Interface I_AD_PrintForm

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface I_AD_PrintForm
Generated Interface for AD_PrintForm
Release 11
iDempiere (generated)
  • Field Details

    • Table_Name

      static final String Table_Name
      See Also:
    • Table_ID

      static final int Table_ID
      See Also:
    • Model

      static final KeyNamePair Model
    • accessLevel

      static final BigDecimal accessLevel
      AccessLevel = 6 - System - Client

      static final String COLUMNNAME_AD_Client_ID
      Column name AD_Client_ID
      See Also:

      static final String COLUMNNAME_AD_Org_ID
      Column name AD_Org_ID
      See Also:
    • COLUMNNAME_AD_PrintForm_ID

      static final String COLUMNNAME_AD_PrintForm_ID
      Column name AD_PrintForm_ID
      See Also:
    • COLUMNNAME_AD_PrintForm_UU

      static final String COLUMNNAME_AD_PrintForm_UU
      Column name AD_PrintForm_UU
      See Also:
    • COLUMNNAME_Created

      static final String COLUMNNAME_Created
      Column name Created
      See Also:
    • COLUMNNAME_CreatedBy

      static final String COLUMNNAME_CreatedBy
      Column name CreatedBy
      See Also:
    • COLUMNNAME_Description

      static final String COLUMNNAME_Description
      Column name Description
      See Also:
    • COLUMNNAME_Distrib_Order_MailText_ID

      static final String COLUMNNAME_Distrib_Order_MailText_ID
      Column name Distrib_Order_MailText_ID
      See Also:
    • COLUMNNAME_Distrib_Order_PrintFormat_ID

      static final String COLUMNNAME_Distrib_Order_PrintFormat_ID
      Column name Distrib_Order_PrintFormat_ID
      See Also:
    • COLUMNNAME_Invoice_MailText_ID

      static final String COLUMNNAME_Invoice_MailText_ID
      Column name Invoice_MailText_ID
      See Also:
    • COLUMNNAME_Invoice_PrintFormat_ID

      static final String COLUMNNAME_Invoice_PrintFormat_ID
      Column name Invoice_PrintFormat_ID
      See Also:
    • COLUMNNAME_IsActive

      static final String COLUMNNAME_IsActive
      Column name IsActive
      See Also:
    • COLUMNNAME_Manuf_Order_MailText_ID

      static final String COLUMNNAME_Manuf_Order_MailText_ID
      Column name Manuf_Order_MailText_ID
      See Also:
    • COLUMNNAME_Manuf_Order_PrintFormat_ID

      static final String COLUMNNAME_Manuf_Order_PrintFormat_ID
      Column name Manuf_Order_PrintFormat_ID
      See Also:

      static final String COLUMNNAME_Name
      Column name Name
      See Also:
    • COLUMNNAME_Order_MailText_ID

      static final String COLUMNNAME_Order_MailText_ID
      Column name Order_MailText_ID
      See Also:
    • COLUMNNAME_Order_PrintFormat_ID

      static final String COLUMNNAME_Order_PrintFormat_ID
      Column name Order_PrintFormat_ID
      See Also:
    • COLUMNNAME_Project_MailText_ID

      static final String COLUMNNAME_Project_MailText_ID
      Column name Project_MailText_ID
      See Also:
    • COLUMNNAME_Project_PrintFormat_ID

      static final String COLUMNNAME_Project_PrintFormat_ID
      Column name Project_PrintFormat_ID
      See Also:
    • COLUMNNAME_Remittance_MailText_ID

      static final String COLUMNNAME_Remittance_MailText_ID
      Column name Remittance_MailText_ID
      See Also:
    • COLUMNNAME_Remittance_PrintFormat_ID

      static final String COLUMNNAME_Remittance_PrintFormat_ID
      Column name Remittance_PrintFormat_ID
      See Also:
    • COLUMNNAME_Shipment_MailText_ID

      static final String COLUMNNAME_Shipment_MailText_ID
      Column name Shipment_MailText_ID
      See Also:
    • COLUMNNAME_Shipment_PrintFormat_ID

      static final String COLUMNNAME_Shipment_PrintFormat_ID
      Column name Shipment_PrintFormat_ID
      See Also:
    • COLUMNNAME_Updated

