Interface I_I_Asset

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface I_I_Asset
Generated Interface for I_Asset
Release 11
iDempiere (generated)
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • setA_Accumdepreciation_Acct

      void setA_Accumdepreciation_Acct(int A_Accumdepreciation_Acct)
      Set Accumulated Depreciation Account
    • getA_Accumdepreciation_Acct

      int getA_Accumdepreciation_Acct()
      Get Accumulated Depreciation Account
    • getA_Accumdepreciation_A

      I_C_ValidCombination getA_Accumdepreciation_A() throws RuntimeException
    • setA_Accumulated_Depr

      void setA_Accumulated_Depr(BigDecimal A_Accumulated_Depr)
      Set Accumulated Depreciation
    • getA_Accumulated_Depr

      BigDecimal getA_Accumulated_Depr()
      Get Accumulated Depreciation
    • setA_Asset_Acct

      void setA_Asset_Acct(int A_Asset_Acct)
      Set Asset Acct
    • getA_Asset_Acct

      int getA_Asset_Acct()
      Get Asset Acct
    • getA_Asset_A

      I_C_ValidCombination getA_Asset_A() throws RuntimeException
    • setA_Asset_Cost

      void setA_Asset_Cost(BigDecimal A_Asset_Cost)
      Set Asset Cost
    • getA_Asset_Cost

      BigDecimal getA_Asset_Cost()
      Get Asset Cost
    • setA_Asset_Group_ID

      void setA_Asset_Group_ID(int A_Asset_Group_ID)
      Set Asset Group. Group of Assets
    • getA_Asset_Group_ID

      int getA_Asset_Group_ID()
      Get Asset Group. Group of Assets
    • getA_Asset_Group

      I_A_Asset_Group getA_Asset_Group() throws RuntimeException
    • setA_Asset_ID

      void setA_Asset_ID(int A_Asset_ID)
      Set Asset. Asset used internally or by customers
    • getA_Asset_ID

      int getA_Asset_ID()
      Get Asset. Asset used internally or by customers
    • setA_Asset_Life_Current_Year

      void setA_Asset_Life_Current_Year(int A_Asset_Life_Current_Year)
      Set A_Asset_Life_Current_Year
    • getA_Asset_Life_Current_Year

      int getA_Asset_Life_Current_Year()
      Get A_Asset_Life_Current_Year
    • setA_Asset_Life_Years

      void setA_Asset_Life_Years(BigDecimal A_Asset_Life_Years)
      Set Life Years
    • getA_Asset_Life_Years

      BigDecimal getA_Asset_Life_Years()
      Get Life Years
    • setA_Base_Amount

      void setA_Base_Amount(BigDecimal A_Base_Amount)
      Set A_Base_Amount
    • getA_Base_Amount

      BigDecimal getA_Base_Amount()
      Get A_Base_Amount
    • setA_Calc_Accumulated_Depr

      void setA_Calc_Accumulated_Depr(BigDecimal A_Calc_Accumulated_Depr)
      Set A_Calc_Accumulated_Depr
    • getA_Calc_Accumulated_Depr

      BigDecimal getA_Calc_Accumulated_Depr()
      Get A_Calc_Accumulated_Depr
    • setA_Curr_Dep_Exp

      void setA_Curr_Dep_Exp(BigDecimal A_Curr_Dep_Exp)
      Set A_Curr_Dep_Exp
    • getA_Curr_Dep_Exp

      BigDecimal getA_Curr_Dep_Exp()
      Get A_Curr_Dep_Exp
    • setA_Current_Period

      void setA_Current_Period(int A_Current_Period)
      Set Current Period
    • getA_Current_Period

      int getA_Current_Period()
      Get Current Period
    • getAD_Client_ID

      int getAD_Client_ID()
      Get Tenant. Tenant for this installation.
    • setA_Depreciation_Acct

      void setA_Depreciation_Acct(int A_Depreciation_Acct)
      Set Depreciation Account
    • getA_Depreciation_Acct

      int getA_Depreciation_Acct()
      Get Depreciation Account
    • getA_Depreciation_A

      I_C_ValidCombination getA_Depreciation_A() throws RuntimeException
    • setA_Depreciation_Manual_Amount

      void setA_Depreciation_Manual_Amount(BigDecimal A_Depreciation_Manual_Amount)
      Set A_Depreciation_Manual_Amount
    • getA_Depreciation_Manual_Amount

      BigDecimal getA_Depreciation_Manual_Amount()
      Get A_Depreciation_Manual_Amount
    • setA_Depreciation_Manual_Period

      void setA_Depreciation_Manual_Period(String A_Depreciation_Manual_Period)
      Set A_Depreciation_Manual_Period
    • getA_Depreciation_Manual_Period

