Interface I_I_Product

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface I_I_Product
Generated Interface for I_Product
Release 11
iDempiere (generated)
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getAD_Client_ID

      int getAD_Client_ID()
      Get Tenant. Tenant for this installation.
    • setAD_Org_ID

      void setAD_Org_ID(int AD_Org_ID)
      Set Organization. Organizational entity within tenant
    • getAD_Org_ID

      int getAD_Org_ID()
      Get Organization. Organizational entity within tenant
    • setBPartner_Value

      void setBPartner_Value(String BPartner_Value)
      Set Business Partner Key. The Key of the Business Partner
    • getBPartner_Value

      String getBPartner_Value()
      Get Business Partner Key. The Key of the Business Partner
    • setC_BPartner_ID

      void setC_BPartner_ID(int C_BPartner_ID)
      Set Business Partner. Identifies a Business Partner
    • getC_BPartner_ID

      int getC_BPartner_ID()
      Get Business Partner. Identifies a Business Partner
    • getC_BPartner

      I_C_BPartner getC_BPartner() throws RuntimeException
    • setC_Currency_ID

      void setC_Currency_ID(int C_Currency_ID)
      Set Currency. The Currency for this record
    • getC_Currency_ID

      int getC_Currency_ID()
      Get Currency. The Currency for this record
    • getC_Currency

      I_C_Currency getC_Currency() throws RuntimeException
    • setClassification

      void setClassification(String Classification)
      Set Classification. Classification for grouping
    • getClassification

      String getClassification()
      Get Classification. Classification for grouping
    • setCostPerOrder

      void setCostPerOrder(BigDecimal CostPerOrder)
      Set Cost per Order. Fixed Cost Per Order
    • getCostPerOrder

      BigDecimal getCostPerOrder()
      Get Cost per Order. Fixed Cost Per Order
    • getCreated

      Timestamp getCreated()
      Get Created. Date this record was created
    • getCreatedBy

      int getCreatedBy()
      Get Created By. User who created this records
    • setC_UOM_ID

      void setC_UOM_ID(int C_UOM_ID)
      Set UOM. Unit of Measure
    • getC_UOM_ID

      int getC_UOM_ID()
      Get UOM. Unit of Measure
    • getC_UOM

      I_C_UOM getC_UOM() throws RuntimeException
    • setCustomsTariffNumber

      void setCustomsTariffNumber(String CustomsTariffNumber)
      Set Customs Tariff Number. Customs Tariff Number, usually the HS-Code
    • getCustomsTariffNumber

      String getCustomsTariffNumber()
      Get Customs Tariff Number. Customs Tariff Number, usually the HS-Code
    • setDeliveryTime_Promised

      void setDeliveryTime_Promised(int DeliveryTime_Promised)
      Set Promised Delivery Time. Promised days between order and delivery
    • getDeliveryTime_Promised

      int getDeliveryTime_Promised()
      Get Promised Delivery Time. Promised days between order and delivery
    • setDescription

      void setDescription(String Description)
      Set Description. Optional short description of the record
    • getDescription

      String getDescription()
      Get Description. Optional short description of the record
    • setDescriptionURL

      void setDescriptionURL(String DescriptionURL)
      Set Description URL. URL for the description
    • getDescriptionURL

      String getDescriptionURL()
      Get Description URL. URL for the description
    • setDiscontinued

      void setDiscontinued(boolean Discontinued)
      Set Discontinued. This product is no longer available
    • isDiscontinued

      boolean isDiscontinued()
      Get Discontinued. This product is no longer available
    • setDiscontinuedAt

      void setDiscontinuedAt(Timestamp DiscontinuedAt)
      Set Discontinued At. Discontinued At indicates Date when product was discontinued
    • getDiscontinuedAt

      Timestamp getDiscontinuedAt()
      Get Discontinued At. Discontinued At indicates Date when product was discontinued
    • setDocumentNote

      void setDocumentNote(String DocumentNote)
      Set Document Note. Additional information for a Document
    • getDocumentNote

