnerGenerated Model for RV_WarehousePriceGenerated Model for S_ExpenseTypeGenerated Model for S_ResourceGenerated Model for S_ResourceAssignmentGenerated Model for S_ResourceTypeGenerated Model for S_ResourceUnAvailableGenerated Model for S_TimeExpenseGenerated Model for S_TimeExpenseLineGenerated Model for SSO_PrincipalConfigGenerated Model for T_AgingGenerated Model for T_DistributionRunDetailGenerated Model for TestGenerated Model for TestUUGenerated Model for U_BlackListChequeGenerated Model for U_POSTerminalGenerated Model for U_RoleMenuGenerated Model for U_Web_PropertiesGenerated Model for U_WebMenu -
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.compiere.printClassDescriptionGrid Field Model.Tab ModelGenerated Interface for AD_PrintColorGenerated Interface for AD_PrintFontGenerated Interface for AD_PrintFormatGenerated Interface for AD_PrintFormatItemGenerated Interface for AD_PrintGraphGenerated Interface for AD_PrintPaperGenerated Interface for AD_PrintTableFormatProcess Instance ModelProcess ModelProcess drill rule modelQuery Descriptor.Persistent Table ModelAbstract base class for Persistent Object.Print InfoGenerated Model for AD_PrintColorGenerated Model for AD_PrintFontGenerated Model for AD_PrintFormatGenerated Model for AD_PrintFormatItemGenerated Model for AD_PrintGraphGenerated Model for AD_PrintPaperGenerated Model for AD_PrintTableFormat
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.compiere.print.layout
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.compiere.processClassDescriptionModel for Commission.Commission Run AmountsCommission Line ModelCommission RunInventory Document Line ModelOrder Model.Process Instance Parameter ModelProduct ModelProject ModelPersistent Table ModelExtended model class for AD_ViewComponentWarehouse ModelAbstract base class for Persistent Object.Persistent Object Info.Generated Model for I_InventoryGenerated Model for T_Replenish
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.compiere.reportClassDescriptionGenerated Interface for PA_ReportGenerated Interface for PA_ReportColumnGenerated Interface for PA_ReportColumnSetGenerated Interface for PA_ReportLineGenerated Interface for PA_ReportLineSetGenerated Interface for PA_ReportSourceBuilds Tree.Abstract base class for Persistent Object.Generated Model for PA_ReportGenerated Model for PA_ReportColumnGenerated Model for PA_ReportColumnSetGenerated Model for PA_ReportLineGenerated Model for PA_ReportLineSetGenerated Model for PA_ReportSource
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.compiere.serverClassDescriptionBackground Processor InterfaceBackground Processor Log InterfaceAccounting Processor ModelAccounting Schema ModelAlert ModelAlert ProcessorAlert Rule ModelClient ModelImport processor model for replicationProcess Instance ModelProcess ModelRequest ModelRequest Processor ModelScheduler ModelSystem Record (there should be just one AD_System record in the DB)
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.compiere.slaClassDescriptionDeprecated.not fully implement, marked as inactive in application dictionaryDeprecated.not fully implement, marked as inactive in application dictionary
Classes in org.compiere.model used by
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.compiere.utilClassDescriptionTab ModelWindow Model Value ObjectAttachment Model.Authorization AccountBP Bank Account ModelClient ModelColumn ModelPayment Print/Export model.Query Descriptor.Warehouse ModelAbstract base class for Persistent Object.Simple wrapper over JDBC result setGenerated Model for T_Replenish
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.compiere.wfClassDescriptionBackground Processor InterfaceAdditional Background Processor InterfaceBackground Processor Log InterfaceDocument Value Workflow ManagerGenerated Interface for AD_WF_ActivityGenerated Interface for AD_WF_BlockGenerated Interface for AD_WF_EventAuditGenerated Interface for AD_WF_NextConditionGenerated Interface for AD_WF_NodeGenerated Interface for AD_WF_Node_ParaGenerated Interface for AD_WF_NodeNextGenerated Interface for AD_WF_ProcessGenerated Interface for AD_WF_ResponsibleGenerated Interface for AD_WorkflowGenerated Interface for AD_Workflow_AccessGenerated Interface for AD_WorkflowProcessorGenerated Interface for AD_WorkflowProcessorLogColumn ModelProcess Parameter ModelProduct ModelRole Model.
Includes AD_User runtime info for Personal Access.