      static final String COLUMNNAME_Updated
      Column name Updated
      See Also:
    • COLUMNNAME_UpdatedBy

      static final String COLUMNNAME_UpdatedBy
      Column name UpdatedBy
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getAD_Client_ID

      int getAD_Client_ID()
      Get Tenant. Tenant for this installation.
    • setAD_Org_ID

      void setAD_Org_ID(int AD_Org_ID)
      Set Organization. Organizational entity within tenant
    • getAD_Org_ID

      int getAD_Org_ID()
      Get Organization. Organizational entity within tenant
    • setAD_PrintForm_ID

      void setAD_PrintForm_ID(int AD_PrintForm_ID)
      Set Print Form. Form
    • getAD_PrintForm_ID

      int getAD_PrintForm_ID()
      Get Print Form. Form
    • setAD_PrintForm_UU

      void setAD_PrintForm_UU(String AD_PrintForm_UU)
      Set AD_PrintForm_UU
    • getAD_PrintForm_UU

      String getAD_PrintForm_UU()
      Get AD_PrintForm_UU
    • getCreated

      Timestamp getCreated()
      Get Created. Date this record was created
    • getCreatedBy

      int getCreatedBy()
      Get Created By. User who created this records
    • setDescription

      void setDescription(String Description)
      Set Description. Optional short description of the record
    • getDescription

      String getDescription()
      Get Description. Optional short description of the record
    • setDistrib_Order_MailText_ID

      void setDistrib_Order_MailText_ID(int Distrib_Order_MailText_ID)
      Set Distribution Order Mail Text. Email text used for sending Distribution Order
    • getDistrib_Order_MailText_ID

      int getDistrib_Order_MailText_ID()
      Get Distribution Order Mail Text. Email text used for sending Distribution Order
    • getDistrib_Order_MailText

      I_R_MailText getDistrib_Order_MailText() throws RuntimeException
    • setDistrib_Order_PrintFormat_ID

      void setDistrib_Order_PrintFormat_ID(int Distrib_Order_PrintFormat_ID)
      Set Distribution Order Print Format. Print Format for printing Distribution Order
    • getDistrib_Order_PrintFormat_ID

      int getDistrib_Order_PrintFormat_ID()
      Get Distribution Order Print Format. Print Format for printing Distribution Order
    • getDistrib_Order_PrintFormat

      I_AD_PrintFormat getDistrib_Order_PrintFormat() throws RuntimeException
    • setInvoice_MailText_ID

      void setInvoice_MailText_ID(int Invoice_MailText_ID)
      Set Invoice Mail Text. Email text used for sending invoices
    • getInvoice_MailText_ID

      int getInvoice_MailText_ID()
      Get Invoice Mail Text. Email text used for sending invoices
    • getInvoice_MailText

      I_R_MailText getInvoice_MailText() throws RuntimeException
    • setInvoice_PrintFormat_ID

      void setInvoice_PrintFormat_ID(int Invoice_PrintFormat_ID)
      Set Invoice Print Format. Print Format for printing Invoices
    • getInvoice_PrintFormat_ID

      int getInvoice_PrintFormat_ID()
      Get Invoice Print Format. Print Format for printing Invoices
    • getInvoice_PrintFormat

      I_AD_PrintFormat getInvoice_PrintFormat() throws RuntimeException
    • setIsActive

      void setIsActive(boolean IsActive)
      Set Active. The record is active in the system
    • isActive

      boolean isActive()
      Get Active. The record is active in the system
    • setManuf_Order_MailText_ID

      void setManuf_Order_MailText_ID(int Manuf_Order_MailText_ID)
      Set Manufacturing Order Mail Text. Email text used for sending Manufacturing Order
    • getManuf_Order_MailText_ID

      int getManuf_Order_MailText_ID()
      Get Manufacturing Order Mail Text. Email text used for sending Manufacturing Order
    • getManuf_Order_MailText

