Class ZkCssHelper


public final class ZkCssHelper extends Object
Utility function to support ZK functions.

Provides functions for manipulating the CSS style of ZK components.

Andrew Kimball
  • Field Details


      public static final String STYLE_TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT
      Left text alignment CSS style property and value.
      See Also:

      public static final String STYLE_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT
      Right text alignment CSS style property and value.
      See Also:

      public static final String STYLE_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER
      Centre text alignment CSS style property and value.
      See Also:

      public static final String STYLE_COLOR
      CSS style property for color.
      See Also:

      public static final String STYLE_BACKGROUND_COLOR
      CSS style property for background color.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • createHexColorString

      public static String createHexColorString(Color color)
      Create hex string color code from the RGB components of Color.
      The returned string is suitable for using in CSS styles.
      color - Color
      Hex string color code of the colour's RGB components.
    • appendStyle

      public static void appendStyle(org.zkoss.zk.ui.HtmlBasedComponent component, String style)
      Adds a new CSS style to component.
      The ";" prefix is not required.
      component - the HTML based ZK component whose CSS style is to be modified
      style - CSS style string to append to current style
    • appendStyleColor

      public static void appendStyleColor(org.zkoss.zk.ui.HtmlBasedComponent component, Color color)
      Adds a CSS color style to component.

      The current style of the component is retained.

      component - the HTML based ZK component whose CSS style is to be modified
      color - the color to be set
      See Also:
    • setStyleColor

      public static void setStyleColor(org.zkoss.zk.ui.HtmlBasedComponent component, Color color)
      Sets CSS color style for component.

      Current style of component will be replaced.

      component - the HTML based ZK component whose CSS style is to be modified
      color - the color to be set
      See Also:
    • appendStyleBackgroundColor

      public static void appendStyleBackgroundColor(org.zkoss.zk.ui.HtmlBasedComponent component, Color color)
      Adds a CSS background color style to component.

      The current style of the component is retained.

      component - the HTML based ZK component whose CSS style is to be modified
      color - the color to be set
      See Also:
    • setStyleBackgroundColor

      public static void setStyleBackgroundColor(org.zkoss.zk.ui.HtmlBasedComponent component, Color color)
      Sets CSS background color style for component.

      Current style of component will be replaced.

      component - the HTML based ZK component whose CSS style is to be modified
      color - the color to be set
      See Also: