Interface I_R_IssueSystem

All Known Implementing Classes:
MIssueSystem, X_R_IssueSystem

public interface I_R_IssueSystem
Generated Interface for R_IssueSystem
Release 11
iDempiere (generated)
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • setA_Asset_ID

      void setA_Asset_ID(int A_Asset_ID)
      Set Asset. Asset used internally or by customers
    • getA_Asset_ID

      int getA_Asset_ID()
      Get Asset. Asset used internally or by customers
    • getA_Asset

      I_A_Asset getA_Asset() throws RuntimeException
    • getAD_Client_ID

      int getAD_Client_ID()
      Get Tenant. Tenant for this installation.
    • setAD_Org_ID

      void setAD_Org_ID(int AD_Org_ID)
      Set Organization. Organizational entity within tenant
    • getAD_Org_ID

      int getAD_Org_ID()
      Get Organization. Organizational entity within tenant
    • getCreated

      Timestamp getCreated()
      Get Created. Date this record was created
    • getCreatedBy

      int getCreatedBy()
      Get Created By. User who created this records
    • setDBAddress

      void setDBAddress(String DBAddress)
      Set DB Address. JDBC URL of the database server
    • getDBAddress

      String getDBAddress()
      Get DB Address. JDBC URL of the database server
    • setIsActive

      void setIsActive(boolean IsActive)
      Set Active. The record is active in the system
    • isActive

      boolean isActive()
      Get Active. The record is active in the system
    • setProfileInfo

      void setProfileInfo(String ProfileInfo)
      Set Profile. Information to help profiling the system for solving support issues
    • getProfileInfo

      String getProfileInfo()
      Get Profile. Information to help profiling the system for solving support issues
    • setR_IssueSystem_ID

      void setR_IssueSystem_ID(int R_IssueSystem_ID)
      Set Issue System. System creating the issue
    • getR_IssueSystem_ID

      int getR_IssueSystem_ID()
      Get Issue System. System creating the issue
    • setR_IssueSystem_UU

      void setR_IssueSystem_UU(String R_IssueSystem_UU)
      Set R_IssueSystem_UU
    • getR_IssueSystem_UU

      String getR_IssueSystem_UU()
      Get R_IssueSystem_UU
    • setStatisticsInfo

      void setStatisticsInfo(String StatisticsInfo)
      Set Statistics. Information to help profiling the system for solving support issues
    • getStatisticsInfo

      String getStatisticsInfo()
      Get Statistics. Information to help profiling the system for solving support issues
    • setSystemStatus

      void setSystemStatus(String SystemStatus)
      Set System Status. Status of the system - Support priority depends on system status
    • getSystemStatus

      String getSystemStatus()
      Get System Status. Status of the system - Support priority depends on system status
    • getUpdated

      Timestamp getUpdated()
      Get Updated. Date this record was updated
    • getUpdatedBy

      int getUpdatedBy()
      Get Updated By. User who updated this records