Interface I_C_AcctSchema

All Known Implementing Classes:
MAcctSchema, X_C_AcctSchema

public interface I_C_AcctSchema
Generated Interface for C_AcctSchema
Release 11
iDempiere (generated)
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getAD_Client_ID

      int getAD_Client_ID()
      Get Tenant. Tenant for this installation.
    • setAD_Org_ID

      void setAD_Org_ID(int AD_Org_ID)
      Set Organization. Organizational entity within tenant
    • getAD_Org_ID

      int getAD_Org_ID()
      Get Organization. Organizational entity within tenant
    • setAD_OrgOnly_ID

      void setAD_OrgOnly_ID(int AD_OrgOnly_ID)
      Set Only Organization. Create posting entries only for this organization
    • getAD_OrgOnly_ID

      int getAD_OrgOnly_ID()
      Get Only Organization. Create posting entries only for this organization
    • setAutoPeriodControl

      void setAutoPeriodControl(boolean AutoPeriodControl)
      Set Automatic Period Control. If selected, the periods are automatically opened and closed
    • isAutoPeriodControl

      boolean isAutoPeriodControl()
      Get Automatic Period Control. If selected, the periods are automatically opened and closed
    • setC_AcctSchema_ID

      void setC_AcctSchema_ID(int C_AcctSchema_ID)
      Set Accounting Schema. Rules for accounting
    • getC_AcctSchema_ID

      int getC_AcctSchema_ID()
      Get Accounting Schema. Rules for accounting
    • setC_AcctSchema_UU

      void setC_AcctSchema_UU(String C_AcctSchema_UU)
      Set C_AcctSchema_UU
    • getC_AcctSchema_UU

      String getC_AcctSchema_UU()
      Get C_AcctSchema_UU
    • setC_Currency_ID

      void setC_Currency_ID(int C_Currency_ID)
      Set Currency. The Currency for this record
    • getC_Currency_ID

      int getC_Currency_ID()
      Get Currency. The Currency for this record
    • getC_Currency

      I_C_Currency getC_Currency() throws RuntimeException
    • setCommitmentType

      void setCommitmentType(String CommitmentType)
      Set Commitment Type. Create Commitment and/or Reservations for Budget Control
    • getCommitmentType

      String getCommitmentType()
      Get Commitment Type. Create Commitment and/or Reservations for Budget Control
    • setCostingLevel

      void setCostingLevel(String CostingLevel)
      Set Costing Level. The lowest level to accumulate Costing Information
    • getCostingLevel

      String getCostingLevel()
      Get Costing Level. The lowest level to accumulate Costing Information
    • setCostingMethod

      void setCostingMethod(String CostingMethod)
      Set Costing Method. Indicates how Costs will be calculated
    • getCostingMethod

      String getCostingMethod()
      Get Costing Method. Indicates how Costs will be calculated
    • setC_Period_ID

      void setC_Period_ID(int C_Period_ID)
      Set Period. Period of the Calendar
    • getC_Period_ID

      int getC_Period_ID()
      Get Period. Period of the Calendar
    • getC_Period

      I_C_Period getC_Period() throws RuntimeException
    • getCreated

      Timestamp getCreated()
      Get Created. Date this record was created
    • getCreatedBy

      int getCreatedBy()
      Get Created By. User who created this records
    • setDescription

      void setDescription(String Description)
      Set Description. Optional short description of the record
    • getDescription

      String getDescription()
      Get Description. Optional short description of the record
    • setGAAP

      void setGAAP(String GAAP)
      Set GAAP. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
    • getGAAP

      String getGAAP()
      Get GAAP. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
    • setHasAlias

      void setHasAlias(boolean HasAlias)
      Set Use Account Alias. Ability to select (partial) account combinations by an Alias
    • isHasAlias

      boolean isHasAlias()
      Get Use Account Alias. Ability to select (partial) account combinations by an Alias
    • setHasCombination

      void setHasCombination(boolean HasCombination)
      Set Use Account Combination Control. Combination of account elements are checked
    • isHasCombination

      boolean isHasCombination()
      Get Use Account Combination Control. Combination of account elements are checked
    • setIsAccrual

      void setIsAccrual(boolean IsAccrual)
      Set Accrual. Indicates if Accrual or Cash Based accounting will be used
    • isAccrual

      boolean isAccrual()
      Get Accrual. Indicates if Accrual or Cash Based accounting will be used
    • setIsActive

      void setIsActive(boolean IsActive)
      Set Active. The record is active in the system
    • isActive

