Uses of Interface
This is the package that contains the majority of iDempiere's generated model class and interface.
Provide majority of iDempiere's extended model class (M*).
Provide majority of iDempiere's extended model class (M*).
Uses of ICostInfo in org.compiere.model
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Product Cost Modelclass
Cost History ModelModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic ICostInfo
(Properties ctx, int AD_Client_ID, int AD_Org_ID, int M_Product_ID, int M_CostType_ID, int C_AcctSchema_ID, int M_CostElement_ID, int M_AttributeSetInstance_ID, Timestamp dateAcct, MCostDetail costDetail, String trxName) Get Costing Record from MCostHistory/MCoststatic ICostInfo
(MProduct product, int M_AttributeSetInstance_ID, MAcctSchema as, int AD_Org_ID, int M_CostElement_ID, Timestamp dateAcct, MCostDetail costDetail, String trxName) Get/Create Costing Record from MCostHistory/MCost CostingLevel is not validated.MProduct.getCostInfo
(MAcctSchema as, int AD_Org_ID, int M_ASI_ID, String costingMethod, Timestamp dateAcct)