Interface IProcessUI

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractProcessDialog, ProcessDialog, ProcessModalDialog

public interface IProcessUI
Interface to provide server process access to UI.
iDempiere process usually extends SvrProcess and uses the protected processUI reference.
Process must perform null check when using the SvrProcess.processUI field since it will be null when a process is not launch from the client end (for e.g from scheduler).
  • Method Details

    • lockUI

      void lockUI(ProcessInfo pi)
      Lock User Interface. Called from the Worker before processing
      pi - process info
    • unlockUI

      void unlockUI(ProcessInfo pi)
      Unlock User Interface. Called from the Worker when processing is done
      pi - process info
    • isUILocked

      boolean isUILocked()
      Is the UI locked
      true, if UI is locked
    • statusUpdate

      void statusUpdate(String message)
      Provide status feedback to user
      message -
    • ask

      void ask(String message, Callback<Boolean> callback)
      Prompt for user input. Example Usage in process:
                  final StringBuffer answer = new StringBuffer();
                      aProcessMonitor.ask(adMessage, new Callback() {    
      message -
      callback -
    • askForInput

      void askForInput(String message, Callback<String> callback)
      ask for input from user
      message -
      callback -
    • askForSecretInput

      void askForSecretInput(String message, Callback<String> callback)
      Prompt for secret input (for e.g password) from user.
      message -
      callback -
    • askForInput

      default void askForInput(String message, MLookup lookup, int displayType, Callback<Object> callback)
      Prompt user for input with a configurable DisplayType (String, Number, TableDir or Search)

      Usage is the same from ask and askForInput methods with some additional parameters muriloht - devCoffee #3390

      message -
      lookup -
      displayType -
      callback -
    • download

      void download(File file)
      add to list of file available for download after process end
      file -
    • showReports

      default void showReports(List<File> pdfList)
      show reports from a given file list matheus.marcelino - devCoffee #5561
      pdfList -
    • showInfoWindow

      default void showInfoWindow(int WindowNo, String tableName, String keyColumn, String queryValue, boolean multipleSelection, String whereClause, Integer AD_InfoWindow_ID, boolean lookup)
      show an info window from inside a process with user defined parameters gustavo.francisco - devCoffee #7094
      WindowNo -
      tableName -
      keyColumn -
      queryValue -
      multipleSelection -
      whereClause -
      AD_InfoWindow_ID -
      lookup -