Interface I_T_Aging

All Known Implementing Classes:
MAging, X_T_Aging

public interface I_T_Aging
Generated Interface for T_Aging
Release 11
iDempiere (generated)
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getAD_Client_ID

      int getAD_Client_ID()
      Get Tenant. Tenant for this installation.
    • setAD_Org_ID

      void setAD_Org_ID(int AD_Org_ID)
      Set Organization. Organizational entity within tenant
    • getAD_Org_ID

      int getAD_Org_ID()
      Get Organization. Organizational entity within tenant
    • setAD_PInstance_ID

      void setAD_PInstance_ID(int AD_PInstance_ID)
      Set Process Instance. Instance of the process
    • getAD_PInstance_ID

      int getAD_PInstance_ID()
      Get Process Instance. Instance of the process
    • getAD_PInstance

      I_AD_PInstance getAD_PInstance() throws RuntimeException
    • setC_Activity_ID

      void setC_Activity_ID(int C_Activity_ID)
      Set Activity. Business Activity
    • getC_Activity_ID

      int getC_Activity_ID()
      Get Activity. Business Activity
    • getC_Activity

      I_C_Activity getC_Activity() throws RuntimeException
    • setC_BPartner_ID

      void setC_BPartner_ID(int C_BPartner_ID)
      Set Business Partner. Identifies a Business Partner
    • getC_BPartner_ID

      int getC_BPartner_ID()
      Get Business Partner. Identifies a Business Partner
    • getC_BPartner

      I_C_BPartner getC_BPartner() throws RuntimeException
    • setC_BP_Group_ID

      void setC_BP_Group_ID(int C_BP_Group_ID)
      Set Business Partner Group. Business Partner Group
    • getC_BP_Group_ID

      int getC_BP_Group_ID()
      Get Business Partner Group. Business Partner Group
    • getC_BP_Group

      I_C_BP_Group getC_BP_Group() throws RuntimeException
    • setC_Campaign_ID

      void setC_Campaign_ID(int C_Campaign_ID)
      Set Campaign. Marketing Campaign
    • getC_Campaign_ID

      int getC_Campaign_ID()
      Get Campaign. Marketing Campaign
    • getC_Campaign

      I_C_Campaign getC_Campaign() throws RuntimeException
    • setC_Currency_ID

      void setC_Currency_ID(int C_Currency_ID)
      Set Currency. The Currency for this record
    • getC_Currency_ID

      int getC_Currency_ID()
      Get Currency. The Currency for this record
    • getC_Currency

      I_C_Currency getC_Currency() throws RuntimeException
    • setC_Invoice_ID

      void setC_Invoice_ID(int C_Invoice_ID)
      Set Invoice. Invoice Identifier
    • getC_Invoice_ID

      int getC_Invoice_ID()
      Get Invoice. Invoice Identifier
    • getC_Invoice

      I_C_Invoice getC_Invoice() throws RuntimeException
    • setC_InvoicePaySchedule_ID

      void setC_InvoicePaySchedule_ID(int C_InvoicePaySchedule_ID)
      Set Invoice Payment Schedule. Invoice Payment Schedule
    • getC_InvoicePaySchedule_ID

      int getC_InvoicePaySchedule_ID()
      Get Invoice Payment Schedule. Invoice Payment Schedule
    • getC_InvoicePaySchedule

      I_C_InvoicePaySchedule getC_InvoicePaySchedule() throws RuntimeException
    • setConvertAmountsInCurrency_ID

      void setConvertAmountsInCurrency_ID(int ConvertAmountsInCurrency_ID)
      Set Convert Amounts in Currency
    • getConvertAmountsInCurrency_ID

      int getConvertAmountsInCurrency_ID()
      Get Convert Amounts in Currency
    • getConvertAmountsInCurrency

      I_C_Currency getConvertAmountsInCurrency() throws RuntimeException
    • setC_Project_ID

      void setC_Project_ID(int C_Project_ID)
      Set Project. Financial Project
    • getC_Project_ID

      int getC_Project_ID()
      Get Project. Financial Project
    • getC_Project

      I_C_Project getC_Project() throws RuntimeException
    • getCreated

      Timestamp getCreated()
      Get Created. Date this record was created
    • getCreatedBy

      int getCreatedBy()
      Get Created By. User who created this records
    • setDateAcct

      void setDateAcct(boolean DateAcct)
      Set Account Date. Accounting Date
    • isDateAcct

      boolean isDateAcct()
      Get Account Date. Accounting Date
    • setDaysDue

      void setDaysDue(int DaysDue)
      Set Days due. Number of days due (negative: due in number of days)
    • getDaysDue

      int getDaysDue()
      Get Days due. Number of days due (negative: due in number of days)
    • setDue0

