Interface I_AD_User

All Known Implementing Classes:
MUser, X_AD_User

public interface I_AD_User
Generated Interface for AD_User
Release 11
iDempiere (generated)
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getAD_Client_ID

      int getAD_Client_ID()
      Get Tenant. Tenant for this installation.
    • setAD_Image_ID

      void setAD_Image_ID(int AD_Image_ID)
      Set Image. Image or Icon
    • getAD_Image_ID

      int getAD_Image_ID()
      Get Image. Image or Icon
    • setAD_Org_ID

      void setAD_Org_ID(int AD_Org_ID)
      Set Organization. Organizational entity within tenant
    • getAD_Org_ID

      int getAD_Org_ID()
      Get Organization. Organizational entity within tenant
    • setAD_OrgTrx_ID

      void setAD_OrgTrx_ID(int AD_OrgTrx_ID)
      Set Trx Organization. Performing or initiating organization
    • getAD_OrgTrx_ID

      int getAD_OrgTrx_ID()
      Get Trx Organization. Performing or initiating organization
    • setAD_User_ID

      void setAD_User_ID(int AD_User_ID)
      Set User/Contact. User within the system - Internal or Business Partner Contact
    • getAD_User_ID

      int getAD_User_ID()
      Get User/Contact. User within the system - Internal or Business Partner Contact
    • setAD_User_UU

      void setAD_User_UU(String AD_User_UU)
      Set AD_User_UU
    • getAD_User_UU

      String getAD_User_UU()
      Get AD_User_UU
    • setAnswer

      void setAnswer(String Answer)
      Set Answer
    • getAnswer

      String getAnswer()
      Get Answer
    • setAuthenticationType

      void setAuthenticationType(String AuthenticationType)
      Set Authentication Type
    • getAuthenticationType

      String getAuthenticationType()
      Get Authentication Type
    • setBirthday

      void setBirthday(Timestamp Birthday)
      Set Birthday. Birthday or Anniversary day
    • getBirthday

      Timestamp getBirthday()
      Get Birthday. Birthday or Anniversary day
    • setBP_Location_ID

      void setBP_Location_ID(int BP_Location_ID)
      Set BP Address. Address of the Business Partner
    • getBP_Location_ID

      int getBP_Location_ID()
      Get BP Address. Address of the Business Partner
    • getBP_Location

      I_C_Location getBP_Location() throws RuntimeException
    • setBPName

      void setBPName(String BPName)
      Set BP Name
    • getBPName

      String getBPName()
      Get BP Name
    • setC_BPartner_ID

      void setC_BPartner_ID(int C_BPartner_ID)
      Set Business Partner. Identifies a Business Partner
    • getC_BPartner_ID

      int getC_BPartner_ID()
      Get Business Partner. Identifies a Business Partner
    • getC_BPartner

      I_C_BPartner getC_BPartner() throws RuntimeException
    • setC_BPartner_Location_ID

      void setC_BPartner_Location_ID(int C_BPartner_Location_ID)
      Set Partner Location. Identifies the (ship to) address for this Business Partner
    • getC_BPartner_Location_ID

      int getC_BPartner_Location_ID()
      Get Partner Location. Identifies the (ship to) address for this Business Partner
    • getC_BPartner_Location

      I_C_BPartner_Location getC_BPartner_Location() throws RuntimeException
    • setC_Campaign_ID

      void setC_Campaign_ID(int C_Campaign_ID)
      Set Campaign. Marketing Campaign
    • getC_Campaign_ID

      int getC_Campaign_ID()
      Get Campaign. Marketing Campaign
    • getC_Campaign

      I_C_Campaign getC_Campaign() throws RuntimeException
    • setC_Greeting_ID

      void setC_Greeting_ID(int C_Greeting_ID)
      Set Greeting. Greeting to print on correspondence
    • getC_Greeting_ID

      int getC_Greeting_ID()
      Get Greeting. Greeting to print on correspondence
    • getC_Greeting

