Interface I_M_AttributeSet

All Known Implementing Classes:
MAttributeSet, X_M_AttributeSet

public interface I_M_AttributeSet
Generated Interface for M_AttributeSet
Release 11
iDempiere (generated)
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getAD_Client_ID

      int getAD_Client_ID()
      Get Tenant. Tenant for this installation.
    • setAD_Org_ID

      void setAD_Org_ID(int AD_Org_ID)
      Set Organization. Organizational entity within tenant
    • getAD_Org_ID

      int getAD_Org_ID()
      Get Organization. Organizational entity within tenant
    • getCreated

      Timestamp getCreated()
      Get Created. Date this record was created
    • getCreatedBy

      int getCreatedBy()
      Get Created By. User who created this records
    • setDescription

      void setDescription(String Description)
      Set Description. Optional short description of the record
    • getDescription

      String getDescription()
      Get Description. Optional short description of the record
    • setGuaranteeDays

      void setGuaranteeDays(int GuaranteeDays)
      Set Guarantee Days. Number of days the product is guaranteed or available
    • getGuaranteeDays

      int getGuaranteeDays()
      Get Guarantee Days. Number of days the product is guaranteed or available
    • setIsActive

      void setIsActive(boolean IsActive)
      Set Active. The record is active in the system
    • isActive

      boolean isActive()
      Get Active. The record is active in the system
    • setIsAutoGenerateLot

      void setIsAutoGenerateLot(boolean IsAutoGenerateLot)
      Set Is Auto Generate Lot
    • isAutoGenerateLot

      boolean isAutoGenerateLot()
      Get Is Auto Generate Lot
    • setIsGuaranteeDate

      void setIsGuaranteeDate(boolean IsGuaranteeDate)
      Set Guarantee Date. Product has Guarantee or Expiry Date
    • isGuaranteeDate

      boolean isGuaranteeDate()
      Get Guarantee Date. Product has Guarantee or Expiry Date
    • setIsGuaranteeDateMandatory

      void setIsGuaranteeDateMandatory(boolean IsGuaranteeDateMandatory)
      Set Mandatory Guarantee Date. The entry of a Guarantee Date is mandatory when creating a Product Instance
    • isGuaranteeDateMandatory

      boolean isGuaranteeDateMandatory()
      Get Mandatory Guarantee Date. The entry of a Guarantee Date is mandatory when creating a Product Instance
    • setIsInstanceAttribute

      void setIsInstanceAttribute(boolean IsInstanceAttribute)
      Set Instance Attribute. The product attribute is specific to the instance (like Serial No, Lot or Guarantee Date)
    • isInstanceAttribute

      boolean isInstanceAttribute()
      Get Instance Attribute. The product attribute is specific to the instance (like Serial No, Lot or Guarantee Date)
    • setIsLot

      void setIsLot(boolean IsLot)
      Set Lot. The product instances have a Lot Number
    • isLot

      boolean isLot()
      Get Lot. The product instances have a Lot Number
    • setIsLotMandatory

      void setIsLotMandatory(boolean IsLotMandatory)
      Set Mandatory Lot. The entry of Lot info is mandatory when creating a Product Instance
    • isLotMandatory

      boolean isLotMandatory()
      Get Mandatory Lot. The entry of Lot info is mandatory when creating a Product Instance
    • setIsSerNo

      void setIsSerNo(boolean IsSerNo)
      Set Serial No. The product instances have Serial Numbers
    • isSerNo

      boolean isSerNo()
      Get Serial No. The product instances have Serial Numbers
    • setIsSerNoMandatory

      void setIsSerNoMandatory(boolean IsSerNoMandatory)
      Set Mandatory Serial No. The entry of a Serial No is mandatory when creating a Product Instance
    • isSerNoMandatory

      boolean isSerNoMandatory()
      Get Mandatory Serial No. The entry of a Serial No is mandatory when creating a Product Instance
    • setLotCharEOverwrite

      void setLotCharEOverwrite(String LotCharEOverwrite)
      Set Lot Char End Overwrite. Lot/Batch End Indicator overwrite - default »
    • getLotCharEOverwrite

