Uses of Package

Packages that use org.compiere.model
Provide interface and default implementation of iDempiere core services (model factory, callout factory, etc)
Provide interface and classes for working with and handling different types of OSGi events
Provide classes and annotation for OSGi event handling.
Provide method annotations for handling of document action and posting events
Provide interface and classes for single sign on support.
Provide interface and classes for external upload support.
Provide exception classes
Provide classes for import and export of data using csv or excel format
One of the package that provide extended model class for iDempiere core tables.
Provide generic PO implementation that doesn't use generated model class.
Provide interface for tax provider, shipment processor, zoom provider and address validation.
Provide iDempiere model interface (I_*) wrapper for PO and GridTab.
Provide implementation of order promotion rule and zoom across targets.
Provide implementation of print data export to excel format.
One of the package that provide implementation of iDempiere core processes.
Provide utility and helper classes.
Provide server context implementation.
Provide classes for generation of model and interfaces for table.
Provide classes for initialization and entry point to iDempiere web client.
Provide entry point for access to UI extensions.
Provide viewer for accounting posting (Fact_Acct)
Provide interface and classes for AD window implementation (AD_Window,AD_Tab and AD_Field)
Provide process, drill assistant, feedback request and callout dialog implementation.
Provide global search and label search component.
Provide implementation of iDempiere form.
Provide class and interface for chart (AD_Chart), performance indicator (PA_Goal) and document status indicator (PA_DocumentStatus) implementation.
Value object class for chart and performance indicator
Custom Zk components for iDempiere
Implementation of desktop dashboard and dashboard gadgets.
Provide interface and classes for implementation of iDempiere desktop
Implement field editors
Provide interface and classes for handling of UI and model event
Provide factory implementation for various UI objects
Implement quick entry form for field
Implement info panel and info window
Provide implementation of AD_Form window, info panel, help controller, tab editor form, some custom panel, dialog and window.
Provide some iDempiere process and process parameter listener implementation
Provide editor implementation for scheduler state (DisplayType.SchedulerState)
Session and context management
Provide utility (static methods) classes, process factory and server push template
Provide implementation of various system dialog and windows
Provide class for startup, system info and global thread pool.
Provide classes for posting of accounting document to the fact table (MFactAcct.
Base class and interface for process controller, process parameter controller and status bar
Base classes for UI form.
Provide interface and classes for DB integration.
Provide interface and classes for table partitioning support
Base class for Create From and Payment Capture form
Provide import implementation for AD_ImpFormat and AD_ImpFormat_Row.
Provide bank statement loading and matching integration support.
Interface and model for list view
This is the package that contains the majority of iDempiere's generated model class and interface.
Provide majority of iDempiere's extended model class (M*).
Reporting interface
Provide layout and element implementation for iDempiere reporting engine
Provide classes and interface for iDempiere process.
Provide implementation for iDempiere financial report writer
Provide utility classes for text file processing
Provide implementation for conversion of amount to word.
Provide cache, server log, JDBC interface, field display/data type, transaction, email, INI properties, security key store, encryption and environment context implementation.
Provide iDempiere workflow engine implementation
Provide extended and generated model class and interface for tables.
Provide interface and classes for thread safe PO cache implementation
Provide callout, mapped model factory and process parameter interface
Provide interface and classes for custom report header and footer
Provide interface and classes for report engine content rendering service
Provide mapped process factory implementation.
Provide classes for some iDempiere process.
Interface for media viewer