      String getA_Depreciation_Manual_Period()
      Get A_Depreciation_Manual_Period
    • setA_Depreciation_Table_Header_ID

      void setA_Depreciation_Table_Header_ID(int A_Depreciation_Table_Header_ID)
      Set A_Depreciation_Table_Header_ID
    • getA_Depreciation_Table_Header_ID

      int getA_Depreciation_Table_Header_ID()
      Get A_Depreciation_Table_Header_ID
    • getA_Depreciation_Table_Header

      I_A_Depreciation_Table_Header getA_Depreciation_Table_Header() throws RuntimeException
    • setA_Depreciation_Variable_Perc

      void setA_Depreciation_Variable_Perc(BigDecimal A_Depreciation_Variable_Perc)
      Set Variable Percent
    • getA_Depreciation_Variable_Perc

      BigDecimal getA_Depreciation_Variable_Perc()
      Get Variable Percent
    • setAD_Org_ID

      void setAD_Org_ID(int AD_Org_ID)
      Set Organization. Organizational entity within tenant
    • getAD_Org_ID

      int getAD_Org_ID()
      Get Organization. Organizational entity within tenant
    • setAD_User_ID

      void setAD_User_ID(int AD_User_ID)
      Set User/Contact. User within the system - Internal or Business Partner Contact
    • getAD_User_ID

      int getAD_User_ID()
      Get User/Contact. User within the system - Internal or Business Partner Contact
    • setA_Life_Period

      void setA_Life_Period(int A_Life_Period)
      Set Life Periods
    • getA_Life_Period

      int getA_Life_Period()
      Get Life Periods
    • setA_Parent_Asset_ID

      void setA_Parent_Asset_ID(int A_Parent_Asset_ID)
      Set Parent Asset
    • getA_Parent_Asset_ID

      int getA_Parent_Asset_ID()
      Get Parent Asset
    • setA_Period_End

      void setA_Period_End(int A_Period_End)
      Set A_Period_End
    • getA_Period_End

      int getA_Period_End()
      Get A_Period_End
    • setA_Period_Posted

      void setA_Period_Posted(int A_Period_Posted)
      Set A_Period_Posted
    • getA_Period_Posted

      int getA_Period_Posted()
      Get A_Period_Posted
    • setA_Period_Start

      void setA_Period_Start(int A_Period_Start)
      Set A_Period_Start
    • getA_Period_Start

      int getA_Period_Start()
      Get A_Period_Start
    • setA_Prior_Year_Accumulated_Depr

      void setA_Prior_Year_Accumulated_Depr(BigDecimal A_Prior_Year_Accumulated_Depr)
      Set A_Prior_Year_Accumulated_Depr
    • getA_Prior_Year_Accumulated_Depr

      BigDecimal getA_Prior_Year_Accumulated_Depr()
      Get A_Prior_Year_Accumulated_Depr
    • setA_QTY_Current

      void setA_QTY_Current(int A_QTY_Current)
      Set Current Qty
    • getA_QTY_Current

      int getA_QTY_Current()
      Get Current Qty
    • setA_QTY_Original

      void setA_QTY_Original(int A_QTY_Original)
      Set A_QTY_Original
    • getA_QTY_Original

      int getA_QTY_Original()
      Get A_QTY_Original
    • setA_Reval_Cal_Method

      void setA_Reval_Cal_Method(String A_Reval_Cal_Method)
      Set A_Reval_Cal_Method
    • getA_Reval_Cal_Method

      String getA_Reval_Cal_Method()
      Get A_Reval_Cal_Method
    • setA_Salvage_Value

      void setA_Salvage_Value(BigDecimal A_Salvage_Value)
      Set Asset Salvage Value
    • getA_Salvage_Value

      BigDecimal getA_Salvage_Value()
      Get Asset Salvage Value
    • setA_Split_Percent

      void setA_Split_Percent(BigDecimal A_Split_Percent)
      Set Split Percent
    • getA_Split_Percent

      BigDecimal getA_Split_Percent()
      Get Split Percent
    • setAssetDepreciationDate

      void setAssetDepreciationDate(Timestamp AssetDepreciationDate)
      Set Asset Depreciation Date. Date of last depreciation
    • getAssetDepreciationDate

      Timestamp getAssetDepreciationDate()
      Get Asset Depreciation Date. Date of last depreciation
    • setAssetDisposalDate

      void setAssetDisposalDate(Timestamp AssetDisposalDate)
      Set Asset Disposal Date. Date when the asset is/was disposed
    • getAssetDisposalDate