      void setDue0(BigDecimal Due0)
      Set Due Today
    • getDue0

      BigDecimal getDue0()
      Get Due Today
    • setDue0_30

      void setDue0_30(BigDecimal Due0_30)
      Set Due Today-30
    • getDue0_30

      BigDecimal getDue0_30()
      Get Due Today-30
    • setDue0_7

      void setDue0_7(BigDecimal Due0_7)
      Set Due Today-7
    • getDue0_7

      BigDecimal getDue0_7()
      Get Due Today-7
    • setDue1_7

      void setDue1_7(BigDecimal Due1_7)
      Set Due 1-7
    • getDue1_7

      BigDecimal getDue1_7()
      Get Due 1-7
    • setDue31_60

      void setDue31_60(BigDecimal Due31_60)
      Set Due 31-60
    • getDue31_60

      BigDecimal getDue31_60()
      Get Due 31-60
    • setDue31_Plus

      void setDue31_Plus(BigDecimal Due31_Plus)
      Set Due > 31
    • getDue31_Plus

      BigDecimal getDue31_Plus()
      Get Due > 31
    • setDue61_90

      void setDue61_90(BigDecimal Due61_90)
      Set Due 61-90
    • getDue61_90

      BigDecimal getDue61_90()
      Get Due 61-90
    • setDue61_Plus

      void setDue61_Plus(BigDecimal Due61_Plus)
      Set Due > 61
    • getDue61_Plus

      BigDecimal getDue61_Plus()
      Get Due > 61
    • setDue8_30

      void setDue8_30(BigDecimal Due8_30)
      Set Due 8-30
    • getDue8_30

      BigDecimal getDue8_30()
      Get Due 8-30
    • setDue91_Plus

      void setDue91_Plus(BigDecimal Due91_Plus)
      Set Due > 91
    • getDue91_Plus

      BigDecimal getDue91_Plus()
      Get Due > 91
    • setDueAmt

      void setDueAmt(BigDecimal DueAmt)
      Set Amount due. Amount of the payment due
    • getDueAmt

      BigDecimal getDueAmt()
      Get Amount due. Amount of the payment due
    • setDueDate

      void setDueDate(Timestamp DueDate)
      Set Due Date. Date when the payment is due
    • getDueDate

      Timestamp getDueDate()
      Get Due Date. Date when the payment is due
    • setInvoicedAmt

      void setInvoicedAmt(BigDecimal InvoicedAmt)
      Set Invoiced Amount. The amount invoiced
    • getInvoicedAmt

      BigDecimal getInvoicedAmt()
      Get Invoiced Amount. The amount invoiced
    • setIsActive

      void setIsActive(boolean IsActive)
      Set Active. The record is active in the system
    • isActive

      boolean isActive()
      Get Active. The record is active in the system
    • setIsListInvoices

      void setIsListInvoices(boolean IsListInvoices)
      Set List Invoices. Include List of Invoices
    • isListInvoices

      boolean isListInvoices()
      Get List Invoices. Include List of Invoices
    • setIsSOTrx

      void setIsSOTrx(boolean IsSOTrx)
      Set Sales Transaction. This is a Sales Transaction
    • isSOTrx

      boolean isSOTrx()
      Get Sales Transaction. This is a Sales Transaction
    • setOpenAmt

      void setOpenAmt(BigDecimal OpenAmt)
      Set Open Amount. Open item amount
    • getOpenAmt

      BigDecimal getOpenAmt()
      Get Open Amount. Open item amount
    • setPastDue1_30

      void setPastDue1_30(BigDecimal PastDue1_30)
      Set Past Due 1-30
    • getPastDue1_30

      BigDecimal getPastDue1_30()
      Get Past Due 1-30
    • setPastDue1_7

      void setPastDue1_7(BigDecimal PastDue1_7)
      Set Past Due 1-7
    • getPastDue1_7

      BigDecimal getPastDue1_7()
      Get Past Due 1-7
    • setPastDue31_60

      void setPastDue31_60(BigDecimal PastDue31_60)
      Set Past Due 31-60
    • getPastDue31_60

      BigDecimal getPastDue31_60()
      Get Past Due 31-60
    • setPastDue31_Plus

      void setPastDue31_Plus(BigDecimal PastDue31_Plus)
      Set Past Due > 31
    • getPastDue31_Plus

      BigDecimal getPastDue31_Plus()
      Get Past Due > 31
    • setPastDue61_90

      void setPastDue61_90(BigDecimal PastDue61_90)
      Set Past Due 61-90
    • getPastDue61_90

      BigDecimal getPastDue61_90()
      Get Past Due 61-90
    • setPastDue61_Plus

      void setPastDue61_Plus(BigDecimal PastDue61_Plus)
      Set Past Due > 61
    • getPastDue61_Plus

      BigDecimal getPastDue61_Plus()
      Get Past Due > 61
    • setPastDue8_30

      void setPastDue8_30(BigDecimal PastDue8_30)
      Set Past Due 8-30
    • getPastDue8_30

      BigDecimal getPastDue8_30()
      Get Past Due 8-30
    • setPastDue91_Plus

      void setPastDue91_Plus(BigDecimal PastDue91_Plus)
      Set Past Due > 91
    • getPastDue91_Plus

      BigDecimal getPastDue91_Plus()
      Get Past Due > 91
    • setPastDueAmt

      void setPastDueAmt(BigDecimal PastDueAmt)
      Set Past Due
    • getPastDueAmt

      BigDecimal getPastDueAmt()
      Get Past Due
    • setStatementDate

      void setStatementDate(Timestamp StatementDate)
      Set Statement date. Date of the statement
    • getStatementDate

      Timestamp getStatementDate()
      Get Statement date. Date of the statement
    • setT_Aging_UU

      void setT_Aging_UU(String T_Aging_UU)
      Set T_Aging_UU
    • getT_Aging_UU

      String getT_Aging_UU()
      Get T_Aging_UU
    • getUpdated

      Timestamp getUpdated()
      Get Updated. Date this record was updated
    • getUpdatedBy

      int getUpdatedBy()
      Get Updated By. User who updated this records