Interface I_C_DocType

All Known Implementing Classes:
MDocType, X_C_DocType

public interface I_C_DocType
Generated Interface for C_DocType
Release 12
iDempiere (generated)
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getAD_Client_ID

      int getAD_Client_ID()
      Get Client. Client/Tenant for this installation.
    • setAD_Org_ID

      void setAD_Org_ID(int AD_Org_ID)
      Set Organization. Organizational entity within client
    • getAD_Org_ID

      int getAD_Org_ID()
      Get Organization. Organizational entity within client
    • setAD_PrintFormat_ID

      void setAD_PrintFormat_ID(int AD_PrintFormat_ID)
      Set Print Format. Data Print Format
    • getAD_PrintFormat_ID

      int getAD_PrintFormat_ID()
      Get Print Format. Data Print Format
    • getAD_PrintFormat

      I_AD_PrintFormat getAD_PrintFormat() throws RuntimeException
    • setC_DocTypeDifference_ID

      void setC_DocTypeDifference_ID(int C_DocTypeDifference_ID)
      Set Difference Document. Document type for generating in dispute Shipments
    • getC_DocTypeDifference_ID

      int getC_DocTypeDifference_ID()
      Get Difference Document. Document type for generating in dispute Shipments
    • getC_DocTypeDifference

      I_C_DocType getC_DocTypeDifference() throws RuntimeException
    • setC_DocType_ID

      void setC_DocType_ID(int C_DocType_ID)
      Set Document Type. Document type or rules
    • getC_DocType_ID

      int getC_DocType_ID()
      Get Document Type. Document type or rules
    • setC_DocTypeInvoice_ID

      void setC_DocTypeInvoice_ID(int C_DocTypeInvoice_ID)
      Set Document Type for Invoice. Document type used for invoices generated from this sales document
    • getC_DocTypeInvoice_ID

      int getC_DocTypeInvoice_ID()
      Get Document Type for Invoice. Document type used for invoices generated from this sales document
    • getC_DocTypeInvoice

      I_C_DocType getC_DocTypeInvoice() throws RuntimeException
    • setC_DocTypeProforma_ID

      void setC_DocTypeProforma_ID(int C_DocTypeProforma_ID)
      Set Document Type for ProForma. Document type used for pro forma invoices generated from this sales document
    • getC_DocTypeProforma_ID

      int getC_DocTypeProforma_ID()
      Get Document Type for ProForma. Document type used for pro forma invoices generated from this sales document
    • getC_DocTypeProforma

      I_C_DocType getC_DocTypeProforma() throws RuntimeException
    • setC_DocTypeShipment_ID

      void setC_DocTypeShipment_ID(int C_DocTypeShipment_ID)
      Set Document Type for Shipment. Document type used for shipments generated from this sales document
    • getC_DocTypeShipment_ID

      int getC_DocTypeShipment_ID()
      Get Document Type for Shipment. Document type used for shipments generated from this sales document
    • getC_DocTypeShipment

      I_C_DocType getC_DocTypeShipment() throws RuntimeException
    • setC_DocType_UU

      void setC_DocType_UU(String C_DocType_UU)
      Set C_DocType_UU
    • getC_DocType_UU

      String getC_DocType_UU()
      Get C_DocType_UU
    • getCreated

      Timestamp getCreated()
      Get Created. Date this record was created
    • getCreatedBy

      int getCreatedBy()
      Get Created By. User who created this records
    • setDefiniteSequence_ID

      void setDefiniteSequence_ID(int DefiniteSequence_ID)
      Set Definite Sequence
    • getDefiniteSequence_ID

      int getDefiniteSequence_ID()
      Get Definite Sequence
    • getDefiniteSequence

      I_AD_Sequence getDefiniteSequence() throws RuntimeException
    • setDescription

      void setDescription(String Description)
      Set Description. Optional short description of the record
    • getDescription

      String getDescription()
      Get Description. Optional short description of the record
    • setDocBaseType

      void setDocBaseType(String DocBaseType)
      Set Document Base Type. Logical type of document
    • getDocBaseType

      String getDocBaseType()
      Get Document Base Type. Logical type of document
    • setDocNoSequence_ID

      void setDocNoSequence_ID(int DocNoSequence_ID)
      Set Document Sequence. Document sequence determines the numbering of documents
    • getDocNoSequence_ID

      int getDocNoSequence_ID()
      Get Document Sequence. Document sequence determines the numbering of documents
    • getDocNoSequence

      I_AD_Sequence getDocNoSequence() throws RuntimeException
    • setDocSubTypeInv

      void setDocSubTypeInv(String DocSubTypeInv)
      Set Inv Sub Type. Inventory Sub Type
    • getDocSubTypeInv

      String getDocSubTypeInv()
      Get Inv Sub Type. Inventory Sub Type
    • setDocSubTypeSO

      void setDocSubTypeSO(String DocSubTypeSO)
      Set SO Sub Type. Sales Order Sub Type
    • getDocSubTypeSO

      String getDocSubTypeSO()
      Get SO Sub Type. Sales Order Sub Type
    • setDocumentCopies

      void setDocumentCopies(int DocumentCopies)
      Set Document Copies. Number of copies to be printed
    • getDocumentCopies

      int getDocumentCopies()
      Get Document Copies. Number of copies to be printed
    • setDocumentNote

      void setDocumentNote(String DocumentNote)
      Set Document Note. Additional information for a Document
    • getDocumentNote

      String getDocumentNote()
      Get Document Note. Additional information for a Document
    • setGL_Category_ID

      void setGL_Category_ID(int GL_Category_ID)
      Set GL Category. General Ledger Category
    • getGL_Category_ID

      int getGL_Category_ID()
      Get GL Category. General Ledger Category
    • getGL_Category

      I_GL_Category getGL_Category() throws RuntimeException
    • setHasCharges

      void setHasCharges(boolean HasCharges)
      Set Charges. Charges can be added to the document
    • isHasCharges

      boolean isHasCharges()
      Get Charges. Charges can be added to the document
    • setHasProforma

      void setHasProforma(boolean HasProforma)
      Set Pro forma Invoice. Indicates if Pro Forma Invoices can be generated from this document
    • isHasProforma

      boolean isHasProforma()
      Get Pro forma Invoice. Indicates if Pro Forma Invoices can be generated from this document
    • setIsActive

      void setIsActive(boolean IsActive)
      Set Active. The record is active in the system
    • isActive

      boolean isActive()
      Get Active. The record is active in the system
    • setIsAutoGenerateInout

      void setIsAutoGenerateInout(boolean IsAutoGenerateInout)
      Set Generate Shipment. Automatically Generate Shipment after (Sales/Purchase) Order completed
    • isAutoGenerateInout

      boolean isAutoGenerateInout()
      Get Generate Shipment. Automatically Generate Shipment after (Sales/Purchase) Order completed
    • setIsAutoGenerateInvoice

      void setIsAutoGenerateInvoice(boolean IsAutoGenerateInvoice)
      Set Generate Invoice. Automatically Generate Invoice after (Sales/Purchase) Order completed
    • isAutoGenerateInvoice

      boolean isAutoGenerateInvoice()
      Get Generate Invoice. Automatically Generate Invoice after (Sales/Purchase) Order completed
    • setIsChargeOrProductMandatory

      void setIsChargeOrProductMandatory(boolean IsChargeOrProductMandatory)
      Set Mandatory Charge or Product
    • isChargeOrProductMandatory

      boolean isChargeOrProductMandatory()
      Get Mandatory Charge or Product
    • setIsCreateCounter

      void setIsCreateCounter(boolean IsCreateCounter)
      Set Create Counter Document. Create Counter Document
    • isCreateCounter

      boolean isCreateCounter()
      Get Create Counter Document. Create Counter Document
    • setIsDefault

      void setIsDefault(boolean IsDefault)
      Set Default. Default value
    • isDefault

      boolean isDefault()
      Get Default. Default value
    • setIsDefaultCounterDoc

      void setIsDefaultCounterDoc(boolean IsDefaultCounterDoc)
      Set Default Counter Document. The document type is the default counter document type
    • isDefaultCounterDoc

      boolean isDefaultCounterDoc()
      Get Default Counter Document. The document type is the default counter document type
    • setIsDocNoControlled

      void setIsDocNoControlled(boolean IsDocNoControlled)
      Set Document is Number Controlled. The document has a document sequence
    • isDocNoControlled

      boolean isDocNoControlled()
      Get Document is Number Controlled. The document has a document sequence
    • setIsIndexed

      void setIsIndexed(boolean IsIndexed)
      Set Indexed. Index the document for the internal search engine
    • isIndexed

      boolean isIndexed()
      Get Indexed. Index the document for the internal search engine
    • setIsInTransit

      void setIsInTransit(boolean IsInTransit)
      Set In Transit. Movement is in transit
    • isInTransit

      boolean isInTransit()
      Get In Transit. Movement is in transit
    • setIsNoPriceListCheck

      void setIsNoPriceListCheck(boolean IsNoPriceListCheck)
      Set Allow Product Without Price List
    • isNoPriceListCheck

      boolean isNoPriceListCheck()
      Get Allow Product Without Price List
    • setIsOverwriteDateOnComplete

      void setIsOverwriteDateOnComplete(boolean IsOverwriteDateOnComplete)
      Set Overwrite Date on Complete
    • isOverwriteDateOnComplete

      boolean isOverwriteDateOnComplete()
      Get Overwrite Date on Complete
    • setIsOverwriteSeqOnComplete

      void setIsOverwriteSeqOnComplete(boolean IsOverwriteSeqOnComplete)
      Set Overwrite Sequence on Complete
    • isOverwriteSeqOnComplete

      boolean isOverwriteSeqOnComplete()
      Get Overwrite Sequence on Complete
    • setIsPickQAConfirm

      void setIsPickQAConfirm(boolean IsPickQAConfirm)
      Set Pick/QA Confirmation. Require Pick or QA Confirmation before processing
    • isPickQAConfirm

      boolean isPickQAConfirm()
      Get Pick/QA Confirmation. Require Pick or QA Confirmation before processing
    • setIsPrepareSplitDocument

      void setIsPrepareSplitDocument(boolean IsPrepareSplitDocument)
      Set Prepare Split Document. Prepare generated split shipment/receipt document
    • isPrepareSplitDocument

      boolean isPrepareSplitDocument()
      Get Prepare Split Document. Prepare generated split shipment/receipt document
    • setIsShipConfirm

      void setIsShipConfirm(boolean IsShipConfirm)
      Set Ship/Receipt Confirmation. Require Ship or Receipt Confirmation before processing
    • isShipConfirm

      boolean isShipConfirm()
      Get Ship/Receipt Confirmation. Require Ship or Receipt Confirmation before processing
    • setIsSOTrx

      void setIsSOTrx(boolean IsSOTrx)
      Set Sales Transaction. This is a Sales Transaction
    • isSOTrx

      boolean isSOTrx()
      Get Sales Transaction. This is a Sales Transaction
    • setIsSplitWhenDifference

      void setIsSplitWhenDifference(boolean IsSplitWhenDifference)
      Set Split when Difference. Split document when there is a difference
    • isSplitWhenDifference

      boolean isSplitWhenDifference()
      Get Split when Difference. Split document when there is a difference
    • setName

      void setName(String Name)
      Set Name. Alphanumeric identifier of the entity
    • getName

      String getName()
      Get Name. Alphanumeric identifier of the entity
    • setPrintName

      void setPrintName(String PrintName)
      Set Print Text. The label text to be printed on a document or correspondence.
    • getPrintName

      String getPrintName()
      Get Print Text. The label text to be printed on a document or correspondence.
    • getUpdated

      Timestamp getUpdated()
      Get Updated. Date this record was updated
    • getUpdatedBy

      int getUpdatedBy()
      Get Updated By. User who updated this records