The class is final, so that you cannot overwrite the security rules.Abstract base class for Persistent Object.Generated Model for AD_WF_ActivityGenerated Model for AD_WF_BlockGenerated Model for AD_WF_EventAuditGenerated Model for AD_WF_NextConditionGenerated Model for AD_WF_NodeGenerated Model for AD_WF_Node_ParaGenerated Model for AD_WF_NodeNextGenerated Model for AD_WF_ProcessGenerated Model for AD_WF_ResponsibleGenerated Model for AD_WorkflowGenerated Model for AD_Workflow_AccessGenerated Model for AD_WorkflowProcessorGenerated Model for AD_WorkflowProcessorLog -
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.eevolution.modelClassDescriptionCallout Interface for column/field.Callout Engine.Grid Field Model.Tab ModelGenerated Interface for A_AssetGenerated Interface for AD_ColumnGenerated Interface for AD_FormGenerated Interface for AD_ImageGenerated Interface for AD_OrgTypeGenerated Interface for AD_PInstanceGenerated Interface for AD_PrintFormatGenerated Interface for AD_ProcessGenerated Interface for AD_ReferenceGenerated Interface for AD_RuleGenerated Interface for AD_TableGenerated Interface for AD_TaskGenerated Interface for AD_UserGenerated Interface for AD_WF_BlockGenerated Interface for AD_WF_NodeGenerated Interface for AD_WF_ResponsibleGenerated Interface for AD_WindowGenerated Interface for AD_WorkflowGenerated Interface for AD_WorkflowProcessorGenerated Interface for C_AcctSchemaGenerated Interface for C_ActivityGenerated Interface for C_BP_BankAccountGenerated Interface for C_BP_GroupGenerated Interface for C_BPartnerGenerated Interface for C_BPartner_LocationGenerated Interface for C_CampaignGenerated Interface for C_ChargeGenerated Interface for C_DocTypeGenerated Interface for C_ElementValueGenerated Interface for C_InvoiceGenerated Interface for C_OrderGenerated Interface for C_OrderLineGenerated Interface for C_PaySelectionGenerated Interface for C_PeriodGenerated Interface for C_ProjectGenerated Interface for C_ProjectPhaseGenerated Interface for C_ProjectTaskGenerated Interface for C_TaxGenerated Interface for C_TaxCategoryGenerated Interface for C_UOMGenerated Interface for C_ValidCombinationGenerated Interface for C_YearGenerated Interface for M_AttributeGenerated Interface for M_AttributeSetGenerated Interface for M_AttributeSetInstanceGenerated Interface for M_ChangeNoticeGenerated Interface for M_CostElementGenerated Interface for M_CostTypeGenerated Interface for M_ForecastGenerated Interface for M_ForecastLineGenerated Interface for M_LocatorGenerated Interface for M_MovementGenerated Interface for M_MovementLineGenerated Interface for M_ProductGenerated Interface for M_Product_CategoryGenerated Interface for M_RequisitionGenerated Interface for M_RequisitionLineGenerated Interface for M_ShipperGenerated Interface for M_WarehouseGenerated Interface for S_ResourceBusiness Partner ModelInventory Movement ModelProduct ModelProject ModelResource ModelAbstract base class for Persistent Object.Persistent Object Info.
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.idempiere.adinterfaceClassDescriptionBase Class for MLookup, MLocator, MLocation and MAccount (only single value).
Maintains selectable data as NamePairs in ArrayList.
The objects itself may be shared by the lookup implementation (usually HashMap).Abstract base class for Persistent Object.Persistent Object Info. -
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.idempiere.apps.form
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.idempiere.cache
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.idempiere.modelClassDescriptionCallout Interface for column/field.Callout Engine.Grid Field Model.Tab ModelGenerated Interface for AD_Process_ParaAbstract base class for Persistent Object.
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.idempiere.print
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.idempiere.print.renderer
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.idempiere.process
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.idempiere.server.cluster
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.idempiere.server.cluster.callable
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.idempiere.server.factoryClassDescriptionAccounting Processor ModelAlert ProcessorRequest Processor ModelScheduler Model
Classes in org.compiere.model used by
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.idempiere.webservices
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.idempiere.webservices.clientClassDescriptionBase Class for MLookup, MLocator, MLocation and MAccount (only single value).
Maintains selectable data as NamePairs in ArrayList.
The objects itself may be shared by the lookup implementation (usually HashMap). -
Classes in org.compiere.model used by org.idempiere.webservices.modelClassDescriptionGenerated Interface for AD_ColumnGenerated Interface for AD_ReferenceGenerated Interface for AD_RoleGenerated Interface for AD_TableAbstract base class for Persistent Object.Persistent Object Info.