      Timestamp getAssetDisposalDate()
      Get Asset Disposal Date. Date when the asset is/was disposed
    • setAssetMarketValueAmt

      void setAssetMarketValueAmt(BigDecimal AssetMarketValueAmt)
      Set Market value Amount. Market value of the asset
    • getAssetMarketValueAmt

      BigDecimal getAssetMarketValueAmt()
      Get Market value Amount. Market value of the asset
    • setAssetServiceDate

      void setAssetServiceDate(Timestamp AssetServiceDate)
      Set In Service Date. Date when Asset was put into service
    • getAssetServiceDate

      Timestamp getAssetServiceDate()
      Get In Service Date. Date when Asset was put into service
    • setC_AcctSchema_ID

      void setC_AcctSchema_ID(int C_AcctSchema_ID)
      Set Accounting Schema. Rules for accounting
    • getC_AcctSchema_ID

      int getC_AcctSchema_ID()
      Get Accounting Schema. Rules for accounting
    • getC_AcctSchema

      I_C_AcctSchema getC_AcctSchema() throws RuntimeException
    • setC_BPartner_ID

      void setC_BPartner_ID(int C_BPartner_ID)
      Set Business Partner. Identifies a Business Partner
    • getC_BPartner_ID

      int getC_BPartner_ID()
      Get Business Partner. Identifies a Business Partner
    • getC_BPartner

      I_C_BPartner getC_BPartner() throws RuntimeException
    • setC_BPartner_Location_ID

      void setC_BPartner_Location_ID(int C_BPartner_Location_ID)
      Set Partner Location. Identifies the (ship to) address for this Business Partner
    • getC_BPartner_Location_ID

      int getC_BPartner_Location_ID()
      Get Partner Location. Identifies the (ship to) address for this Business Partner
    • getC_BPartner_Location

      I_C_BPartner_Location getC_BPartner_Location() throws RuntimeException
    • setC_Location_ID

      void setC_Location_ID(int C_Location_ID)
      Set Address. Location or Address
    • getC_Location_ID

      int getC_Location_ID()
      Get Address. Location or Address
    • getC_Location

      I_C_Location getC_Location() throws RuntimeException
    • getCreated

      Timestamp getCreated()
      Get Created. Date this record was created
    • getCreatedBy

      int getCreatedBy()
      Get Created By. User who created this records
    • setDescription

      void setDescription(String Description)
      Set Description. Optional short description of the record
    • getDescription

      String getDescription()
      Get Description. Optional short description of the record
    • setGuaranteeDate

      void setGuaranteeDate(Timestamp GuaranteeDate)
      Set Guarantee Date. Date when guarantee expires
    • getGuaranteeDate

      Timestamp getGuaranteeDate()
      Get Guarantee Date. Date when guarantee expires
    • setHelp

      void setHelp(String Help)
      Set Comment/Help. Comment or Hint
    • getHelp

      String getHelp()
      Get Comment/Help. Comment or Hint
    • setI_Asset_ID

      void setI_Asset_ID(int I_Asset_ID)
      Set Asset
    • getI_Asset_ID

      int getI_Asset_ID()
      Get Asset
    • setI_Asset_UU

      void setI_Asset_UU(String I_Asset_UU)
      Set I_Asset_UU
    • getI_Asset_UU

      String getI_Asset_UU()
      Get I_Asset_UU
    • setI_ErrorMsg

      void setI_ErrorMsg(String I_ErrorMsg)
      Set Import Error Message. Messages generated from import process
    • getI_ErrorMsg

      String getI_ErrorMsg()
      Get Import Error Message. Messages generated from import process
    • setI_IsImported

      void setI_IsImported(boolean I_IsImported)
      Set Imported. Has this import been processed
    • isI_IsImported

      boolean isI_IsImported()
      Get Imported. Has this import been processed
    • setIsActive

      void setIsActive(boolean IsActive)
      Set Active. The record is active in the system
    • isActive

      boolean isActive()
      Get Active. The record is active in the system
    • setIsDepreciated

      void setIsDepreciated(boolean IsDepreciated)
      Set Depreciate. The asset will be depreciated
    • isDepreciated

      boolean isDepreciated()
      Get Depreciate. The asset will be depreciated
    • setIsDisposed

      void setIsDisposed(boolean IsDisposed)
      Set Disposed. The asset is disposed
    • isDisposed

      boolean isDisposed()
      Get Disposed. The asset is disposed
    • setIsFullyDepreciated