      I_R_MailText getManuf_Order_MailText() throws RuntimeException
    • setManuf_Order_PrintFormat_ID

      void setManuf_Order_PrintFormat_ID(int Manuf_Order_PrintFormat_ID)
      Set Manufacturing Order Print Format. Print Format for printing Manufacturing Order
    • getManuf_Order_PrintFormat_ID

      int getManuf_Order_PrintFormat_ID()
      Get Manufacturing Order Print Format. Print Format for printing Manufacturing Order
    • getManuf_Order_PrintFormat

      I_AD_PrintFormat getManuf_Order_PrintFormat() throws RuntimeException
    • setName

      void setName(String Name)
      Set Name. Alphanumeric identifier of the entity
    • getName

      String getName()
      Get Name. Alphanumeric identifier of the entity
    • setOrder_MailText_ID

      void setOrder_MailText_ID(int Order_MailText_ID)
      Set Order Mail Text. Email text used for sending order acknowledgements or quotations
    • getOrder_MailText_ID

      int getOrder_MailText_ID()
      Get Order Mail Text. Email text used for sending order acknowledgements or quotations
    • getOrder_MailText

      I_R_MailText getOrder_MailText() throws RuntimeException
    • setOrder_PrintFormat_ID

      void setOrder_PrintFormat_ID(int Order_PrintFormat_ID)
      Set Order Print Format. Print Format for Orders, Quotes, Offers
    • getOrder_PrintFormat_ID

      int getOrder_PrintFormat_ID()
      Get Order Print Format. Print Format for Orders, Quotes, Offers
    • getOrder_PrintFormat

      I_AD_PrintFormat getOrder_PrintFormat() throws RuntimeException
    • setProject_MailText_ID

      void setProject_MailText_ID(int Project_MailText_ID)
      Set Project Mail Text. Standard text for Project EMails
    • getProject_MailText_ID

      int getProject_MailText_ID()
      Get Project Mail Text. Standard text for Project EMails
    • getProject_MailText

      I_R_MailText getProject_MailText() throws RuntimeException
    • setProject_PrintFormat_ID

      void setProject_PrintFormat_ID(int Project_PrintFormat_ID)
      Set Project Print Format. Standard Project Print Format
    • getProject_PrintFormat_ID

      int getProject_PrintFormat_ID()
      Get Project Print Format. Standard Project Print Format
    • getProject_PrintFormat

      I_AD_PrintFormat getProject_PrintFormat() throws RuntimeException
    • setRemittance_MailText_ID

      void setRemittance_MailText_ID(int Remittance_MailText_ID)
      Set Remittance Mail Text. Email text used for sending payment remittances
    • getRemittance_MailText_ID

      int getRemittance_MailText_ID()
      Get Remittance Mail Text. Email text used for sending payment remittances
    • getRemittance_MailText

      I_R_MailText getRemittance_MailText() throws RuntimeException
    • setRemittance_PrintFormat_ID

      void setRemittance_PrintFormat_ID(int Remittance_PrintFormat_ID)
      Set Remittance Print Format. Print Format for separate Remittances
    • getRemittance_PrintFormat_ID

      int getRemittance_PrintFormat_ID()
      Get Remittance Print Format. Print Format for separate Remittances
    • getRemittance_PrintFormat

      I_AD_PrintFormat getRemittance_PrintFormat() throws RuntimeException
    • setShipment_MailText_ID

      void setShipment_MailText_ID(int Shipment_MailText_ID)
      Set Shipment Mail Text. Email text used for sending delivery notes
    • getShipment_MailText_ID

      int getShipment_MailText_ID()
      Get Shipment Mail Text. Email text used for sending delivery notes
    • getShipment_MailText

      I_R_MailText getShipment_MailText() throws RuntimeException
    • setShipment_PrintFormat_ID

      void setShipment_PrintFormat_ID(int Shipment_PrintFormat_ID)
      Set Shipment Print Format. Print Format for Shipments, Receipts, Pick Lists
    • getShipment_PrintFormat_ID

      int getShipment_PrintFormat_ID()
      Get Shipment Print Format. Print Format for Shipments, Receipts, Pick Lists
    • getShipment_PrintFormat

      I_AD_PrintFormat getShipment_PrintFormat() throws RuntimeException
    • getUpdated

      Timestamp getUpdated()
      Get Updated. Date this record was updated
    • getUpdatedBy

      int getUpdatedBy()
      Get Updated By. User who updated this records