      I_C_Greeting getC_Greeting() throws RuntimeException
    • setC_Job_ID

      void setC_Job_ID(int C_Job_ID)
      Set Position. Job Position
    • getC_Job_ID

      int getC_Job_ID()
      Get Position. Job Position
    • getC_Job

      I_C_Job getC_Job() throws RuntimeException
    • setC_Location_ID

      void setC_Location_ID(int C_Location_ID)
      Set Address. Location or Address
    • getC_Location_ID

      int getC_Location_ID()
      Get Address. Location or Address
    • getC_Location

      I_C_Location getC_Location() throws RuntimeException
    • setComments

      void setComments(String Comments)
      Set Comments. Comments or additional information
    • getComments

      String getComments()
      Get Comments. Comments or additional information
    • getCreated

      Timestamp getCreated()
      Get Created. Date this record was created
    • getCreatedBy

      int getCreatedBy()
      Get Created By. User who created this records
    • setDateAccountLocked

      void setDateAccountLocked(Timestamp DateAccountLocked)
      Set Date Account Locked
    • getDateAccountLocked

      Timestamp getDateAccountLocked()
      Get Date Account Locked
    • setDateLastLogin

      void setDateLastLogin(Timestamp DateLastLogin)
      Set Date Last Login
    • getDateLastLogin

      Timestamp getDateLastLogin()
      Get Date Last Login
    • setDatePasswordChanged

      void setDatePasswordChanged(Timestamp DatePasswordChanged)
      Set Date Password Changed
    • getDatePasswordChanged

      Timestamp getDatePasswordChanged()
      Get Date Password Changed
    • setDescription

      void setDescription(String Description)
      Set Description. Optional short description of the record
    • getDescription

      String getDescription()
      Get Description. Optional short description of the record
    • setEMail

      void setEMail(String EMail)
      Set EMail Address. Electronic Mail Address
    • getEMail

      String getEMail()
      Get EMail Address. Electronic Mail Address
    • setEMailUser

      void setEMailUser(String EMailUser)
      Set EMail User ID. User Name (ID) in the Mail System
    • getEMailUser

      String getEMailUser()
      Get EMail User ID. User Name (ID) in the Mail System
    • setEMailUserPW

      void setEMailUserPW(String EMailUserPW)
      Set EMail User Password. Password of your email user id
    • getEMailUserPW

      String getEMailUserPW()
      Get EMail User Password. Password of your email user id
    • setEMailVerify

      void setEMailVerify(String EMailVerify)
      Set Verification Info. Verification information of EMail Address
    • getEMailVerify

      String getEMailVerify()
      Get Verification Info. Verification information of EMail Address
    • setEMailVerifyDate

      void setEMailVerifyDate(Timestamp EMailVerifyDate)
      Set EMail Verify. Date Email was verified
    • getEMailVerifyDate

      Timestamp getEMailVerifyDate()
      Get EMail Verify. Date Email was verified
    • setFailedLoginCount

      void setFailedLoginCount(int FailedLoginCount)
      Set Failed Login Count
    • getFailedLoginCount

      int getFailedLoginCount()
      Get Failed Login Count
    • setFax

      void setFax(String Fax)
      Set Fax. Facsimile number
    • getFax

      String getFax()
      Get Fax. Facsimile number
    • setIsActive

      void setIsActive(boolean IsActive)
      Set Active. The record is active in the system
    • isActive

      boolean isActive()
      Get Active. The record is active in the system
    • setIsAddMailTextAutomatically

      void setIsAddMailTextAutomatically(boolean IsAddMailTextAutomatically)
      Set Add Mail Text Automatically. The selected mail template will be automatically inserted when creating an email
    • isAddMailTextAutomatically

      boolean isAddMailTextAutomatically()
      Get Add Mail Text Automatically. The selected mail template will be automatically inserted when creating an email
    • setIsBillTo

