Class MWarehousePrice

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, Comparator<Object>, I_Persistent, I_RV_WarehousePrice, Evaluatee

public class MWarehousePrice extends X_RV_WarehousePrice
Product Warehouse Availability and Price Model.
The Ownership (Client, Org) is determined by the Warehouse.
Active is determined if the product is discontinued (the product/price/warehouse need to be active).
Created.. is determined by the price list version.
$Id:,v 1.3 2006/07/30 00:51:02 jjanke Exp $
Jorg Janke
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • MWarehousePrice

      public MWarehousePrice(Properties ctx, String RV_WarehousePrice_UU, String trxName)
      UUID based Constructor
      ctx - Context
      RV_WarehousePrice_UU - UUID key
      trxName - Transaction
    • MWarehousePrice

      public MWarehousePrice(Properties ctx, ResultSet rs, String trxName)
      Load Constructor
      ctx - context
      rs - result set
      trxName - transaction
  • Method Details

    • find

      public static MWarehousePrice[] find(Properties ctx, int M_PriceList_Version_ID, int M_Warehouse_ID, String Value, String Name, String UPC, String SKU, String trxName)
      Find Products in Warehouse with Price
      ctx - context
      M_PriceList_Version_ID - mandatory price list
      M_Warehouse_ID - mandatory warehouse
      Value - optional value
      Name - optional name
      UPC - optional fully match upc
      SKU - optional full match sku
      trxName - transaction
      array of product prices and warehouse availability
    • find

      public static MWarehousePrice[] find(MBPartner bPartner, boolean IsSOTrx, Timestamp valid, int M_Warehouse_ID, String Value, String Name, String UPC, String SKU, String trxName)
      Find Products in Warehouse with Price for customer
      bPartner - business partner
      IsSOTrx - if true SO
      valid - the date the price must be valid
      M_Warehouse_ID - mandatory warehouse
      Value - optional value
      Name - optional name
      UPC - optional upc
      SKU - optional sku
      trxName - transaction
      array of product prices and warehouse availability or null
    • get

      public static MWarehousePrice get(MProduct product, int M_PriceList_Version_ID, int M_Warehouse_ID, String trxName)
      Get MWarehouse Price
      product - product
      M_PriceList_Version_ID -
      M_Warehouse_ID -
      trxName - transaction
      warehouse price
    • isAvailable

      public boolean isAvailable()
      Is Product Available
      true if available qty > 0