      String getDocumentNote()
      Get Document Note. Additional information for a Document
    • setGroup1

      void setGroup1(String Group1)
      Set Group1
    • getGroup1

      String getGroup1()
      Get Group1
    • setGroup2

      void setGroup2(String Group2)
      Set Group2
    • getGroup2

      String getGroup2()
      Get Group2
    • setHelp

      void setHelp(String Help)
      Set Comment/Help. Comment or Hint
    • getHelp

      String getHelp()
      Get Comment/Help. Comment or Hint
    • setI_ErrorMsg

      void setI_ErrorMsg(String I_ErrorMsg)
      Set Import Error Message. Messages generated from import process
    • getI_ErrorMsg

      String getI_ErrorMsg()
      Get Import Error Message. Messages generated from import process
    • setI_IsImported

      void setI_IsImported(boolean I_IsImported)
      Set Imported. Has this import been processed
    • isI_IsImported

      boolean isI_IsImported()
      Get Imported. Has this import been processed
    • setImageURL

      void setImageURL(String ImageURL)
      Set Image URL. URL of image
    • getImageURL

      String getImageURL()
      Get Image URL. URL of image
    • setI_Product_ID

      void setI_Product_ID(int I_Product_ID)
      Set Import Product. Import Item or Service
    • getI_Product_ID

      int getI_Product_ID()
      Get Import Product. Import Item or Service
    • setI_Product_UU

      void setI_Product_UU(String I_Product_UU)
      Set I_Product_UU
    • getI_Product_UU

      String getI_Product_UU()
      Get I_Product_UU
    • setIsActive

      void setIsActive(boolean IsActive)
      Set Active. The record is active in the system
    • isActive

      boolean isActive()
      Get Active. The record is active in the system
    • setISO_Code

      void setISO_Code(String ISO_Code)
      Set ISO Currency Code. Three letter ISO 4217 Code of the Currency
    • getISO_Code

      String getISO_Code()
      Get ISO Currency Code. Three letter ISO 4217 Code of the Currency
    • setManufacturer

      void setManufacturer(String Manufacturer)
      Set Manufacturer. Manufacturer of the Product
    • getManufacturer

      String getManufacturer()
      Get Manufacturer. Manufacturer of the Product
    • setM_AttributeSet_ID

      void setM_AttributeSet_ID(int M_AttributeSet_ID)
      Set Attribute Set. Product Attribute Set
    • getM_AttributeSet_ID

      int getM_AttributeSet_ID()
      Get Attribute Set. Product Attribute Set
    • getM_AttributeSet

      I_M_AttributeSet getM_AttributeSet() throws RuntimeException
    • setM_Product_Category_ID

      void setM_Product_Category_ID(int M_Product_Category_ID)
      Set Product Category. Category of a Product
    • getM_Product_Category_ID

      int getM_Product_Category_ID()
      Get Product Category. Category of a Product
    • getM_Product_Category

      I_M_Product_Category getM_Product_Category() throws RuntimeException
    • setM_Product_ID

      void setM_Product_ID(int M_Product_ID)
      Set Product. Product, Service, Item
    • getM_Product_ID

      int getM_Product_ID()
      Get Product. Product, Service, Item
    • getM_Product

      I_M_Product getM_Product() throws RuntimeException
    • setName

      void setName(String Name)
      Set Name. Alphanumeric identifier of the entity
    • getName

      String getName()
      Get Name. Alphanumeric identifier of the entity
    • setOrder_Min

      void setOrder_Min(int Order_Min)
      Set Minimum Order Qty. Minimum order quantity in UOM
    • getOrder_Min

      int getOrder_Min()
      Get Minimum Order Qty. Minimum order quantity in UOM
    • setOrder_Pack

      void setOrder_Pack(int Order_Pack)
      Set Order Pack Qty. Package order size in UOM (e.g. order set of 5 units)
    • getOrder_Pack

      int getOrder_Pack()
      Get Order Pack Qty. Package order size in UOM (e.g. order set of 5 units)
    • setPriceEffective

      void setPriceEffective(Timestamp PriceEffective)
      Set Price effective. Effective Date of Price
    • getPriceEffective

      Timestamp getPriceEffective()
      Get Price effective. Effective Date of Price
    • setPriceLimit

      void setPriceLimit(BigDecimal PriceLimit)
      Set Limit Price. Lowest price for a product
    • getPriceLimit

      BigDecimal getPriceLimit()
      Get Limit Price. Lowest price for a product
    • setPriceList

      void setPriceList(BigDecimal PriceList)
      Set List Price. List Price
    • getPriceList