      void setIsBillTo(boolean IsBillTo)
      Set Invoice Address. Business Partner Invoice/Bill Address
    • isBillTo

      boolean isBillTo()
      Get Invoice Address. Business Partner Invoice/Bill Address
    • setIsExpired

      void setIsExpired(boolean IsExpired)
      Set Expired
    • isExpired

      boolean isExpired()
      Get Expired
    • setIsFullBPAccess

      void setIsFullBPAccess(boolean IsFullBPAccess)
      Set Full BP Access. The user/contact has full access to Business Partner information and resources
    • isFullBPAccess

      boolean isFullBPAccess()
      Get Full BP Access. The user/contact has full access to Business Partner information and resources
    • setIsInPayroll

      void setIsInPayroll(boolean IsInPayroll)
      Set Is In Payroll. Defined if any User Contact will be used for Calculate Payroll
    • isInPayroll

      boolean isInPayroll()
      Get Is In Payroll. Defined if any User Contact will be used for Calculate Payroll
    • setIsLocked

      void setIsLocked(boolean IsLocked)
      Set Locked
    • isLocked

      boolean isLocked()
      Get Locked
    • setIsMenuAutoExpand

      void setIsMenuAutoExpand(String IsMenuAutoExpand)
      Set Auto expand menu. If ticked, the menu is automatically expanded
    • getIsMenuAutoExpand

      String getIsMenuAutoExpand()
      Get Auto expand menu. If ticked, the menu is automatically expanded
    • setIsNoExpire

      void setIsNoExpire(boolean IsNoExpire)
      Set No Expire
    • isNoExpire

      boolean isNoExpire()
      Get No Expire
    • setIsNoPasswordReset

      void setIsNoPasswordReset(boolean IsNoPasswordReset)
      Set No Password Reset
    • isNoPasswordReset

      boolean isNoPasswordReset()
      Get No Password Reset
    • setIsSalesLead

      void setIsSalesLead(boolean IsSalesLead)
      Set Sales Lead. This contact is a sales lead
    • isSalesLead

      boolean isSalesLead()
      Get Sales Lead. This contact is a sales lead
    • setIsShipTo

      void setIsShipTo(boolean IsShipTo)
      Set Ship Address. Business Partner Shipment Address
    • isShipTo

      boolean isShipTo()
      Get Ship Address. Business Partner Shipment Address
    • setIsSupportUser

      void setIsSupportUser(boolean IsSupportUser)
      Set Support User
    • isSupportUser

      boolean isSupportUser()
      Get Support User
    • setIsVendorLead

      void setIsVendorLead(boolean IsVendorLead)
      Set Vendor Lead. This contact is a vendor lead
    • isVendorLead

      boolean isVendorLead()
      Get Vendor Lead. This contact is a vendor lead
    • setLastContact

      void setLastContact(Timestamp LastContact)
      Set Last Contact. Date this individual was last contacted
    • getLastContact

      Timestamp getLastContact()
      Get Last Contact. Date this individual was last contacted
    • setLastResult

      void setLastResult(String LastResult)
      Set Last Result. Result of last contact
    • getLastResult

      String getLastResult()
      Get Last Result. Result of last contact
    • setLDAPUser

      void setLDAPUser(String LDAPUser)
      Set LDAP User Name. User Name used for authorization via LDAP (directory) services
    • getLDAPUser

      String getLDAPUser()
      Get LDAP User Name. User Name used for authorization via LDAP (directory) services
    • setLeadSource

      void setLeadSource(String LeadSource)
      Set Lead Source. The source of this lead/opportunity
    • getLeadSource

      String getLeadSource()
      Get Lead Source. The source of this lead/opportunity
    • setLeadSourceDescription

      void setLeadSourceDescription(String LeadSourceDescription)
      Set Lead Source Description. Additional information on the source of this lead/opportunity
    • getLeadSourceDescription