      void setIsFullyDepreciated(boolean IsFullyDepreciated)
      Set Fully depreciated. The asset is fully depreciated
    • isFullyDepreciated

      boolean isFullyDepreciated()
      Get Fully depreciated. The asset is fully depreciated
    • setIsInPosession

      void setIsInPosession(boolean IsInPosession)
      Set In Possession. The asset is in the possession of the organization
    • isInPosession

      boolean isInPosession()
      Get In Possession. The asset is in the possession of the organization
    • setIsOwned

      void setIsOwned(boolean IsOwned)
      Set Owned. The asset is owned by the organization
    • isOwned

      boolean isOwned()
      Get Owned. The asset is owned by the organization
    • setLifeUseUnits

      void setLifeUseUnits(int LifeUseUnits)
      Set Life use. Units of use until the asset is not usable anymore
    • getLifeUseUnits

      int getLifeUseUnits()
      Get Life use. Units of use until the asset is not usable anymore
    • setLocationComment

      void setLocationComment(String LocationComment)
      Set Location comment. Additional comments or remarks concerning the location
    • getLocationComment

      String getLocationComment()
      Get Location comment. Additional comments or remarks concerning the location
    • setLot

      void setLot(String Lot)
      Set Lot No. Lot number (alphanumeric)
    • getLot

      String getLot()
      Get Lot No. Lot number (alphanumeric)
    • setM_AttributeSetInstance_ID

      void setM_AttributeSetInstance_ID(int M_AttributeSetInstance_ID)
      Set Attribute Set Instance. Product Attribute Set Instance
    • getM_AttributeSetInstance_ID

      int getM_AttributeSetInstance_ID()
      Get Attribute Set Instance. Product Attribute Set Instance
    • getM_AttributeSetInstance

      I_M_AttributeSetInstance getM_AttributeSetInstance() throws RuntimeException
    • setM_Locator_ID

      void setM_Locator_ID(int M_Locator_ID)
      Set Locator. Warehouse Locator
    • getM_Locator_ID

      int getM_Locator_ID()
      Get Locator. Warehouse Locator
    • getM_Locator

      I_M_Locator getM_Locator() throws RuntimeException
    • setM_Product_ID

      void setM_Product_ID(int M_Product_ID)
      Set Product. Product, Service, Item
    • getM_Product_ID

      int getM_Product_ID()
      Get Product. Product, Service, Item
    • getM_Product

      I_M_Product getM_Product() throws RuntimeException
    • setName

      void setName(String Name)
      Set Name. Alphanumeric identifier of the entity
    • getName

      String getName()
      Get Name. Alphanumeric identifier of the entity
    • setPostingType

      void setPostingType(String PostingType)
      Set Posting Type. The type of posted amount for the transaction
    • getPostingType

      String getPostingType()
      Get Posting Type. The type of posted amount for the transaction
    • setProcessed

      void setProcessed(boolean Processed)
      Set Processed. The document has been processed
    • isProcessed

      boolean isProcessed()
      Get Processed. The document has been processed
    • setProcessing

      void setProcessing(boolean Processing)
      Set Process Now
    • isProcessing

      boolean isProcessing()
      Get Process Now
    • setSerNo

      void setSerNo(String SerNo)
      Set Serial No. Product Serial Number
    • getSerNo

      String getSerNo()
      Get Serial No. Product Serial Number
    • getUpdated

      Timestamp getUpdated()
      Get Updated. Date this record was updated
    • getUpdatedBy

      int getUpdatedBy()
      Get Updated By. User who updated this records
    • setUseLifeMonths

      void setUseLifeMonths(int UseLifeMonths)
      Set Usable Life - Months. Months of the usable life of the asset
    • getUseLifeMonths

      int getUseLifeMonths()
      Get Usable Life - Months. Months of the usable life of the asset
    • setUseLifeYears

      void setUseLifeYears(BigDecimal UseLifeYears)
      Set Usable Life - Years. Years of the usable life of the asset
    • getUseLifeYears

      BigDecimal getUseLifeYears()
      Get Usable Life - Years. Years of the usable life of the asset
    • setUseUnits

      void setUseUnits(int UseUnits)
      Set Use units. Currently used units of the assets
    • getUseUnits

      int getUseUnits()
      Get Use units. Currently used units of the assets
    • setValue

      void setValue(String Value)
      Set Search Key. Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique
    • getValue

      String getValue()
      Get Search Key. Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique
    • setVersionNo

      void setVersionNo(String VersionNo)
      Set Version No. Version Number
    • getVersionNo

      String getVersionNo()
      Get Version No. Version Number