Interface IMFAMechanism

public interface IMFAMechanism
Interface for multi-factor authentication
  • Method Details

    • register

      Object[] register(Properties ctx, MMFAMethod method, String prm, String trxName)
      Registration mechanism for the method. Here the registration method executes the actions expected for this method, like sending an email, or an SMS, or nothing and creates the registration record.
      ctx -
      method -
      prm - optional, for example the email
      trxName -
      Object[] - first object is the String with the instructions to follow.
      second object is the registration generated.
      third and posterior objects are optional additional information for the method like QRCode image for example, or html img object, or URL, or File.
    • complete

      String complete(Properties ctx, MMFARegistration reg, String code, String name, boolean preferred, String trxName)
      Complete/Validate a previous registration. Here it must check for validity of the mechanism, mark the record as valid or throw exception when not valid.
      ctx -
      reg - The registration object
      code - The code to be validated
      name - Optional - a name to assign the registration
      preferred -
      trxName -
      msg A message indicating success, errors throw exception
    • generateValidationCode

      String generateValidationCode(MMFARegistration reg)
      Generate a validation code (when needed depending on the method)
      reg -
      validation code
    • validateCode

      String validateCode(MMFARegistration reg, String code, boolean setPreferred)
      Validate a code
      reg -
      code -
      setPreferred -
      message on error, null when OK