      boolean isActive()
      Get Active. The record is active in the system
    • setIsAdjustCOGS

      void setIsAdjustCOGS(boolean IsAdjustCOGS)
      Set Adjust COGS. Adjust Cost of Good Sold
    • isAdjustCOGS

      boolean isAdjustCOGS()
      Get Adjust COGS. Adjust Cost of Good Sold
    • setIsAllowNegativePosting

      void setIsAllowNegativePosting(boolean IsAllowNegativePosting)
      Set Allow Negative Posting. Allow to post negative accounting values
    • isAllowNegativePosting

      boolean isAllowNegativePosting()
      Get Allow Negative Posting. Allow to post negative accounting values
    • setIsDiscountCorrectsTax

      void setIsDiscountCorrectsTax(boolean IsDiscountCorrectsTax)
      Set Correct tax for Discounts/Charges. Correct the tax for payment discount and charges
    • isDiscountCorrectsTax

      boolean isDiscountCorrectsTax()
      Get Correct tax for Discounts/Charges. Correct the tax for payment discount and charges
    • setIsExplicitCostAdjustment

      void setIsExplicitCostAdjustment(boolean IsExplicitCostAdjustment)
      Set Explicit Cost Adjustment. Post the cost adjustment explicitly
    • isExplicitCostAdjustment

      boolean isExplicitCostAdjustment()
      Get Explicit Cost Adjustment. Post the cost adjustment explicitly
    • setIsPostIfClearingEqual

      void setIsPostIfClearingEqual(boolean IsPostIfClearingEqual)
      Set Post if Clearing Equal. This flag controls if Adempiere must post when clearing (transit) and final accounts are the same
    • isPostIfClearingEqual

      boolean isPostIfClearingEqual()
      Get Post if Clearing Equal. This flag controls if Adempiere must post when clearing (transit) and final accounts are the same
    • setIsPostServices

      void setIsPostServices(boolean IsPostServices)
      Set Post Services Separately. Differentiate between Services and Product Receivable/Payables
    • isPostServices

      boolean isPostServices()
      Get Post Services Separately. Differentiate between Services and Product Receivable/Payables
    • setIsTradeDiscountPosted

      void setIsTradeDiscountPosted(boolean IsTradeDiscountPosted)
      Set Post Trade Discount. Generate postings for trade discounts
    • isTradeDiscountPosted

      boolean isTradeDiscountPosted()
      Get Post Trade Discount. Generate postings for trade discounts
    • setM_CostType_ID

      void setM_CostType_ID(int M_CostType_ID)
      Set Cost Type. Type of Cost (e.g. Current, Plan, Future)
    • getM_CostType_ID

      int getM_CostType_ID()
      Get Cost Type. Type of Cost (e.g. Current, Plan, Future)
    • getM_CostType

      I_M_CostType getM_CostType() throws RuntimeException
    • setName

      void setName(String Name)
      Set Name. Alphanumeric identifier of the entity
    • getName

      String getName()
      Get Name. Alphanumeric identifier of the entity
    • setPeriod_OpenFuture

      void setPeriod_OpenFuture(int Period_OpenFuture)
      Set Future Days. Number of days to be able to post to a future date (based on system date)
    • getPeriod_OpenFuture

      int getPeriod_OpenFuture()
      Get Future Days. Number of days to be able to post to a future date (based on system date)
    • setPeriod_OpenHistory

      void setPeriod_OpenHistory(int Period_OpenHistory)
      Set History Days. Number of days to be able to post in the past (based on system date)
    • getPeriod_OpenHistory

      int getPeriod_OpenHistory()
      Get History Days. Number of days to be able to post in the past (based on system date)
    • setProcessing

      void setProcessing(boolean Processing)
      Set Process Now
    • isProcessing

      boolean isProcessing()
      Get Process Now
    • setSeparator

      void setSeparator(String Separator)
      Set Element Separator. Element Separator
    • getSeparator

      String getSeparator()
      Get Element Separator. Element Separator
    • setTaxCorrectionType

      void setTaxCorrectionType(String TaxCorrectionType)
      Set Tax Correction. Type of Tax Correction
    • getTaxCorrectionType

      String getTaxCorrectionType()
      Get Tax Correction. Type of Tax Correction
    • getUpdated

      Timestamp getUpdated()
      Get Updated. Date this record was updated
    • getUpdatedBy

      int getUpdatedBy()
      Get Updated By. User who updated this records