      String getLotCharEOverwrite()
      Get Lot Char End Overwrite. Lot/Batch End Indicator overwrite - default »
    • setLotCharSOverwrite

      void setLotCharSOverwrite(String LotCharSOverwrite)
      Set Lot Char Start Overwrite. Lot/Batch Start Indicator overwrite - default «
    • getLotCharSOverwrite

      String getLotCharSOverwrite()
      Get Lot Char Start Overwrite. Lot/Batch Start Indicator overwrite - default «
    • setMandatoryType

      void setMandatoryType(String MandatoryType)
      Set Mandatory Type. The specification of a Product Attribute Instance is mandatory
    • getMandatoryType

      String getMandatoryType()
      Get Mandatory Type. The specification of a Product Attribute Instance is mandatory
    • setM_AttributeSet_ID

      void setM_AttributeSet_ID(int M_AttributeSet_ID)
      Set Attribute Set. Product Attribute Set
    • getM_AttributeSet_ID

      int getM_AttributeSet_ID()
      Get Attribute Set. Product Attribute Set
    • setM_AttributeSet_Type

      void setM_AttributeSet_Type(String M_AttributeSet_Type)
      Set Attribute Set Type
    • getM_AttributeSet_Type

      String getM_AttributeSet_Type()
      Get Attribute Set Type
    • setM_AttributeSet_UU

      void setM_AttributeSet_UU(String M_AttributeSet_UU)
      Set M_AttributeSet_UU
    • getM_AttributeSet_UU

      String getM_AttributeSet_UU()
      Get M_AttributeSet_UU
    • setM_LotCtl_ID

      void setM_LotCtl_ID(int M_LotCtl_ID)
      Set Lot Control. Product Lot Control
    • getM_LotCtl_ID

      int getM_LotCtl_ID()
      Get Lot Control. Product Lot Control
    • getM_LotCtl

      I_M_LotCtl getM_LotCtl() throws RuntimeException
    • setM_SerNoCtl_ID

      void setM_SerNoCtl_ID(int M_SerNoCtl_ID)
      Set Serial No Control. Product Serial Number Control
    • getM_SerNoCtl_ID

      int getM_SerNoCtl_ID()
      Get Serial No Control. Product Serial Number Control
    • getM_SerNoCtl

      I_M_SerNoCtl getM_SerNoCtl() throws RuntimeException
    • setName

      void setName(String Name)
      Set Name. Alphanumeric identifier of the entity
    • getName

      String getName()
      Get Name. Alphanumeric identifier of the entity
    • setSerNoCharEOverwrite

      void setSerNoCharEOverwrite(String SerNoCharEOverwrite)
      Set Ser No Char End Overwrite. Serial Number End Indicator overwrite - default empty
    • getSerNoCharEOverwrite

      String getSerNoCharEOverwrite()
      Get Ser No Char End Overwrite. Serial Number End Indicator overwrite - default empty
    • setSerNoCharSOverwrite

      void setSerNoCharSOverwrite(String SerNoCharSOverwrite)
      Set Ser No Char Start Overwrite. Serial Number Start Indicator overwrite - default #
    • getSerNoCharSOverwrite

      String getSerNoCharSOverwrite()
      Get Ser No Char Start Overwrite. Serial Number Start Indicator overwrite - default #
    • getUpdated

      Timestamp getUpdated()
      Get Updated. Date this record was updated
    • getUpdatedBy

      int getUpdatedBy()
      Get Updated By. User who updated this records
    • setUseGuaranteeDateForMPolicy

      void setUseGuaranteeDateForMPolicy(boolean UseGuaranteeDateForMPolicy)
      Set Use Guarantee Date for Material Policy
    • isUseGuaranteeDateForMPolicy

      boolean isUseGuaranteeDateForMPolicy()
      Get Use Guarantee Date for Material Policy