Annotation Interface Parameter

@Target(FIELD) @Retention(RUNTIME) public @interface Parameter
Tags a process class field as a process parameter in order to have its value set automatically.
Class fields are matched against process parameters using the following heuristics:
[1] If the parameter annotation has a name, then it must match exactly the process parameter metadata definition. For example:
@Parameter(name="C_BPartner_ID") int foo will fill foo with the value of the parameter named C_BPartner_ID.
[2] Class fields with the p_ prefix will be matched automatically. Example:
@Parameter Integer p_C_BPartner_ID will match a parameter named C_BPartner_ID.
[3] Fields with their names matching metadata names after stripping the "_" character. Example: @Parameter Integer cBPartnerId will match a parameter named C_BPartner_ID.
[4] Fields with their names matching exactly their metadata names. Example: @Parameter Integer C_BPartner_ID will match a parameter named C_BPartner_ID.
Saulo Gil
See Also:
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    Optional parameter name matching its metadata definition.