      BigDecimal getPriceList()
      Get List Price. List Price
    • setPricePO

      void setPricePO(BigDecimal PricePO)
      Set PO Price. Price based on a purchase order
    • getPricePO

      BigDecimal getPricePO()
      Get PO Price. Price based on a purchase order
    • setPriceStd

      void setPriceStd(BigDecimal PriceStd)
      Set Standard Price. Standard Price
    • getPriceStd

      BigDecimal getPriceStd()
      Get Standard Price. Standard Price
    • setProcessed

      void setProcessed(boolean Processed)
      Set Processed. The document has been processed
    • isProcessed

      boolean isProcessed()
      Get Processed. The document has been processed
    • setProcessing

      void setProcessing(boolean Processing)
      Set Process Now
    • isProcessing

      boolean isProcessing()
      Get Process Now
    • setProductCategory_Value

      void setProductCategory_Value(String ProductCategory_Value)
      Set Product Category Key
    • getProductCategory_Value

      String getProductCategory_Value()
      Get Product Category Key
    • setProductType

      void setProductType(String ProductType)
      Set Product Type. Type of product
    • getProductType

      String getProductType()
      Get Product Type. Type of product
    • setRoyaltyAmt

      void setRoyaltyAmt(BigDecimal RoyaltyAmt)
      Set Royalty Amount. (Included) Amount for copyright, etc.
    • getRoyaltyAmt

      BigDecimal getRoyaltyAmt()
      Get Royalty Amount. (Included) Amount for copyright, etc.
    • setShelfDepth

      void setShelfDepth(int ShelfDepth)
      Set Shelf Depth. Shelf depth required
    • getShelfDepth

      int getShelfDepth()
      Get Shelf Depth. Shelf depth required
    • setShelfHeight

      void setShelfHeight(BigDecimal ShelfHeight)
      Set Shelf Height. Shelf height required
    • getShelfHeight

      BigDecimal getShelfHeight()
      Get Shelf Height. Shelf height required
    • setShelfWidth

      void setShelfWidth(int ShelfWidth)
      Set Shelf Width. Shelf width required
    • getShelfWidth

      int getShelfWidth()
      Get Shelf Width. Shelf width required
    • setSKU

      void setSKU(String SKU)
      Set SKU. Stock Keeping Unit
    • getSKU

      String getSKU()
      Get SKU. Stock Keeping Unit
    • setUnitsPerPallet

      void setUnitsPerPallet(int UnitsPerPallet)
      Set Units Per Pallet. Units Per Pallet
    • getUnitsPerPallet

      int getUnitsPerPallet()
      Get Units Per Pallet. Units Per Pallet
    • setUPC

      void setUPC(String UPC)
      Set UPC/EAN. Bar Code (Universal Product Code or its superset European Article Number)
    • getUPC

      String getUPC()
      Get UPC/EAN. Bar Code (Universal Product Code or its superset European Article Number)
    • getUpdated

      Timestamp getUpdated()
      Get Updated. Date this record was updated
    • getUpdatedBy

      int getUpdatedBy()
      Get Updated By. User who updated this records
    • setValue

      void setValue(String Value)
      Set Search Key. Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique
    • getValue

      String getValue()
      Get Search Key. Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique
    • setVendorCategory

      void setVendorCategory(String VendorCategory)
      Set Partner Category. Product Category of the Business Partner
    • getVendorCategory

      String getVendorCategory()
      Get Partner Category. Product Category of the Business Partner
    • setVendorProductNo

      void setVendorProductNo(String VendorProductNo)
      Set Partner Product Key. Product Key of the Business Partner
    • getVendorProductNo

      String getVendorProductNo()
      Get Partner Product Key. Product Key of the Business Partner
    • setVolume

      void setVolume(BigDecimal Volume)
      Set Volume. Volume of a product
    • getVolume

      BigDecimal getVolume()
      Get Volume. Volume of a product
    • setWeight

      void setWeight(BigDecimal Weight)
      Set Weight. Weight of a product
    • getWeight

      BigDecimal getWeight()
      Get Weight. Weight of a product
    • setX12DE355

      void setX12DE355(String X12DE355)
      Set UOM Code. UOM EDI X12 Code
    • getX12DE355

      String getX12DE355()
      Get UOM Code. UOM EDI X12 Code