Package org.adempiere.webui.adwindow
package org.adempiere.webui.adwindow
ClassDescriptionAbstract base class for header+details AD_Tabs UI for AD_Window.Abstract model class for the content of AD Window (toolbar+breadcrumb+tabs+statusbar).Tab to maintain Order/SequenceUI for an AD_Tab content (AD_Tab + AD_Fields).Tree panel for AD_Tab with HasTree=YUI part for AD_WindowContent area of
.Vlayout subclass to override onPageDetached.Toolbar of AD_WindowBread crumb component for AD WindowLink component forBreadCrumb
Header and detail UI for AD_Tabs.Detail panel that display the child tabs of a parentADTabpanel
implementation for DetailPane.List model forGridTable
Row renderer for GridTab grid.Grid/List view implemented using the Grid component.Interface for header+details AD_Tabs UI for AD_Window.Interface for AD_Tab UI (with all the AD_Fields definition)Interface for container that host one or more field editorsRow renderer for Quick GridTab grid (Base onGridTabRowRenderer
)Quick Grid view implemented using the Grid component (Base onGridView
).Status bar component of AD Window.Model for AD_ToolBarButton with IsCustomization=YModel for AD_ToolBarButton with AD_Process_ID > 0