      String getLeadSourceDescription()
      Get Lead Source Description. Additional information on the source of this lead/opportunity
    • setLeadStatus

      void setLeadStatus(String LeadStatus)
      Set Lead Status. The status of this lead/opportunity in the sales cycle
    • getLeadStatus

      String getLeadStatus()
      Get Lead Status. The status of this lead/opportunity in the sales cycle
    • setLeadStatusDescription

      void setLeadStatusDescription(String LeadStatusDescription)
      Set Lead Status Description. Additional information on the status of this lead/opportunity
    • getLeadStatusDescription

      String getLeadStatusDescription()
      Get Lead Status Description. Additional information on the status of this lead/opportunity
    • setName

      void setName(String Name)
      Set Name. Alphanumeric identifier of the entity
    • getName

      String getName()
      Get Name. Alphanumeric identifier of the entity
    • setNotificationType

      void setNotificationType(String NotificationType)
      Set Notification Type. Type of Notifications
    • getNotificationType

      String getNotificationType()
      Get Notification Type. Type of Notifications
    • setPassword

      void setPassword(String Password)
      Set Password. Password of any length (case sensitive)
    • getPassword

      String getPassword()
      Get Password. Password of any length (case sensitive)
    • setPhone

      void setPhone(String Phone)
      Set Phone. Identifies a telephone number
    • getPhone

      String getPhone()
      Get Phone. Identifies a telephone number
    • setPhone2

      void setPhone2(String Phone2)
      Set 2nd Phone. Identifies an alternate telephone number.
    • getPhone2

      String getPhone2()
      Get 2nd Phone. Identifies an alternate telephone number.
    • setProcessing

      void setProcessing(boolean Processing)
      Set Process Now
    • isProcessing

      boolean isProcessing()
      Get Process Now
    • setR_DefaultMailText_ID

      void setR_DefaultMailText_ID(int R_DefaultMailText_ID)
      Set Default mail template
    • getR_DefaultMailText_ID

      int getR_DefaultMailText_ID()
      Get Default mail template
    • getR_DefaultMailText

      I_R_MailText getR_DefaultMailText() throws RuntimeException
    • setSalesRep_ID

      void setSalesRep_ID(int SalesRep_ID)
      Set Sales Representative. Sales Representative or Company Agent
    • getSalesRep_ID

      int getSalesRep_ID()
      Get Sales Representative. Sales Representative or Company Agent
    • getSalesRep

      I_AD_User getSalesRep() throws RuntimeException
    • setSalt

      void setSalt(String Salt)
      Set Salt. Random data added to improve password hash effectiveness
    • getSalt

      String getSalt()
      Get Salt. Random data added to improve password hash effectiveness
    • setSecurityQuestion

      void setSecurityQuestion(String SecurityQuestion)
      Set Security Question
    • getSecurityQuestion

      String getSecurityQuestion()
      Get Security Question
    • setSupervisor_ID

      void setSupervisor_ID(int Supervisor_ID)
      Set Supervisor. Supervisor for this user/organization - used for escalation and approval
    • getSupervisor_ID

      int getSupervisor_ID()
      Get Supervisor. Supervisor for this user/organization - used for escalation and approval
    • getSupervisor

      I_AD_User getSupervisor() throws RuntimeException
    • setTitle

      void setTitle(String Title)
      Set Title. Name this entity is referred to as
    • getTitle

      String getTitle()
      Get Title. Name this entity is referred to as
    • getUpdated

      Timestamp getUpdated()
      Get Updated. Date this record was updated
    • getUpdatedBy

      int getUpdatedBy()
      Get Updated By. User who updated this records
    • setUserPIN

      void setUserPIN(String UserPIN)
      Set User PIN
    • getUserPIN

      String getUserPIN()
      Get User PIN
    • setValue

      void setValue(String Value)
      Set Search Key. Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique
    • getValue

      String getValue()
      Get Search Key. Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique