Interface I_C_BP_BankAccount

All Known Implementing Classes:
MBPBankAccount, X_C_BP_BankAccount

public interface I_C_BP_BankAccount
Generated Interface for C_BP_BankAccount
Release 11
iDempiere (generated)
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • setAccountNo

      void setAccountNo(String AccountNo)
      Set Account No. Account Number
    • getAccountNo

      String getAccountNo()
      Get Account No. Account Number
    • setA_City

      void setA_City(String A_City)
      Set Account City. City or the Credit Card or Account Holder
    • getA_City

      String getA_City()
      Get Account City. City or the Credit Card or Account Holder
    • setA_Country

      void setA_Country(String A_Country)
      Set Account Country. Country
    • getA_Country

      String getA_Country()
      Get Account Country. Country
    • getAD_Client_ID

      int getAD_Client_ID()
      Get Tenant. Tenant for this installation.
    • setAD_Org_ID

      void setAD_Org_ID(int AD_Org_ID)
      Set Organization. Organizational entity within tenant
    • getAD_Org_ID

      int getAD_Org_ID()
      Get Organization. Organizational entity within tenant
    • setAD_User_ID

      void setAD_User_ID(int AD_User_ID)
      Set User/Contact. User within the system - Internal or Business Partner Contact
    • getAD_User_ID

      int getAD_User_ID()
      Get User/Contact. User within the system - Internal or Business Partner Contact
    • getAD_User

      I_AD_User getAD_User() throws RuntimeException
    • setA_EMail

      void setA_EMail(String A_EMail)
      Set Account EMail. Email Address
    • getA_EMail

      String getA_EMail()
      Get Account EMail. Email Address
    • setA_Ident_DL

      void setA_Ident_DL(String A_Ident_DL)
      Set Driver License. Payment Identification - Driver License
    • getA_Ident_DL

      String getA_Ident_DL()
      Get Driver License. Payment Identification - Driver License
    • setA_Ident_SSN

      void setA_Ident_SSN(String A_Ident_SSN)
      Set Social Security No. Payment Identification - Social Security No
    • getA_Ident_SSN

      String getA_Ident_SSN()
      Get Social Security No. Payment Identification - Social Security No
    • setA_Name

      void setA_Name(String A_Name)
      Set Account Name. Name on Credit Card or Account holder
    • getA_Name

      String getA_Name()
      Get Account Name. Name on Credit Card or Account holder
    • setA_State

      void setA_State(String A_State)
      Set Account State. State of the Credit Card or Account holder
    • getA_State

      String getA_State()
      Get Account State. State of the Credit Card or Account holder
    • setA_Street

      void setA_Street(String A_Street)
      Set Account Street. Street address of the Credit Card or Account holder
    • getA_Street

      String getA_Street()
      Get Account Street. Street address of the Credit Card or Account holder
    • setA_Zip

      void setA_Zip(String A_Zip)
      Set Account Zip/Postal. Zip Code of the Credit Card or Account Holder
    • getA_Zip

      String getA_Zip()
      Get Account Zip/Postal. Zip Code of the Credit Card or Account Holder
    • setBankAccountType

      void setBankAccountType(String BankAccountType)
      Set Bank Account Type. Bank Account Type
    • getBankAccountType

      String getBankAccountType()
      Get Bank Account Type. Bank Account Type
    • setBPBankAcctUse

      void setBPBankAcctUse(String BPBankAcctUse)
      Set Account Usage. Business Partner Bank Account usage
    • getBPBankAcctUse

      String getBPBankAcctUse()
      Get Account Usage. Business Partner Bank Account usage
    • setC_Bank_ID

      void setC_Bank_ID(int C_Bank_ID)
      Set Bank. Bank
    • getC_Bank_ID

      int getC_Bank_ID()
      Get Bank. Bank
    • getC_Bank

      I_C_Bank getC_Bank() throws RuntimeException
    • setC_BPartner_ID

      void setC_BPartner_ID(int C_BPartner_ID)
      Set Business Partner. Identifies a Business Partner
    • getC_BPartner_ID

      int getC_BPartner_ID()
      Get Business Partner. Identifies a Business Partner
    • getC_BPartner

      I_C_BPartner getC_BPartner() throws RuntimeException
    • setC_BP_BankAccount_ID

      void setC_BP_BankAccount_ID(int C_BP_BankAccount_ID)
      Set Partner Bank Account. Bank Account of the Business Partner
    • getC_BP_BankAccount_ID

      int getC_BP_BankAccount_ID()
      Get Partner Bank Account. Bank Account of the Business Partner
    • setC_BP_BankAccount_UU

      void setC_BP_BankAccount_UU(String C_BP_BankAccount_UU)
      Set C_BP_BankAccount_UU
    • getC_BP_BankAccount_UU

      String getC_BP_BankAccount_UU()
      Get C_BP_BankAccount_UU
    • setC_PaymentProcessor_ID

      void setC_PaymentProcessor_ID(int C_PaymentProcessor_ID)
      Set Payment Processor. Payment processor for electronic payments
    • getC_PaymentProcessor_ID

      int getC_PaymentProcessor_ID()
      Get Payment Processor. Payment processor for electronic payments
    • getC_PaymentProcessor

      I_C_PaymentProcessor getC_PaymentProcessor() throws RuntimeException
    • getCreated

      Timestamp getCreated()
      Get Created. Date this record was created
    • getCreatedBy

      int getCreatedBy()
      Get Created By. User who created this records
    • setCreditCardExpMM

      void setCreditCardExpMM(int CreditCardExpMM)
      Set Exp. Month. Expiry Month
    • getCreditCardExpMM

      int getCreditCardExpMM()
      Get Exp. Month. Expiry Month
    • setCreditCardExpYY

      void setCreditCardExpYY(int CreditCardExpYY)
      Set Exp. Year. Expiry Year
    • getCreditCardExpYY

      int getCreditCardExpYY()
      Get Exp. Year. Expiry Year
    • setCreditCardNumber

      void setCreditCardNumber(String CreditCardNumber)
      Set Number. Credit Card Number
    • getCreditCardNumber

      String getCreditCardNumber()
      Get Number. Credit Card Number
    • setCreditCardType

      void setCreditCardType(String CreditCardType)
      Set Credit Card. Credit Card (Visa, MC, AmEx)
    • getCreditCardType

      String getCreditCardType()
      Get Credit Card. Credit Card (Visa, MC, AmEx)
    • setCreditCardVV

      void setCreditCardVV(String CreditCardVV)
      Set Verification Code. Credit Card Verification code on credit card
    • getCreditCardVV

      String getCreditCardVV()
      Get Verification Code. Credit Card Verification code on credit card
    • setCustomerPaymentProfileID

      void setCustomerPaymentProfileID(String CustomerPaymentProfileID)
      Set Customer Payment Profile ID
    • getCustomerPaymentProfileID

      String getCustomerPaymentProfileID()
      Get Customer Payment Profile ID
    • setIBAN

      void setIBAN(String IBAN)
      Set IBAN. International Bank Account Number
    • getIBAN

      String getIBAN()
      Get IBAN. International Bank Account Number
    • setIsACH

      void setIsACH(boolean IsACH)
      Set ACH. Automatic Clearing House
    • isACH

      boolean isACH()
      Get ACH. Automatic Clearing House
    • setIsActive

      void setIsActive(boolean IsActive)
      Set Active. The record is active in the system
    • isActive

      boolean isActive()
      Get Active. The record is active in the system
    • setR_AvsAddr

      void setR_AvsAddr(String R_AvsAddr)
      Set Address verified. This address has been verified
    • getR_AvsAddr

      String getR_AvsAddr()
      Get Address verified. This address has been verified
    • setR_AvsZip

      void setR_AvsZip(String R_AvsZip)
      Set Zip verified. The Zip Code has been verified
    • getR_AvsZip

      String getR_AvsZip()
      Get Zip verified. The Zip Code has been verified
    • setRoutingNo

      void setRoutingNo(String RoutingNo)
      Set Routing No. Bank Routing Number
    • getRoutingNo

      String getRoutingNo()
      Get Routing No. Bank Routing Number
    • getUpdated

      Timestamp getUpdated()
      Get Updated. Date this record was updated
    • getUpdatedBy

      int getUpdatedBy()
      Get Updated By. User who updated this records